Chapter 76 Don’t Let Me Down
“Instructor Wu?”
The teaching assistant’s voice rose slightly, Wu Wen Yue suppressed her panic, scowled, and reprimanded in a cold voice, “In here, put away your bossy temper, and if you cause trouble again, you won’t just be locked up in the small black house!”
She warned, “There are more punishments to make you well-behaved and they are waiting for you to experience them!”
In the penetrating cold wind, An Xia smiled arrogantly, “I’ll be looking forward to them, don’t disappoint me.”
Wu Wen Yue’s heart suddenly burst into panic as her line of sight collided with An Xia’s head-on. The creepy chillness scuttled into her back, and rushed into her forehead. Even after An Xia walked away, the chill did not dissipate.
Song Family
Mrs. Song clenched the phone tightly, the joints of her phalanges were so tight till they turned white. Three minutes later, Mrs. Song slammed her phone against the quilt, breathed deeply and quenched her anger.
An Xia isn’t dead!
The useless peeple sent by her elder brother were defeated again!
Why did the Ai Family support so many useless people!
After a while, she picked up the phone again and dialed out a set of phone numbers.
A few seconds later, when her mobile phone was connected, Mrs. Song sobbed, “Brother, is there no one in the Ai Family? You sent out four useless people to me. Yan Yan is gone, and her incompetent mother is unable to avenge her “
Ai Ting Ze, the head of the Ai family, has just finished working out. He had just turned forty and had been exercising all year round. His sturdy figure was maintained like a young man in his early twenties.
While wiping his sweat with a towel, he replied in a deep voice, “Why do you say that four bodyguards who have been trained abroad for two years were useless?”
“Don’t worry, they will get things done. You can wait for their good news in peace.”
“What do you mean by good news? After they went in last night, they didn’t return all night, and they lost contact with me.” Mrs. Song complained, very dissatisfied with the four men’s ability to do things, “I don’t believe that the four of them can help me get things done. Brother, can’t you send me some better bodyguards?”
Ai Ting Ze’s stern face was already cold like water.
With their skill, the four people he sent to take care of a little girl was a very simple matter.
Since they didn’t return overnight, and lost contact, something must have happened to them!
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Until noon, there was no successful contact, Ai Ting Ze had already affirmed that the four of them must have met with mishap.
Mrs. Song still didn’t believe that the four of them had met with mishap. “It’s impossible that they met with mishap. If they are alive, I want to see them. If they are dead, I want to see their corpses.  All the people I arranged went in to confirm, and there was nothing!”
“It’s obvious they did not do their job well. They were probably afraid that you’d punish them and ran away!”
Only allowed on
She didn’t believe that An Xia was that good, until even the killers sent by the Ai Family could easily be taken care of.
Ai Ting Ze pinched his eyebrows, his patience gradually disappeared, and he asked fiercely, “Are you hiding something from me? Ai Jing Hua, I will give you a minute to think about it, you’d better think clearly before answering me!”
Brothers and sisters should help each other, but if the other party deliberately concealed something, then don’t blame him for being a ruthless brother.
A minute later, Mrs. Song had to clarify her resentment with An Xia.
Ai Ting Ze was furious when he heard, “If she was really just an ordinary girl, with Song Zheng Wei’s vicious and merciless ways, would he still be so careful?”
“You stay at home! I’ll take care of things!”
The four men must have been taken care of and their corpses no longer found, indicating that someone in the juvenile detention center must have helped her clean up the mess.
How dare she kill someone from the Ai Family. Ai Ting Ze’s fierce expression turned cold. His five fingers tightened around a wine glass, and it burst in his hand.
She was really looking for death!