Chapter 41 Your Life Will Never End Well
After a while, the effect of the medicine had worked. Ye Meng Wei gradually stopped struggling, and she fell asleep with her eyebrows still locked with fear.
An Xia was finally free to teach Old Mrs An a lesson.
This time, she would not hit her.
She wanted Old Mrs An to get the punishment she feared the most.
When she came out, she saw the third son from the An Family, An Yuan Ding accompanying Old Mrs An. Both Mu Ning Xue and An Yang Yang had disappeared.
An Yuan Ding and Old Mrs An did not see An Xia come out, and An Xia did not know what An Yuan Ding said that led Old Mrs An to raise her voice and get angry until her chest rose up and down. “You want me to apologize? Who is she? She is not even worthy of me to apologize.”
“Of course you can refuse to apologize unless you want Yang Yang to marry into the Bo Family.” An Yuan Ding was getting a little impatient. Why did she get more foolish as she got older?
The most important thing now was to suck up to the Bo Family, and not to care about honor!
He continued to persuade Old Mrs An patiently, “I know you feel you’ve been wronged, but think about it, as long as Ye Meng Wei and An Xia are still a part of the An Family, it’ll still be up to you to decide their future.”
He had said what Old Mrs An was thinking.
That’s right, as long as both Ye Meng Wei and An Xia were still a part of the An Family, she could make life difficult for them as much as she wanted.
An Xia smiled when she overheard them, her eyebrows pressed coldly, and interrupted both mother and son’s subjective idea, “Want to make my life difficult? Are you guys even worthy?”
Once An Xia opened her mouth, she had reignited the rage in Old Mrs An, “Little Bitch, still reluctant to admit your mistake! Now it’s you who’s relying on the An Family!”
“Mom, take a seat first, let me talk to my niece.” An Yuan Ding stopped Old Mrs An in time.
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He was also furious. He had never seen any younger generation contradict the elders so much and injured them. She was so presumptuous. Was she bullying the An Family elders to show that they were incompetent?
Even if she returned to the An Family, he was afraid that there would be no peace in the An Family.
It was time to have a good talk with her.
“Xia Xia, at the end of the day your surname is still An, you are the grandchild of the An Family, Old Mrs An’s granddaughter. No matter how much trouble you cause, you will forever be a part of the An Family.” An Yuan Ding did not want to cause a scene, as he had witnessed the aftermath of causing a scene. “Xia Xia, uncle knows your grievances, but you have to be considerate of your elders.”
“Grandma is wrong this time, but she was just thinking about the An Family. If the An Family is good, your life would also be good. If the An Family met with a mishap, how good would your life be?”
No one in the An Family could speak or persuade as well as An Yuan Ding . He definitely acted more like an elder.
“Let’s not talk about everything else, let’s just talk about your mother’s hospitalization fee as an example. I just saw the bill, it’s not a small amount. You’re still young. You don’t know how tough life is. Neither side will win if you continue. It’s a bad strategy.”
He was kind in appearance but poisonous at heart. He had used the treatment expenses to threaten An Xia.
To catch a snake, is by the tail. To exploit someone’s weakness, the strategy must be right, and only then would it have an effect.
Ye Meng Wei was An Xia’s weakness. The lack of money for treatment was even more of a weakness to An Xia. If he could exploit both points he would not have to worry that An Xia would disobey.
Unfortunately, An Yuan Ding miscalculated. He did not wait for An Xia to give in before threatening her.
Instead, he met with An Xia’s indifference as her dark pupils stared at him quietly. He couldn’t figure out what she was thinking. Instead, she stared until his heart tightened, and his back broke out with sweat.
“You are threatening me? Do you think I will pay attention to your threats? From now on, I’ll put the An Family into an extremely difficult situation once 24 hours is over!”
That was enough to court death!
Only allowed on
Old Mrs An could not tolerate anymore and pounced from behind. With a malicious gaze, she shouted angrily, “You overestimate your own abilities. Do you think you can stir up trouble in the An Family! I’ll give you 24 hours, at this time tomorrow, if I don’t see her admitting Yang Yang is her biological daughter, don’t even think about getting a penny from the An Family!”
Yuan Ding was right. Without financial resources, she would like to see how firm and persistent the evil creature could remain.
An Xia stared at the reckless Old Mrs An and said slowly, “I’ll make sure you become a beggar, and your life does not end well!”