Chapter 71 Approaching Killing Intent
At night, the cold wind wailed, like an unwillingly defeated warspirit on the ancient battlefield, trembling and sad.
Cheng Ming closed the windows that were open during the day, and then opened the curtains. The orange halo of the small table lamp clearly reflected the anxiety on Cheng Ming’s face.
Three days, An Xia had been sent to the little black house for three days, and no one knew whether she was alive or dead.
Cheng Ming was anxious till he ran around in circles. “What should we do? What should we do, captain? We can’t even get close. Those bastards are obviously trying to keep Miss An locked up.”
“If I knew she would be locked up for such a long time, I should have given Miss An a few more meat buns! Captain, please think of a solution. If you don’t do anything, I’m afraid something will happen to Miss An.”
Who would have thought that An Xia would be locked up in the small black house for 3 days  instead of 1 day.
The other 3 girls were not even punished to enter the small black house!
Mu Chen Yuan closed his eyes and rested half leaning on the single bed. Compared with Cheng Ming’s anxiety, he looked particularly cold, as if Cheng Ming was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.
Cheng Ming stood by the bed, his gaze fell on his face, and his voice was tense and tightened. “Say something, don’t tell me you are just going to watch? Are you really going to ignore it?”
He still did not make Mu Chen Yuan open his eyes as his breathing remained shallow and long.
Cheng Ming couldn’t help being more anxious, and he simply leaned forward to see what his captain was thinking. As soon as his gaze fell on Mu Chen Yuan’s face, Cheng Ming breathed.
Cheng Ming no longer made any sound, and the room was so quiet that none of them seemed to be breathing.
Mu Chen Yuan, who was leaning on his side, was partially covered by shadow, and his thin lips, which were usually slightly pressed, were pressed tightly even more at this time, making his immaculate beauty more domineering and cold.
It was not that he wasn’t aware.
Cheng Ming slowly stood up straight, turned around, and sat on the single bed opposite to his captain.
He and the captain share a room with a lot of space. Even with the both of them living together, the room was still spacious and empty.
Like during the meeting, they sat upright and waited quietly.
“They’re waiting for An Xia to be weak.”
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Finally, Mu Chen Yuan spoke coldly. His eyes opened, and were dark and bottomless, “They are waiting, and so are we.”
The captain’s voice was so cold that when Cheng Ming asked, his throat became congested and a little hoarse, “How long will we have to wait?”
“Until somebody goes to the small black house.”
“How do we know someone will go?” Cheng Ming pressed his voice, and in a low and soft tone, the ruthlessness that belonged to the soldier came out. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.
“Captain, last night…”
He turned off the lamp, rushed to the window, and stood where Mu Chen Yuan had stood. There was a smile on Cheng Ming.
Only allowed on
At the end of his line of sight, he could see the black house where Miss An was locked up.
Putting down the curtains, in the dark room, he smiled softly, “No wonder you are not worried, you started keeping an eye on it a long time ago. Captain, did you keep an eye on it until late last night? I’ll take over tonight, I’ll keep an eye on it. “
“Yeah.” Mu Chen Yuan replied, “Turn on the light.”
“Okay!” Cheng Ming tiptoed and walked to the desk and turned on the lamp. Illuminated by the light, Cheng Ming’s eyebrows and smiles were profound, the anxiety just now was no longer seen.
He was relieved now.
It was not that the captain didn’t care. Instead, he was already aware.
As long as he was aware, then it’s fine. Since Miss An has the captain to protect her, nothing would happen to her.