Chapter 32 Catastrophic Crash
On the ground
The command center confirmed that the helicopter had left the residential area, and was relieved. But the crisis had not been averted unless the helicopter landed safely.
The soldiers in the operation were waiting for the helicopter to arrive, and their tensed hearts did not relax.
As the helicopter flew away from the residential area, even the naked eye could see an obvious malfunction with the helicopter with the fuselage trembling heavily. 01 was afraid that it would take quite a bit of effort to bring the girl and Carl back to the ground.
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“With 01 in action, there’ll definitely not be a problem.”
“Dodged a bullet, not bad 01!”
The soldiers smiled and their gazes were clear and pure. They believed in 01 very much.
01 was one of the best soldiers in Country Xia. There was no way he could not control a helicopter.
The soldiers in action soon found Thanatos’ corpse. His body fell from hundreds of meters high and splattered into an unrecognisable state.
“Extract his DNA and identify him through skull modeling.”
“Yes sir!”
The cleaning up on the ground was carried out in an orderly manner, and the operation was coming to an end.
It was night, and the air was dense and colder with a temperature that had dropped to below zero.
Snow that was as soft as goose feathers fell and covered the ground. Not long after, the ground stained with Thanato’s blood was covered by a layer of snow.
The soldiers, who wore winter uniforms, stepped over the snow, leaving a string of footsteps.
What came next was to coordinate with 01.
On the helicopter
Carl was still struggling, he wanted to commit suicide.
But Mu Cheng Yuan did not give him the opportunity. He fixed him in the seat, and stuffed something into his mouth to prevent him from killing himself by biting his tongue.
The order was to arrest him alive. He would definitely escort Carl back alive.
The helicopter had reached its limit and had to descend immediately.
“Beep beep beep, beep beep beep…”
The alarm from the console was ringing urgently. The whole helicopter flashed with red lights, telling An Xia that the helicopter had reached its limit and had to descend.
The radar was damaged so they could not identify their direction, and the VOR equipment was broken so they could not contact the control tower. The entire situation relied on Mu Chen Yuan to talk to the ground controllers through wireless communication.  An Xia visualised the direction and position in the snow. Even if the alarm rang urgently, she was not flustered at all.
“What’s the situation?”
The voice of a middle-aged man came from the wireless communication, slightly anxious, “When do you descend?”
According to the predictions from the control tower, the helicopter should have entered the mountains by now and could descend
“The weather is bad and it is not ideal to descend.” Mu Chen Yuan stared at the windshield. In the dark and cold night, with strong wind blowing, Mu Chen Yuan relied on his experience to judge.
The girl who was operating the helicopter was obviously an experienced pilot.
The control tower could hear the sound of the alarm inside the helicopter, and that made the staff jump wildly. Added with the mention of strong winds, it caused the bottom of their feet to feel a chill.
They had come to the worst outcome: the helicopter would crash with no survivors.
In the control tower, wearing the seven-star uniform of Country Xia, the middle-aged man with a square face tightened his jaw and reordered, “When necessary, jump and deploy a parachute!”
Carl was important, but no matter how important he was, he was not as important as 01!
The 24-year-old 01 was a rare super-class soldier in Country Xia, with an unparalleled talent. Such a talent must be cherished.
Only allowed on
Next to him, three four-star soldiers, who accompanied him, clenched their fists nervously. 01 had to be okay!
Mu Chen Yuan only answered “roger”, to express that he had understood.
He did not tell those on the ground that the emergency parachute had been damaged by Thanatos. That one man had already ruined everyone’s chance to survive.
There was no way out.
Either the helicopter crashes with no survivors.
Or it lands safely.
There were only two options.