Chapter 69: Invitation From Mu Chen Yuan
All was good, why did he have to be punished?
Cheng Ming wanted to cry, he argued, “Captain, I don’t want to.”
Being banished to the small black house on his first day, how embarrassing!
Mu Chen Yuan looked at him and did not say anything. Tears gleamed in Cheng Ming’s eyes, the look from him said everything. If he refused to go he would deal with him after Autumn. All the members of “The Broken Wolf” were most afraid of the punishment after Autumn.
An Xia did not interject, she kept eating the buns and drinking the milk. The sight of her enjoying the meal comforted Cheng Ming to a certain extent.
He held back his tears and asked eagerly, “it’s good, isn’t it?”
“The milk is good, but the buns were cold,” An Xia finished the milk in one gulp. She had never drunk milk produced by an assembly line. Besides, it was children’s milk, the taste was indeed not bad.
Cheng Ming wiped away the sadness of going to the small black house and said cheerfully, “I’ll buy you another one next time, the buns can’t be heated up, so it can’t be helped.”
Mu Chen Yuan did not interrupt him this time, but…
He grabbed the empty milk carton from An Xia, raised his long arm and tossed lightly. The carton followed the trajectory of a perfect parabola in the air and fell into the recycling can by the side.
An Xia looked at her empty right hand and lifted her head to look at the young man who was almost a head taller than her. The soft light highlighted his flawless profile — a tall nose, thin lips and sharp brows which looked intimidating.
He was lonesome but handsome. The combination of his cold and handsome features created a forbidden lust that threatened to tear him apart.
An Xia slowly retracted her right hand that was stained with milk and lowered her gaze. If she was to look at him any longer, it would dissolve the displeasure she still had with him.
It was hard to stay angry at a good-looking person.
“Time to go,” Mu Chen Yuan looked at her silently with a cold gaze, as though he would keep looking at her if she refused.
An Xia raised her eyebrows slightly and replied calmly, “okay.”
Country Xia had a broad and profound culture, luckily she had mastered it. Otherwise, she wouldn’t know how to respond.
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The two of them started walking at the same time without indicating where or which direction. Somehow they were heading in the same direction, as though they had discussed it beforehand.
As for Cheng Miing who was still standing in place, “…”
Only allowed on
He opened and closed his mouth a few times. Did they just abandon him?
Also, Miss An couldn’t just leave like that after accepting the food he gave her. That would be so trashy.
Miss “Trashy” An took a few steps but turned back suddenly. Apologetically, she said to Cheng Ming, “Thank you.”
If it weren’t for the man beside her, she wouldn’t have forgotten to thank him.
“Hehe, you’re welcome,” Cheng Ming was happy again. General Xia Hou had told him to make it up to her if the captain didn’t treat her well enough.
He would definitely do so. Miss An was not as bad as how the team described. In fact, she was rather friendly.
The path taken by An Xia left multiple footprints. The footsteps made a crunching sound along the way. The pace was calm and consistent, as though she was walking alone.
She did not say anything, waiting silently for Mu Chen Yuan to do so.
But they were fast approaching the small black house and Mu Chen Yuan still hadn’t said anything.
Was he afraid that she would escape so he had to escort her?
The gaze in her long narrow eyes became cold, “I can go in on my own, there’s no need for you to escort me.”