Chapter 73 She Was Enough
The commander-in-chief of the Imperial Domain, An Xia, a generation of God of War, and the Almighty Lord, marched and strangled soldiers during the day, and eliminated assassinations at night. They were all not difficult for her.
She prefered killing the enemy at night rather than fighting during the day.
Her enemies needed light. She wanted to deal with them stealthily, and exit silently. It made her blood boil in excitement.
Simply by their breathing, she could accurately determine where the four men who were in the small black house were even without a gleam of light.
Outside the small black house, Instructor Wu stopped Cheng Ming and asked in a deep voice, “Teaching Assistant Cheng, why aren’t you asleep? What are you doing here?”
She was a little flustered, and asked in a stern voice, trying to make Cheng Ming retreat.
Cheng Ming yawned and replied, “I just went to the bathroom and found that someone seemed to be coming towards the abandoned building. I was afraid that it was a student in the school, so I came to take a look.”
Only allowed on
“You must be confused, I’m the one who is patrolling here.” Instructor Wu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and her voice was not as tense as before. “Teaching Assistant Cheng, you should go back to the dormitory to sleep. I will call the other instructors if something happens. “
Instructor Wu had to send Cheng Ming away quickly, in case there were obvious movements from the small black house, but…
Just when she thought about it, a “clatter” sound slamming on the door came from the small black house. In the middle of the night, the sound was so loud and abrupt that Instructor Wu’s heartbeat skipped half a beat.
Cheng Ming’s expression changed, his gaze crossed Instructor Wu’s shoulders and looked towards the abandoned building before asking with a serious face, “It seems something is happening inside. Instructor Wu, is someone locked up in the small black house? Quickly, let’s go over and take a look.”
“No…no need…” Instructor Wu hurriedly stretched out her hand to stop him, with a flustered expression, “I locked up a disobedient chap, it’s nothing.”
“Let’s still go and check it out. I heard that people often run into the wall in the small black house. It was so loud just now, hopefully it’s not…” Cheng Ming said, his footsteps moving forward, which panicked Instructor Wu till she grabbed Cheng Ming and attempted to drag him away.
“There’s a really bad girl inside. She is a victim of drug addiction.” He pulled Cheng Ming forward, in a hurried tone, “I just checked on her and she’s too addicted, to a point she took off all her clothes. Teaching Assistant Cheng, you are a man, so it’s not convenient to go see.”
Cheng Ming was pushed away by her, he turned his head to look back from time to time, with an uneasy look, “Really? Don’t you want to check on her? Are you sure nothing will happen? Instructor Wu, why don’t you go inside, and I’ll keep watch outside.”
“No need, no need. How about you accompany me to check the other side?”
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“Ah, all right…”
Their voices gradually became softer, and the two of them moved further away from the black house.
Mu Chen Yuan stood at the iron door of the small black house, and in the wind, his cold voice came through, “An Xia.”
Inside, the fight was intense, and he couldn’t get in without the key.
An Xia stepped onto the wall with one foot, like a swallow she soared into the air and kicked, striking a man’s head with her right leg, and knocking him out to the ground with blood pouring out of his mouth and ears.
She retracted her leg and replied faintly, “I’m okay.”
Smoothly and steadily, like a river frozen in winter. Her voice seemed faint, but in fact it was bitterly cold.
“Open the door.”
The iron lock fell to the ground, but the iron door could not be opened, because there was an iron tip inside to prevent anyone from entering.
An Xia twisted her brows slightly, and refused, “No need, there is only one left.”
Five minutes had passed, and only one of the four men remained.
Since they had sent out men to assassinate her, they should have sent a few top-notch assassins. Instead, they sent a few nameless subordinates. They were really looking down on her!
At the door, Mu Chen Yuan stopped pushing.
Only one left?
The other three were all dealt with?