Chapter 39 Intolerable
An Xia stopped pushing the wheelchair. She threw it aside at the door and rushed in.
She saw Ye Meng Wei standing on the bed in fear, jumping, screaming, and retreating.
It was as if she was not standing on the bed, but on the edge of a precipice that would lead to a horrible death if she fell, and Old Mrs An was the villain who would push her into the abyss, scaring her.
It was not until her back reached the wall that she had found a sense of security and the fear on her face faded a little.
Beside her, the nurse on duty hurried to ring the bell to call for help and notify the doctors to come and examine. However, her arm was hit by Old Mrs An’s walking stick which stopped her from calling for help.
She used so much force that the nurse’s face changed due to the pain.
“Nurse, I’m dealing with my family matters, so leave now.” Old Mrs An’s face gloomily ordered the nurse to leave. A nurse had no right to intervene in the An Family’s family matters. “You dare to pretend to be crazy in front of me…. Ning Xue, make her sober again.”
Mu Ning Xue sighed to the nurse helplessly, “You will only make my older sister even crazier. Her illness is different, she will be sober after being hit a few times.”
The nurse was flabbergasted. Hit her till she was sober?
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An Xia, who gazed at them ruthlessly, left the wheelchair and at a glance, appeared in front of Old Mrs An.
With a shot like lightning and full of strength, she firmly slapped Old Mrs An’s old face.
It was clear that some people had to be made sober.
She slapped her again and again. The slaps were so loud that even the left and right ward next door could hear it.
For the final slap, An Xia increased her strength, and she unexpectedly slapped Old Mrs An until she collapsed onto the floor.
An Yang Yang stared blankly. She did not know what to do. Only when Old Mrs An collapsed to the ground did Mu Ning Xue start screaming to help Old Mrs An, “Ah, mom, mom! Are you okay, mom!”
Old Mrs An was not well. Her old face looked like she had an allergic reaction. It was red and swollen, and it intimidated Mu Ning Xue until her heart palpitated.
As soon as her hand reached Old Mrs An’s arm, a pair of black sneakers appeared in front of Mu Ning Xue’s eyes before she could help her up. In her line of sight, she saw a face which was as bright as a cold moon, and a face which was like a burning peach and plum. It was An Xia!
Only allowed on
At this moment, An Xia towered above them. Her eyes looked down on them and indifferent as if she was standing high in the clouds, like a ruler overlooking them who had no power.
Mu Ning Xue suddenly grasped Old Mrs An’s arm, cried, and criticised in a voice that was neither high nor low, “Xia’er, why did you become like this? Old Mrs An is your grandmother. As a granddaughter, how can you hit your grandmother?”
“Mom, wake up, doctor, doctor… nurse, nurse,…My mother’s been knocked unconscious. Quickly come and help her.”
Little Bitch, if I do not humiliate you today, my surname is not “Mu”!
Patients and family members had gathered outside. A granddaughter had hit her grandmother? That’s not filial!
An Xia glanced at Mu Ning Xue who had started to act like a mistress, and the edges of her mouth rose a little. So she wanted to play?
This wouldn’t work with her!
An Xia said indifferently, “I have also never seen a grandmother who would drive her daughter-in-law crazy just to welcome her niece into the family as a mistress.”
This woman was a mistress and also the old lady’s niece?
How vicious! To give your own niece to your son as a mistress and even drove her daughter-in-law crazy.
Mu Ning Xue failed to gain an advantage. She did not manage to humiliate An Xia, and instead turned against herself. She was ashamed and angry. She sobbed and mumbled to herself as she pulled out the last trick up her sleeves.
Little Bitch! Just you wait till Yang Yang marries into the Bo Family!