Chapter 42 A Good Show
An Xia didn’t scare Old Mrs An. She had a must-do temper. She was silent, and she didn’t feel any regret for what she said or did.
An Xia had originally planned to put the An Family in order after coming out of the juvenile detention center, giving them another 3 months for them to enjoy themselves.
However, that was unnecessary now.
In 24 hours, she would turn the An Family to ruin!
An Yuan Ding’s refined appearance almost broke as he supported Old Mrs An, who was about to collapse, and looked at An Xia coldly. “That’s very arrogant of you. In 24 hours, I’d like to see if your life or the life of the An Family will not be good!”
He did not stay any longer, and he supported Old Mrs An who was having chest pains and left the hospital.
If she was unmoved by force or persuasion, then he had to use force against her.
Only allowed on
He would freeze all the bank cards on her to see what she would use to treat Ye Meng Wei.
In Bo Family’s Study.
Old Mr Bo slowly sipped his hot tea while listening to the report by a man. He twirled the beads in his hand, and his seemingly kind eyes narrowed, “Oh, that’s what she really said?”
“Yes master, those were her exact words.” The man in grey bowed his head, and took the celadon coloured tea cup from Old Mr Bo and refilled it with tea. “At that time, Mrs Song was also present.”
“She didn’t discover you?”
“Miss An kept talking to Third Mr An, she was unaware of her surroundings.” He and Mrs Song did not move too close to her. There were several wards between them. It was expected that Miss An did not discover him.
Old Mr Bo did not open his mouth to speak again. He slowly twisted the beads and seemed to be pondering on something. After a while, he said, “Keep watching her closely. Arrange some staff to be at the juvenile detention center as soon as possible.”
“The staff at the juvenile detention center has already been arranged, and Mr Song arranged some of his men to be staff at the juvenile detention center as well. He already gave the instructors inside a heads up. Looks like Miss An will have a hard time when she goes in.”
Have a hard time?
Old Mr Bo smiled and remained good-natured, “Young man, it’s not necessarily a bad thing for her to suffer more. You may leave now.”
“Yes Master.” The man in grey bowed and slowly retreated to the door before standing upright and closing the door behind him.
The man in grey was one of Old Mr Bo’s important cronies. They were housekeepers at home and men in black outside. Not to mention the entire company. Although Old Mr Bo was old, nothing in and out of the house could escape his eyes.
For example, the time when Bo Zhi Qing rushed to the An Family. He knew about it but he was not in a hurry to summon him home. Since it was destined to have no ending, it was better to let his grandson have fun. Once he got bored, he would naturally stop.
He had just broken off an engagement, it was a given to have a period of freedom.
As for Miss An, he had to know why she suddenly changed her mind. Otherwise, the Ye Family would certainly question him and he would not be able to give an answer. Oh dear, the little girl had an ill fate, she was even implicated by her biological mother.
It was unknown whether she could survive.
Hospital VIP Ward.
Mrs Song waited for the men sent from her parent’s home. She had found out that An Xia was also in the hospital. Mrs Song had already endured for a long time.
“Tonight, eliminate Ye Meng Wei, and drag An Xia to me.” Her words were ghastly and filled with hate, “I want her to die with Yan Yan, and I want her to die tragically!”
She had endured, and the men from her parents’ home were finally here. This time, she would see how far the An Family’s little bitch could go!
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Mrs Song’s parents’ home was the Ai Family from the capital city. Although it was not as prominent as the Han, Yun, Jing, Ye Family, they still had some influence.
Especially in recent years, Mrs Song’s elder brother, Ai Ting Ze, was capable. His business had grown vigorous domestically and abroad. Only a few people in the capital city would oppose the Ai Family.
The four men sent here were carefully selected by Ai Ting Ze. His niece was killed. As her uncle, how could he remain indifferent?