Chapter 4: Clean Up
How noisy. An Xia disliked hearing that. Song Yan Yan’s face might as well be pressed against the ground until it became as flat as a mirror.
The corner of her lips raised and she bluntly answered Mother Song, “I won’t be letting her go. As for the An family, you can deal with them however you please.”
What had the destruction of the An family had to do with her?
When the original host was young, her biggest wish was to ruin the An family when she grew up.
Since that was so, then it might as well be done right now.
The An family, Song family, and those disgusting audiences in the livestream, not a single one shall be spared.
When Mother Song heard that, even she with her vast experience was taken aback. Thereupon, she smiled coldly, “How naive, if the An family were finished, you’ll be finished too.”
It should be this Mrs Song who’s being too naive.
“You’re wrong. Even if the An family were finished, I’ll still survive. I can even tell you that the Song family will be finished too.”
An Xia replied without any hesitation. Mother Song could not help but to laugh coldly, “How arrogant of you! Did you think a little girl like you can do anything to our Song family? Miss An, you’re a dog given to us by your An family, do you know the outcome of a dog which bites the hands that feed it?”
Mother Song still remained calm.
She was certain that a young girl abandoned by her family did not have the ability to threaten her. She was even more than certain that dealing with her would be as simple as a flick of a hand.
Raising her hand slightly, the bodyguards that she brought along stood forward. They were tall, burly, and overbearing. One look and it was clear that they would be able to beat An Xia up into a pulp.
“Go, rescue our family’s Missy and teach that Miss An a lesson. Let her know what happens to a disobedient dog; where a dog gets beaten to death by its master.”
They were clearly looking down on An Xia.
Hearing that, Song Yan Yan seemed to have gotten back her arrogance, “B*tch, now you’re screwed. Haha…Aaaa…wuu…”
The calm An Xia swiftly dislocated her lower jaw.
It seemed small wounds on the skin weren’t effective.
After all, when she was in the special unit, their lightest punishment was dislocation of an arm or leg.
Mother Song’s expression became even more ugly.
Well done, very well done!
Injuring her precious daughter in front of her, this Miss An was really looking down on their Song family!
How dare a little girl dare to behave atrociously in front of their Song family. If they do not deal with her now, if word got out, their Song family would surely lose face!
Tonight, this girl must be punished and kneeled in front of her and her daughter to beg for forgiveness.
Only allowed on
Song Yan Yan was in so much pain that she couldn’t make a word. She could only mouth out the words she wanted to say, “Mom, mom, save me, I’m going to die, buwuuuu…”
Save her?
She did not deserve saving. Such a person deserved to be dead.
An Xia smiled slightly. With a dense bloodlust, she used both hands to grab Song Yan Yan’s head to snap her neck in front of her mother.
A knife flew straight past An Xia’s ear. They were sharp and dangerous, but they were toys An Xia used to play with in her previous life.
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Mother Song spoke ruthlessly, “Miss An, I dare you to touch my daughter again. Let’s see if you’re faster, or the knives sent flying at you by my bodyguards are faster!”
Flying knives?
So what?
An Xia sneered as the dense bloodlust around her thickened, “Then, try me!”
Song Yan Yan knew she was going to die. Looking at her mother with fear in her eyes, she mouthed, “Mom, save me…”
“Ka cha…” The defining sound of bones breaking was heard. Song Yan Yan, who found joy in torturing others, widened her eyes in shock as her insignificant life was handed over to An Xia.
Never did she imagine there would be a day when she would be the one to die instead.