Chapter 38 Exterminating Evidence
The report showed that Ye Meng Wei’s thyroid hormone was exceedingly high, at the same time, it also contained antibiotic ingredients such as Isonicotinic acid hydrazide, Disopyramide, Lidocaine.
And those drugs had one thing in common: overdosage would lead to mental disorder!
In other words, the reason why Ye Meng Wei was mentally abnormal was man-made!
“I’m afraid these drugs in her body weren’t just administered to her in the last 2 years, but for many years. Try and think back carefully. What did the patient normally eat?”
The doctor was in practice for nearly 20 years, but this was the first time he had encountered such a case, and he even lowered his voice, “Miss An, I think you’d better let the police intervene.”
The patient had overdosed on medication containing antibiotic composition for a long time, yet she was only suffering with intermittent schizophrenia and not total madness. It was clear that the patient’s own mental determination was very strong. If it happened to others, they might have long gone crazy and couldn’t speak normally at all.
An Xia’s voice tensed slightly and was cold to the bones as she asked, “Doctor, can I have the report?”
“Of course.” The doctor nodded, his tight tone gradually becoming gentler. “You can think about it, but it’d best be done as soon as possible. Some things can change overnight.”
For example, destroying the evidence of a crime.
The expression on An Xia showed malice that could not be hidden. However, not wanting to scare the doctor, she lowered her head, and stared at the report that made her unable to control her malice. “Thank you for your advice. I will think about it clearly.”
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“Don’t disclose this to others. If anyone asks you, you will answer that you haven’t done a detailed examination for the time being. You need to persuade the laboratory too.”
She had to consider the doctor’s safety.
Based on the An Family’s power in Xuancheng City, it would be easy for them to destroy a doctor.
The doctor himself also knew that, which was why he did not find An Xia until evening after getting the report as he was worried about problems.
As a doctor, he had a duty to inform the patient’s family of the real situation, apart from that, he could not help much.
However, to An Xia, he had already helped a lot.
An Xia went to the Internet cafe, and hacked into the laboratory’s system. She found Ye Meng Wei’s report, clicked delete, cleared the recycle bin, erased all traces, and confirmed that nothing could be traced before logging out.
Who wanted to harm Ye Meng Wei? Did Ye Meng Wei herself know?
She wouldn’t know until Ye Meng Wei woke up.
In the wee hours, Ye Meng Wei slept restlessly, her eyebrows were tightly locked, her hands and feet trembled, and she was accompanied by a short and sudden startle, like a startled puppy. Her blood ran cold in the middle of the night.
An Xia, who woke up, was completely awake and comforted her by her ears, and gradually smoothed out her locked frown.
The doctor said based on Ye Meng Wei’s current situation, it was best to reduce the use of schizophrenia medication and try to calm the patient’s mood through appeasement.
An Xia obeyed the doctor’s instructions and calmed Ye Meng Wei until she fell asleep again.
At nine o’ clock the next day, Ye Meng Wei woke up, except for her poor mental state and fatigue on her face, there was no difference, and she didn’t know what happened last night.
Until the members of the An Family came.
Old Mrs An brought Third Mrs An, Mu Ning Xue and her daughter, An Yang Yang.
Only allowed on
At that time, An Xia happened to go get a wheelchair, and was going to push Ye Meng Wei to the garden behind the hospital at noon to get some fresh air.
More than 2 meters away from the ward, she heard Old Mrs An’s harsh voice, which entered the ears intensely, “Ye Meng Wei, don’t forget that you and An Zi Qin are not divorced yet! The problems in the An Family are also your problems too!”
“I came here today to tell you that Yang Yang has to marry into the Bo Family. You are still Yang Yang’s stepmother, her marriage is your business!”
An Xia, with a ruthless gaze, increased her pace. As soon as she walked to the door, Ye Meng Wei, who was fine not too long ago, suddenly screamed and jumped as her mind went out of control