Chapter 5: The Sky Had Collapsed
Mother Song found it even more hard to believe. To think there was someone who did not fear the Song family, and even killed her daughter right in front of her.
“Ahhhhhhhh! My Yan Yan!” Mother Song, who had always remained calm, suddenly went mad. Her entire body trembled as she shouted, “My Yan Yan! My precious baby!! What are the rest of you standing around for! Go save our Missy!”
An Xia let go of the Song Yan Yan who could no longer do any more evil, and prepared herself against the bodyguards surrounding her.
Mother Song staggered up to her daughter and hugged her, “Yan Yan, Yan Yan, don’t frighten Mommy. Mommy’s here to save you, look at Mommy in the eyes.”
Song Yan Yan’s neck had been snapped, and she could no longer reply to her mother. Her eyes were wide open even when she died, unable to accept the fact that she had been killed.
Seeing no response from her daughter, it was as if the sky had collapsed onto her.
She shook her daughter madly and cried, “Yan Yan, don’t frighten Mommy, look at Mommy, Yan Yan! My Yan Yan!”
Now that her daughter was lost, Mother Song finally knew how painful it felt.
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“An Xia, you killed my daughter, you killed my daughter! I’ll make sure your family dies. I’ll kill you into a thousand pieces!”
In the warehouse, Mother Song’s cries resounded and she roared resentfully, “Kill her, kill her! I want her buried next to my daughter, I want her entire family buried next to my daughter!”
The Song family’s bodyguards raised their retractable steel batons and attacked as a group.
An Xia tackled a bodyguard and seized his baton before using it to sweep him onto the floor. She couldn’t care less for those who were unskilled!
An Xia still remained calm, and she even found the time to answer the grieving Mother Song, “Whether you beat the An family or kill them, it’s all up to you. But can you stop repeating it?”
All words and no action, just how many times did she have to repeat herself? Couldn’t she be swift and decisive?
For An Xia who was from the special unit, she was decisive and never wasted a breath on nonsense. She was one to keep her promise, and would never say the same things repeatedly.
An Xia’s attacks were with the intention to kill. Whenever she found an opportunity, she would grasp it firmly and attack.
The battlefield was never merciful. It’s either the enemy dies, or I die!
The body guards were not expecting a young woman who could fight. In that short moment, they became cautious and hesitant to attack.
It was a pity that none of them could land a blow on An Xia.
“Dadadadada.” Outside the warehouse, the sound of a helicopter could be heard. Mother Song carried her daughter outside and shouted, “Zheng Wei, Zheng Wei, you’ve got to save our daughter. Aaaaa! You’ve got to save her!!”
She wanted to carry her daughter all the way outside, but her daughter sank lifelessly onto the floor and couldn’t move. Mother Song tried again, but failed, and she cried madly, “Yan Yan!”
The sound travelled all the way to the ears of the man in power of the Song Corporate, Song Zheng Wei. That sorrowful cry almost made him stumble.
Something must’ve happened to his daughter!
To hold such a livestream tonight, he should’ve known that something would happen.
Who knew he’d be a step late.
Only allowed on
Song Zheng Wei rushed into the warehouse, and the scene which unfolded in front of him shocked him momentarily.
It was winter, yet there was a young woman in tattered clothes who single-handedly defeated his Song family’s trained bodyguards without any care about the cold.
Beside him was his wife carrying his daughter, her hair was dishevelled and she wasn’t graceful like before.
“Zheng Wei, Yan Yan, you’ve got to send Yan Yan to the hospital. Quickly, quickly!” Mrs Song had screamed until her voice turned hoarse.
Only then did Song Zheng Wei realize that something was wrong with his daughter. A thought suddenly smashed against his heart, a thought that could even shake the man who held power in the whole of Xuancheng.
His daughter was dead!