Chapter 35: Very Uncomfortable
An Xia naturally knew that, but she was not used to it.
Her expression was cold. “Watch Carl carefully.”
She implied that she did not need protection.
It was unpleasant to be suddenly crushed by a man!
His apology came so timely that she had no justification to be angry at him.
“Here! Hurry!”
An anxious voice came from below, and several footsteps ran across the snow. The atmosphere around the girl clearly turned cold as she looked down the slope, and Mu Chen Yuan quickly explained, “They’re my brothers.”
Soldiers from Country Xia had always acted very quickly, and An Xia always admired them.
After hearing the words, she restrained herself slightly and praised, “Not bad, you guys are quick to act, you guys …”
She wanted to say that their country was very good at training soldiers. But she was now also part of Country Xia. She changed her words, “You guys are great.”
The deputy team captain ran towards the flame with 6 soldiers. He suddenly saw not far away, from the intense fire, stood a few figures. The deputy team’s pupils constricted before it lit up.
“01! He shouted, his voice was like a morning bell in the mountain temple as it resounded among the rest of the soldiers.
The other soldiers jumped with joy.
01 is okay! 01 is okay!
They’ve landed safely!
The helicopter was wrecked, but they were safe.
The control tower received the latest report, and a loud applause broke out throughout the control tower.
That was great!
They were safe!
They were worthy to be called Country Xia’s soldiers, they were great.
Only allowed on
Carl, who had fainted, was tied up and put inside the car. An Xia held the door with one hand and looked at the car in front of her before saying softly, “You guys better check his mouth.”
In order to prevent themselves from being interrogated after being arrested, the high-level officials of the Vulture Gang hid quick-dissolving drastic poisons in their teeth. They’d die within a minute without leaving time for rescue.
In the front car, the deputy team captain was so shocked that his head hit the top of the car, “What? She was the one who operated the helicopter? Not you?”
“Uh-huh.” Mu Chen Yuan replied. The voice of a soldier from the car behind could be heard through the walkie talkie in the car, and his cold gaze sank suddenly.
His comrade-in-arms had said to check Carl’s mouth!
The deputy team captain immediately clamped Carl’s mouth and checked before he woke up.
Very soon, he discovered a poison which was the size of a rice grain in his denture, and the deputy team captain looked up in surprise. “How does she know this?”
The soldiers looked at An Xia as if they were finding out about her ancestors.
She was a girl from Xuancheng City, who was bullied by the whole family, but firmly brought away her biological mother with mental illness the night before all of a sudden.
The specific reason why she left the An Family was still under investigation.
Mu Chen Yuan did not expect An Xia to come from a wealthy family. Her performance on the helicopter was not like a bullied young lady.
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“She’s just like a top quality soldier.” Mu Chen Yuan said in a low voice, “Order some men to investigate clearly.”
“Right!” The deputy team nodded and sighed again, “This Miss An is really astonishing! I can’t believe the An Family would kick her out!”
Being called a top quality soldier was such an honor. Were the elders of the An Family fools?
Mu Chen Yuan gently knocked his long fingers against the edge of the window, and pondered for a moment, “Investigate the reason why she left the An Family and help her if necessary.”
The deputy team captain smiled and teased, “01, you are paying special attention to Miss An. Have you set your heart on her?”
That attracted a gaze as cold and sharp as a knife.
The deputy team captain immediately went quiet.
The driver chuckled in a low voice, “Deputy team captain, our captain is immune to women’s charms. No matter how special Miss An is, I’m afraid she is only a man in our captain’s eyes.”
A man?
Mu Chen Yuan withdrew his arm that was leaning against the window and looked slightly into the rearview mirror that had the reflection of the car behind.