Chapter 6: Who Are You
With bloodshot eyes, Song Zheng Wei clenched his cheeks and set forth all of a sudden. He grabbed a special-made sharp steel baton from one of the bodyguards and thrusted straight towards An Xia at a lighting speed.
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An Xia must be the one who murdered my daughter!
Song Zheng Wei channeled all his griefs into the steel baton he was holding. He had decided to avenge his daughter!
The steel baton fiercely pierced into the shoulder of one of the bodyguards, and blood splattered onto An Xia’s face.
She had used the bodyguard as a human shield to protect herself from Song Zheng Wei’s attack.
Who knew that the men from Country Xia were somewhat skilled?
Too bad, he wanted to finish her just by knowing a thing or two?
Dream on!
In her previous life, there were many who had planned to assassinate her.
She had experienced numerous assassinations throughout the year.
It would be nearly impossible to kill her.
The smell of blood that she was so familiar with, An Xia’s deep and cold eyes were bright like starlight.
Her adrenaline rose and blood boiled in her body, it was as if she had returned to the battlefield all over again.
As quick as a phantom, An Xia appeared right in front of Song Zheng Wei.
She was so ridiculously quick that it wasn’t even normal.
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The bodyguards protecting Song Zheng Wei didn’t even have the time to react. The steel baton that Song Zheng Wei was holding in his right hand fell into An Xia’s hand in the blink of an eye.
His right hand was now peculiarly twisted, and the cold and sharp steel baton was held to his forehead.
His pupils constricted, staring at An Xia dreadfully.
Song’s bodyguards were the top finest bodyguards who had received special training. They were so strong that they could even trade a few blows with the soldiers from the imperial domain.
But at this moment, they didn’t have a chance to protect their master from an ordinary young woman.
Song Zheng Wei felt agitated but tried to keep his cool, “An Xia, have you thought about the consequences of killing me?”
“I’ve never thought about it. Why don’t we try?” An Xia asked rhetorically, she didn’t even give the slightest care about Song Zheng Wei
As the commander-in-chief of five states and five families, only the ‘Mu’ family from Country Xia brought attention to her.
Song Zheng Wei didn’t want her to try. He was also not confident enough to get away from An Xia.
However, his daughter was killed.
“Miss An, it was you who killed my daughter first, I…”
“Head Song”, An Xia bluntly interrupted and ridiculed. “Are you blind? Do you need help cleaning your eyeballs? It was your daughter who tried to kill me first, but she was too weak, so I ended up killing her.
Perhaps staying in the special unit for too long had made An Xia so used to speaking in a cold and sarcastic tone.
Right at that moment, three flying knives were thrown by a bodyguard next to Mother Song as a desperate attempt to protect his master.
An Xia’s right hand held the steel baton between Song Zheng Wei’s brows, while she gently raised her left arm that was holding onto a steel pipe. No one knew how she did it, but all three flying knives were successfully blocked by her.
The steel pipe blocked the flying knives and made an ear-splitting noise from the friction.
“Clang! Clang! Clang! “
In an instant, the flying knives that were blocked hit the arms of the three bodyguards nearby Song Zheng Wei.
She was quick, accurate, ruthless, and almost invincible!
“All the bad blood between the Song Family and I has been cleared, or does Head Song still want to continue?” Retracting the steel baton, An Xia asked Song Zheng Wei with a cold grin, “Are you sure you have the capability to get revenge on me?”
Song Zheng Wei shuddered, and a chill rose from under his feet all the way up to his forehead. His back was covered with cold sweat.
The him tonight really didn’t have the capability to avenge his daughter.
At this moment, Mother Song screamed bitterly from behind him, “This can’t be right, you are not An Xia! Who are you? Who sent you here to kill my daughter?”