Chapter 37 Useless
Were they so frightened by a little girl till they did not dare to take a breath?
The aura around her was more powerful than the Ten Star General?
Only allowed on
Who were they kidding?
The deputy team captain in the front car was laughing and feeling angry at the same time, he mocked, “Useless chaps, how could you guys let a 18-year-old girl intimidate you like this. You guys are useless!”
“Deputy team captain, next time you talk to her, I’m sure you’ll succeed.” The soldiers who were scolded were not angry, instead they replied back with smiles on their faces.
Their deputy team captain looked like the King of Hell. His distinct facial features gave others the impression that he was not easy to talk to, instead he was famous for having a good temper, and was much easier to talk to than their seemingly cold captain.
Although their captain was handsome and his skin was fair enough to be like a professor in a university town, he was cold and indifferent if you were meeting him for the first time. If you did not know him at the beginning, you would be bewildered by his appearance and thought he was easy to talk to.
Alas, who knew!
Anyway, they normally didn’t even have the strength to speak after training.
“If I was in the car behind, would you guys even need to go into action? Get lost and drive the car carefully.” The deputy team leader directly cut off the communication so as not to be angered by the brothers behind them, and turned to ask Mu Chen Yuan, who had his eyes closed.
“Is she really that outstanding?”
The brothers would definitely not talk nonsense, but… it sounded a little unfathomable.
An 18-year-old girl, whose aura was so strong that even daggers would see blood, had caused his brothers who had a narrow escape with death not even dare to breathe?
Would anyone believe it?
They would mock that their soldiers were too weak.
Mu Chen Yuan nodded slightly, “Her strength is above a top quality soldier, she is already on equal footing with the Ten Star General.”
“Then we have to investigate clearly. A top quality soldier in Xuancheng City, especially a top quality soldier who was expelled from her house. Sounds very unreliable.” The deputy team leader said in a low voice, as his eyelids dulled.
There was a girl whose standard exceeded a top quality soldier, and the information they obtained about her was ordinary. Except for filial piety and tolerance, there was nothing special.
But she was so formidable.
It made people have no choice but to ponder.
What they were afraid of the most was to have foreigners infiltrate into Country Xia to cause chaos.
An Xia was not afraid of them investigating, no matter how much they investigated, it was impossible to find out her real identity.
Mother Ye had not woken up yet when she returned to the hospital, and the doctor asked her to go to the office as soon as possible.
An Xia looked dirty and her clothes were damaged. After thinking about it, she took off her parka and went to the office.
If she had shown the doctor her parka that was ruined after wearing them for no longer than a day, she would not know how to explain to the doctor.
The doctor had not finished work after a busy day, he frowned when he saw An Xia coming in and asked, “Why didn’t you put on the parka? It’s even colder at night. You truly don’t cherish your health.”
“I was getting ready for bed and just took it off.” An Xia explained stiffly.
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It was the first time she needed to explain something to others, she was not used to it.
The doctor was in a better mood, and extracted an examination report from the medical record. His face became very solemn. “This is a blood report, hair analysis, and mental condition. Miss An, in addition to the poor physical condition, your mother’s mental condition isn’t great.”
“Come, look at this report.”
The report showed that Mother Ye had intermittent thinking disorder, vague speech and verbal expressions, emotional instability, and obvious brain dysfunction. Diagnosis: intermittent schizophrenia.
In other words, she would be fine sometimes, and then bad sometimes.
An Xia was not surprised as she could recall this from memory.
What made An Xia’s gaze turn cold was the blood and hair analysis rep