Chapter 74 Mu Chen Yuan, What Are You Going To Do?
After a brief surprise, Mu Chen Yuan heard the sound of something heavy hitting the ground, and he heard a suppressed scream from a man’s throat.
It was deep and smothered, because someone was covering his mouth and nose to prevent his voice from being too loud.
An Xia had taken care of the last man.
She was skilled, and even more ruthless.
An Xia!
Just who are you?
The door finally opened and the smell of blood overwhelmed Mu Chen Yuan, causing him to stop breathing temporarily before exhaling slowly again. He looked deeply at An Xia, who opened the door, “Are they all dead?”
He asked.
An Xia raised her eyebrows, “What? Do you still need to keep them alive?”
They had attempted to murder her and he still needed to keep them alive?
“Do you know who they are?” Mu Chen Yuan walked in, and then closed the iron door until only a small gap was left. “Or, you just killed them without asking who they were?”
Without the flow of fresh air, the small black house was enveloped by the smell of blood. Mu Chen Yuan quietly looked at An Xia, who was close in front of him, but could not see her figure, but only smelled her faint breathing sounds.
An Xia couldn’t see him either, she could only feel that his sharp, cold gaze had been locked on her face, motionless, as if he could see her clearly in the dark.
“There’s no need to ask, if they didn’t succeed the first time, naturally there would be a second time.” An Xia replied. In the dark, her black eyes were stained with a touch of cold, so ruthless that she was not like a living person, but an emotionless machine. “I’m waiting for them to come and die again.”
Mu Chen Yuan didn’t speak for a long time, standing still silently, as if he had been swallowed by darkness.
With a few jackdaws outside, Mu Chen Yuan slowly clenched his fingers, his cold eyes sinking like a bottomless well. Inside, the well water was surging, “Let’s move them out first.”
Was he helping her?
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An Xia was puzzled. Her clear pupils stared at the opened iron door, and saw Mu Chen Yuan’s figure, “What are you guys planning?”
One moment, they were monitoring her, and in another, they were helping her. What were they planning?
“Handle it as soon as possible, Cheng Ming won’t be able to stall for long.” Mu Chen Yuan began to clean up the scene. This kind of thing was not difficult for the soldiers.
An Xia didn’t move, her frowned eyebrows stared at the busy figure, until his sharp gaze looked at her again, then only An Xia moved.
The mess in the small black house was easy to deal with, but the four men who were carried out were not as easy.
“It seems, we should keep them here.” An Xia stood in the snow, rubbing her feet in the thick snow, “Moving them out might be a problem.”
Mu Chen Yuan grabbed some snow and rubbed it against his fingers before looking at An Xia head to toe. He retracted his gaze, and said indifferently, “I’ll deal with it, you…”
Interrupting himself, he took out two eggs from his pocket, and passed a bottle of milk, “I will find a way to release you as soon as possible.”
Not only did he help her, but he also brought her food. An Xia accepted and took the food, and repeatedly asked, “What are you actually planning? Or is it you can’t tell me?”
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People from Country Xia were always so mysterious in their affairs, and it would take a lot of brain cells to guess their intentions.
Couldn’t they be more direct?
From a distance, Cheng Ming’s voice was heard. It was not too loud or too soft, but just enough for the two of them to hear.