Chapter 7: Angry Yet Helpless
The young woman before them had a cold expression. She definitely wasn’t the An Xia who was sent to the ‘juvenile detention center’ for less than 3 days, bullied by problematic students and almost committed suicide by jumping off the building.
Could she really not be An Xia?
Song Zheng Wei’s fierce gaze quickly sized up An Xia.
His gaze fell onto the dark reddish mole at the side of An Xia’s earlobe and he confirmed that she was indeed An Xia.
The grieving Mrs Song’s eyes were red and she screamed with tears, “Zheng Wei, take her away! I don’t believe I cannot pry open her mouth! Yan Yan is dead, I want this b*tch to be buried together with her, I want everyone from the An Family to be buried together with her.”
No matter whether she was An Xia or not, Mrs Song wanted her dead and the An Family buried together with her daughter!!
Her daughter Yan Yan!!
Her daughter was still so young, yet she was killed by the An Family, and unable to enjoy her life to the fullest.
Only allowed on
Song Zheng Wei knew well that he could not take An Xia away now, let alone let An Xia be buried together with his daughter.
He was even sure that if he were to make a move tonight, he would probably be killed by An Xia.
He might not be able to bring An Xia away.
But he must regain the Song Family’s lost dignity.
Since  An Xia could not be dealt with for the time being, the An Family would have to give him an explanation!
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After taking a deep breath, Song Zheng Wei said coldly, “ It seems that Miss An was taught by her parents to disrespect the Song Family. I will find another time to speak with Old Mrs An. Hopefully by then, Miss An’s attitude will still be as firm as today.”
An Xia gave a sneer. “There are not many things that are of importance to me. That includes the Song Family. Thus, I will not bother to respect the Song Family.”
“I hope you can exterminate the An Family in 3 days.”
The disapproval on her face had the aura of a superior who gave orders, which made Mr Song feel that he was going to exterminate the An family based on her orders.
What annoyed him more was what she said about the Song Family.
That’s ridiculous!
What else could threaten her if she did not even care about the An Family?
Mrs Song fainted due to the anger.
As his daughter was killed and his wife had fainted, Song Zheng Wei no longer had any interest in staying.
With a gloomy face, he said, “Miss An, it’s getting late now, why don’t you go home first to see your crazy mother?”
After saying that, he carried Song Yan Yan’s almost stiff body and closed his eyes tightly, he squeezed out a word ‘go’ from his teeth before carrying Mrs Song who had fainted.
When he reached the entrance, Song Zheng Wei turned back and looked at the girl who drove him to his corrupt ways.
In the cold winter stood a thin young woman in tattered clothes who was proud and frightening.
Song Zheng Wei strode towards the helicopter with a murderous gaze.
If that young woman was not eliminated, she would surely become a disaster for the Song Family in the future!
Before boarding the helicopter, Song Zheng Wei coldly ordered his assistant, “Tell this matter to Old Mrs An, and inform her that if I do not receive a satisfactory explanation, the An Family will no longer exist in Xuancheng.”
Arrogant and unafraid of death, is she?
Could An Xia still remain arrogant if Old Mrs An gives her crazy biological mother to the Song Family to be disposed of in order to protect the An Family?
It’s either An Xia dies, or her biological mother dies. That is the choice between the two!
In the warehouse, An Xia’s ruthlessness was deep in her eyes.
The crazy mother who  Song Zheng Wei mentioned was An Xia’s biological mother “Ye Meng Wei”, who was also her only weakness now.
She would have to return to the An Family.
To meet the infamous Old Mrs An, who drove her daughter-in-law mad and gave her granddaughter as a ‘gift’ to Song Yan Yan.
And to also meet An Xia’s biological father – An Zi Qin, who abandoned his wife and daughter, and brought his mistress back to the An Family.