Chapter 70: His Body Trusted Her More Than His Brain Did
Escort her personally?
Mu Chen Yuan glanced at the three-storey abandoned old building and frowned a little.
That was a coincidence, he wasn’t thinking of sending her to the small black house.
“Cheng Ming and I won’t be here for too long, 15 days at most,” Mu Chen Yuan said finally. “Be careful after that.”
The general had instructed that they investigate her thoroughly within a week.
He asked for another week, just in case there was a small problem, for example: General Xia Hou would have wanted him to stay for a few more days.
An Xia made a sound of acknowledgement and stepped forward. She noticed that Mu Chen Yuan remained in his current position and turned back, “Is that it?”
Her tone indicated that she didn’t believe it.
He walked all the way here just to say this?
Mu Chen Yuan nodded and answered her seriously, “That’s it.”
In the coming 10 days, he wanted to see if she could figure out which trainer and assistant trainer was paid by the Song family.
They stared at each other for a moment. An Xia wanted to make sure he really had nothing else to say. She suppressed the anger that was slowly rising and smiled, “Watch over me well, and don’t slack off.”
No matter how long the soldiers from Country Xia wanted to watch her and how they investigated, she was in fact the oldest daughter of the An family, a girl born and bred in Xuancheng City. They wouldn’t be able to discover anything else no matter how much they investigated.
Since Megrez and the others did not leave a trace after what happened in the An family, they only had their suspicions to go by. There was no way the Lord of the Imperial Domain would leave any trace if she wanted to do something.
The small door to the small black house had opened. On the outside, two assistant trainers were waiting for her. The abandoned building had no lights, there were withered plants around as the cold wind blew. The atmosphere was gloomy and foreboding.
Mu Chen Yuan watched her silently as she walked towards the abandoned building. His handsome face looked calm but deep down, he was slightly concerned.
He didn’t believe that there was nothing wrong with her. However, everytime he was around her he felt a sense of familiarity which made him trust her more every time they met.
Even though he saw that there was anger in her eyes when she asked him if there was anything else, he felt physically at ease. His body trusted her more than his brain did.
This feeling…
Mu Chen Yuan turned around and tensed his slender body. He didn’t like it.
Why would he trust someone who obviously had something to hide?
Just what was wrong??
“Raise your hand!”
That was a fierce order from an assistant trainer behind him. Mu Chen Yuan paused, resisting the urge to turn back and immediately left.
Private hospital
Mrs. Song held a knife tightly in her hands and glared fiercely at the four men who were standing beside her bed, “How could four men lose a person, had my brother raised four pieces of trash!”
She was furious!
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Extremely furious!
She thought that they could get An Xia the little bitch before she went into the juvenile detention center so that she could force her to kowtow to her daughter Yan Yan. She thought they could do it and was waiting eagerly.
At the end, they came back after two days and told her that they lost that bitch!
A bunch of trash!
None of them responded to the scolding.
Mr. Ai had sent them over to help her get rid of the oldest daughter of the An family. Not only had they not done that, they couldn’t even find the person.
“Now that she is in the detention center, think of a way to get in!” Mrs. Song did not trust that Song Zheng Wei would avenge their daughter, she could only do it herself. She would only be satisfied when she witnessed An Xia’s death.
“Three days, I am giving you three days. If you don’t bring that bitch back in three days, you can think about how to face my brother!”