Chapter 36 Misconception Of Offending A Superior
An Xia was sitting in the car behind.
She was not a man.
Her small and thin figure carried a very light, frosty fragrance.
Mu Chen Yuan withdrew his line of sight, gently putting his slender fingers stained with snow and dirt on his long legs, and his dark and cold black pupils gazed to afar. Everything returned to being tranquil.
A narrow escape from death was nothing out of the ordinary to him.
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It was also the same for Miss An, who was indifferent towards life and death.
His indifference was due to having experienced countless lives and deaths, and had seen many deaths before, which led to his current frame of mind.
What about her?
The young lady from the An Family was only 18-years-old. What had she experienced that led to today’s indifference towards death, which was several times more formidable than those around her age.
An Xia….
Her name lingered in his lips and teeth, and the indescribable familiarity appeared in his thoughts again.
Had they met before?
Or was there any brief interaction?
Taking the wireless headset from the deputy team captain, he said to the brothers in the car behind, “Ask about Miss An’s personal situation.”
Since she was already here, why not ask her.
The brothers in the car behind did not answer, but they tapped their headsets lightly to imply that they had heard it.
They thought it was simple at first, but they did not know how difficult it was until they asked.
An Xia looked up at the soldier who asked for her name, and said, “Do I still need to answer?”
He already knew her name. Why did he have to ask again?
Another soldier asked her where she received special training, and An Xia’s voice turned cold, “Innate, I did not receive any special training.”
He treated her like an inexperienced little girl. Was it necessary for her to answer?
Two consecutive KOs, both soldiers gulped.
It would be a little tricky. She was not as easy to handle compared to their superiors.
The atmosphere in the car dropped significantly, as if they had entered a vacuum chamber. It pressed onto the three soldiers in the same car and they found it difficult to breathe.
Finally, the driver smiled and carefully asked the last question, “The situation was dangerous. What were your thoughts when you climbed up the helicopter?”
“There weren’t any. I just felt that it was the right thing to do.”
Three consecutive KOs!
Each of the three soldiers asked a question but none of them gained anything. They looked at each other and communicated with their gazes.
“You ask her again.”
“F*ck, I dare not, you ask.” He threw his gaze at the only brother sitting in the back. Such a difficult task was entrusted to you!
The soldier in the back seat stared and replied silently, “I dare not!”
He was afraid of offending her!
The soldier in the front passenger seat urged, “Hurry up, captain’s orders!”
“What else is there to ask!” If he knew he would have sat in the front.
“Just the usual sort.”
They thought they had communicated secretly, but in fact, An Xia paid attention to everything.
She closed her eyes and refused to communicate.
When the soldier in the back seat gained the courage to take a deep breath and ask boldly, they saw that the girl, whose aura was greater than a Ten Star General, had already closed her eyes to rest.
“…” f*ck, he did not dare to ask!
He could feel that if he were to disturb her, he would be pulled out and shot immediately.
Making a silent gesture, the three soldiers in the car went quiet.
Sorry captain, the given task couldn’t be finished!
With the misconception of offending a superior, the three of them had no courage to ask again.
Only allowed on
Captain, you’d better ask her yourself.
Mu Chen Yuan did not have the opportunity to ask in person. After entering the market, An Xia declined his offer to send her and took a taxi back to the hospital.
Each of them gasped and adjusted their breathing after the three soldiers in the car watched An Xia leave and get into the taxi.
“She finally got out of the car. If she had stayed a little longer, I would have wanted to change seats with you.” The soldier who sat at the back wiped the sweat that did not exist on his forehead, and said with a lingering fear, “I can talk freely to the Ten Star General but I don’t even dare to take a breath in front of her.”