Chapter 75 An Xia, You Won
Cheng Ming’s voice came closer and closer. However, the two, who were standing at the door of the small black house, were so headstrong that they did not move at all.
One was waiting for an answer.
And the other was waiting to go inside.
Mu Chen Yuan’s thin lips were pursed and there was a hint of frustration, but in the end, he compromised first.
He replied in a low voice, “As long as there are no problems with you, we will not hurt you.”
Not only will we not hurt you, but we will also find ways to rope you in.
Mu Chen Yuan looked at the four corpses brought out. An Xia’s coldness was beyond their imagination.
But there was no way to accuse her of being wrong.
It was these people who took the initiative to provoke her, so how could she be said to be in the wrong.
“On the other hand, if I have a problem. You will eliminate them immediately, right?” Although An Xia was not satisfied with his answer, it was really rare to be able to pry out a tiny bit of information from his impenetrable mouth.
It was a very honest answer.
There was an old saying in Country Xia, and it was also a saying that her mother would always tell her countless times: Always stay cautious, and long-term development can be achieved.
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With thousands of years of history in Country Xia, no matter how the times change, people of Country Xia were still very careful.
Very good.
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One should never intend to do harm to others, but should always guard against the harm others might do to them.
Mu Chen Yuan stared for a while before nodding slightly, indicating that An Xia was right.
“Okay, at least now I know.” An Xia took a deep look at him before turning around and returning to the small black house. Before closing the door, she threw the key to him and said calmly, “Thank you.”
After receiving the key, the angular lock piece was pressed in his palm, and then the lock was re-locked.
The fingerprints on the lock were wiped clean and the footprints on the ground were swept one by one. The snow rustled under his feet, and the sound was heard by Wu Wen Yue.
Without getting closer, she continued to stall Cheng Ming until the small black house returned to silence.
The shadows of the trees swirled, and the branches stretched their teeth and claws like demons. The cold wind blew, and another night passed.
Early the next morning, Wu Wen Yue stepped on the thick snow and stood in front of the iron gate of the small black house.
Taking a deep breath in the cold morning breeze, she asked the teaching assistant to open the iron door.
The door opened, and the smell of blood was so strong that it was nauseating.
The teaching assistant’s face changed slightly, and he shouted, “An Xia!”
He thought something had happened to An Xia.
There were always many problematic youths who committed suicide in the small black house every year.
Wu Wen Yue raised her hand and pretended to wave off the bloody smell, and concealed the smile that appeared in her eyes. It was cold, perverted, and mean.
The scum of society need no pity.
“Planning to let me go now?” A unique cold voice came lazily from the corner, the smile in Wu Wen Yue’s eyes instantly dimmed, and she suddenly looked ahead.
She saw An Xia stepping out of the darkness and into the light that shone diagonally into the house from the door.
How is she still alive?
Wu Wen Yue was so shocked that she stared at An Xia for a long time.
If she was still alive, why was there a bloody smell in the small black house?
Could it be that something happened to the four men who were sent last night?
Was it their blood?
For a second, Wu Wen Yue almost rushed into the small black house, but she quickly restrained her impulse.
She had to at least wait until An Xia left before she could go in and see.
The teaching assistant breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a stern face, “If I see you causing trouble next time, you will be locked up for at least five days! Since you are now in the juvenile detention center, you should learn how to behave like a person, otherwise, you will suffer.”
He turned to the side and asked Wu Wen Yue, “Instructor Wu, should I let her go out now?”
Wu Wen Yue did not answer, but looked sharply at An Xia, trying to obtain any information from her face.
However, An Xia stood in front of her cleanly.
Her palm-sized face was white and beautiful, and her narrow eyes were cold and calm like an ancient well.
Realizing that An Xia was looking at her, Instructor Wu raised her eyes inadvertently, and a chillness swept through them. The girl’s smile knowingly made her tremble.
It seemed that An Xia knew it was her doing.