Chapter 43 Dispose Of
The four men left the ward disguised as a doctor, a patient, a family member and a handyman respectively and wandered around the hospital. Tonight, they would finish the task assigned to them as they had something else more important to take care of.
Carl, who originally arrived in the capital city at noon, disappeared, and there was no news regarding all the “goods”. They had to find out about the matter as soon as possible and search for the “goods” in order to complete the transaction.
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General ward on the 5th floor
The four men of the same height stood side by side. They kneeled on one knee and lowered their heads deeply.
She was their commander-in-chief!
There was no need to confirm.
They were too familiar with the commander-in-chief’s expressions, even if her appearance had changed, they could still recognise her at first sight.
They spoke in unison, in low voices, restraining their excitement.
“Get up.” An Xia accepted their greeting indifferently, and the four men were both her most trusted subordinates in the Imperial Domain and the bodyguards she grew up with.
It was no exaggeration to say that she trusted them, more than her cousins from the An Family in the Imperial Domain.
The four men obeyed her command and got up. At a glance, it suddenly looked like they were 2 pairs of identical twins with the blood of Country Xia.
Their dark pupils glistened like water, and their handsome faces and bodies were tense so as to restrain their excitement.
Their commander-in-chief was a commander-in-chief who did not like tears. They were finally reunited again after 5 years. However, they could not lose their self-control in front of her.
An Xia’s heart was not at ease, but her face remained calm like water, there were no changes in her expressions.
They met again 5 years later. There were in total 7 bodyguards who were named after the Big Dipper who grew up with her but only 4 of them had survived. They were Dubhe, Merak, Phecda and Megrez.
Alioth, Mizar, and Alkaid were blown up with her 5 years ago.
An Xia, who suppressed her sadness, frowned.
“5 years have passed, yet you guys made no improvements but instead deteriorated, are you guys fooling around in the Imperial Domain?” She said in a chilly voice and the four men knew she was not satisfied with them. “Turn around, I’ll give you 10 seconds to adjust yourselves.”
They were soldiers of the Imperial Domain. No matter when they must remain calm, they could not be controlled by any emotions. The less weakness they had, the safer.
If they were easy to let others see beyond their facade, they would have no future.
Ye Meng Wei was still sleeping deeply, and she didn’t know that her daughter was a commander-in-chief of the Imperial Domain who controlled life or death. Her every word and action would catch people’s attention.
Only allowed on
10 seconds later, the four of them turned around, tall and straight like a pine, raised their right hands at the same time, and saluted An Xia.
The first time they kneeled on one knee, it was courtesy to their master.
This time, it was a salute when soldiers from the Imperial Domain saw their commander-in-chief. Although the two courtesies were different, they both represented respect and loyalty.
An Xia observed the four men and nodded slightly, not bad, they were still the same.
It’s just…
She said indifferently, “You’ve become older.”
All four men had a smile in their eyes. 5 years had passed, they would naturally get older. But the commander-in-chief became younger.
“There are 2 matters to be settled immediately. First, find out who sold me to the Vulture Gang; second, within 24 hours, we will make the An Family penniless in Xuancheng City.”
5 years had already passed since the events in the Imperial Domain. It wasn’t too late to deal with it one or two days later.
“Yes!” The four men halted and answered resoundingly.
The four men didn’t need to leave the ward, with a notebook and a mobile phone, they opened the prologue to the An Family’s defeat.
The An Family belonged to one of the heads of 5 large families. Even if they were not based in Country Xia, there were many rich and powerful families in Country Xia who rose to where they were now because of them. It would be effortless for those powerful families to deal with the smaller An Family from Country Xia.
Soon, the several wealthy men among the Top 20 wealthiest men in Country Xia, suddenly received a mysterious email in their mailbox, which had always remained undisturbed.
Upon opening it was a sword engraved with the Big Dipper and its celestial handle. The ancient sword was unsheathed on the screen. The image of the sword was harsh, and an aura of respectful prestige came over them.
This was…
The Lord of the Imperial Domain!