Chapter 34 Unafraid Of Death
“Step the gas!”
The deputy team captain’s blue veins on his palms were visible as his gaze was locked ahead. Right there was a brother who swore to go through life and death with them. Brother, please be safe!
Inside the ditch, the fuselage on both sides of the helicopter broke countless branches, and the propeller continued to rotate, cutting off the top of the tree and creating frightening sounds. It was like screams from Hell with wraiths trying to drag the living down to hell.
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All the lights in the helicopter were out, and only red warning lights flashed.
Under the dark red light, An Xia’s beautiful face was pale. Even if the cold wind blew against her face, she was not afraid.
If she were afraid of death, she wouldn’t have climbed up.
Death was never frightening.
The frightening thing was to be incapable of surviving in the face of death!
“Clang Clang Clang….”
“Bang… Bang!! Bang!”
The noise was becoming more violent, 10 meters, 9meters…5 meters…ahead, descend!
Only allowed on
An Xia didn’t speak. She saw the landing location ahead through the flames bursting from the empennage.
Although it wasn’t good, it became the ideal location for the helicopter to land.
“Get ready! We’re landing!” The cold voice was like a silver bell under the eaves that swayed from the wind and snow. It was clear and cold, floating into Mu Chen Yuan’s ears.
Leaning tightly, the front of the helicopter pushed forward before the propeller slowed down, until…
The impact was bigger than ever before, the floor was covered with wind, snow, and tree debris, like mudslides, all pouring into the cabin as smoke rolled into the sky.
Everything was finally calm.
An Xia, with a bloody face, climbed out of the cabin. Amidst the flames, her eyes were calm. It was not like experiencing a life-and-death disaster at all, but tranquil and calm as if she had finished playing a game.
Mu Chen Yuan grabbed Carl, who had fainted, with both hands and climbed out of the cabin.
A pair of thin, blood-stained hands stretched out from the right. It was An Xia again.
“The helicopter will explode soon. If you can’t drag him out, just abandon him.”
An Xia forcefully pulled Carl’s arm without care or not such a force would break his arm, and the unimaginable calmness made Mu Chen Yuan surprised
This was the closest he had observed her, and with just a glance, her features were deeply engraved into his heart.
A girl that’s hard to come by, a rarely seen calmness, and a rarely seen decisiveness, Mu Chen Yuan replied, “Ok.”
He used more force this time.
She had landed them safely, it would be his part to pull Carl out.
“1, 2, 3, pull!” An Xia shouted catchphrases, and the small and thin body erupted with astonishing power, dragging Carl’s arm and pulling the man out bit by bit.
The black smoke was getting thicker as the fire became more intense.
The handsome and cold Mu Chen Yuan grabbed Carl, and with a spurt of energy, he finally pulled Carl out successfully.
“Run!” Without any hesitation, Mu Chen Yuan picked Carl up and shouted as both of them quickly left the site.
There was a huge explosion. The ground shook, causing the snow to roll downslope. The flames accompanied by smoke, pierced through the snowy night and soared into the sky.
An Xia was thrown into the snow by Mu Chen Yuan. and was closely protected by him.
The strange smell came from all directions, and enveloped her till it was impenetrable. It was the first time that she had been crushed by a stranger.
Discomfort intensely knocked all her senses and she turned her elbow to push away Mu Chen Yuan.
However, she pushed against nothing.
Mu Chen Yuan, with a swift movement,  turned over, “I’m sorry.”
He got up, smashed the snow behind, and broken branches and fragments fell onto the ground. He was protecting An Xia, preventing her from getting injured by the shockwave triggered by the explosion.