Chapter 33 Countdown
An Xia began the descent, saying in her usual calm voice, “Countdown to emergency landing, 1, 2 …”
“Received.” Mu Chen Yuan replied with a deep gaze . At this moment, he chose to believe the girl that he had never met but had the same aura as the soldiers. In fact, he felt that the girl’s aura was stronger than them.
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Since he chose to let her pilot the helicopter, he believed in her entirely.
This was because of her confidence that could persuade others. She was steady, calm, quiet, and powerful like a harbor in a bay. No matter how strong a storm, she would brace it without fear.
He chose to “land safely”.
An Xia’s lips rose slightly. She liked to work with people who were calm and quiet.
Carl did not believe it, the rapid alarms made him burst into a frantic and sinister expression, and he kept making strange sounds. He was excited and proud.
Ha ha ha, go to hell!
Let’s meet the Grim Reaper together!
Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, don’t even think about catching me alive!
Look, we’re going to crash into a tree!
Ha ha ha, he had already seen the tree in front of him!
It was like the sickle had been waved in front of them by the Grim Reaper, waiting for them to crash into it.
“Rumble, rumble, rumble…”
“Rumble, rumble, rumble…”
“Three, two, one…”
The helicopter descended rapidly, and strong black smoke came out from the empennage. The fuselage suddenly lost balance and descended rapidly. Mu Chen Yuan stabilized his body, and all attention was focused on Carl.
The landing was handed over to the girl, and Carl was handed over to him. Both of them were in charge of their own tasks, and nobody could afford to make any errors.
Carl was thoroughly excited and crazy. Even if his head hit hard, he did not feel any pain. The two soldiers from Country Xia who had arrested him were doomed!
Ha ha ha, before he died, he took down two powerful soldiers from Country Xia with his own strength, and indirectly took care of two powerful opponents for the Vulture Gang.  It was worth it!
Only allowed on
Too bad he was going to be disappointed.
Under An Xia’s control, the heavily tilted helicopter returned to its level, which made Carl unable to accept the fact that even the speed of descent had been reduced.
The windshield in the cabin was stuck by a branch, under the strong impact, the strong glass was covered with spider web like cracks.
Again, the glass cracked, the glass shards flew everywhere, it’s sharp ends sliced into their flesh, and left a mess inside the helicopter.
Carl trembled all over, and his frantic face showed that he was in pain.
His face was covered with glass shards. Right as his blood trickled out, they formed into blood ice by the cold wind.
Mu Chen Yuan dodged, and fortunately he was heavily equipped and was not hurt.
The loud impact had hurt the eardrums of the staff in the control tower. The staff were so startled that their hearts were about to burst out of their thoracic cavity.
This was….
“01! Calling 01!” The seven-star soldier shouted in a muffled voice. This time, the tense voice had an undetectable tremor.
Mu Chen Yuan pressed his ear piece tight, and replied steadily as the “clanging” sounds of tree branches hitting against the fuselage could be heard. “01 roger that, prepare to make a forced jump.”
Forced jump!
They had no parachutes!
It was obviously no use to ask why there were no parachutes at this time. The most important thing was to arrive safely!
“Good! We’ll wait for you to respond when you’re safe.” The middle-aged man withdrew his tight hands from the table, and returned to feeling calm.
01 would never make an uncertain decision. Since he had chosen to jump, then there should be no problem.
The search car drove faster. As soon as the car crossed a high slope, they saw a huge fire across the mountain ahead, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. It was so bright that their pupils trembled.
It was on fire!