Chapter 31 She Is Strong
She was taken to the sky by the helicopter and her little figure shook with the turbulence. At any time, she could have fallen down.
They were so nervous that their hearts clenched tightly.
If she fell, she would definitely die.
But she had successfully entered the cabin!
“Where did she come from, deputy team?” A soldier asked in a low voice, with a slight tremble in his voice. Even now, he still had the lingering nervousness from before.
The young deputy team did not know either. He looked up at the out-of-control helicopter and raised his eyebrows. “The helicopter has gotten out of control, notify the others, and get ready for rescue.”
De Lu Sen, who had been restrained, looked up and laughed. “Do you want to catch Carl? Ha ha ha, don’t even think about it. No one can catch him! Do you know why? No one can catch him! You will only get his corpse, ha ha ha, ha ha ha!”
The higher ups from the Vulture Gang had never been caught alive before!
“Damn it, behave yourself!” A soldier rewarded De Lu Sen with a punch in the abdomen. De Lu Sen was in pain till he bowed over, and his grim face was solemn. Then, he looked at the helicopter that had already flown away, and was still shaking, revealing worry in his eyes.
It was true that the higher ups from the Vulture Gang had never been captured alive.
They were good at taking their enemies down together with themselves.
In the container, two tall and fat middle-aged women cried for injustice. “Goddammit, we were caught to cook food for them! Will we be knocked out if we were accomplices?”
“You have to differentiate between good and bad. Don’t treat good people as bad people. We are also victims. God, we were on our toes all day just to wait for you guys to save us…”
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They tried to quibble, but no one believed them. There was no use making a scene as they were handcuffed and pulled away.
Up in the air, in the helicopter
Thanatos, who bled at the edges of his mouth, had a cruel and strange laugh. He was already exhausted, and could no longer protect Carl. “Want to catch me to interrogate me? Ha ha ha, I, Thanatos, how can I let two people from Country Xia capture me! Don’t even think about capturing me!”
“If I can’t leave, then you guys don’t even think about getting out of here alive too. Hahaha, goodbye Carl.”
Nobody should even think about getting out of here alive. Let’s all fall to our deaths together, hahaha, hahaha!
The cockpit door opened, and Thanatos laughed as he jumped out of the helicopter.
In the cabin, Carl, who was seized, could not escape. The scene of Thanatos jumping caused him to become even more frantic.
“Thanatos is dead, so you guys shouldn’t miss me too! Of course, I can’t live either!” Carl shouted and his eyes were bloodshot. “Want to catch me alive, hahaha, how could you guys catch me if even the Imperial Domain could not, hahaha….”
An Xia raised her leg and kicked his mouth without any expression on her face.
How dare this filthy object mention the Imperial Domain?
The helicopter was completely out of control and was going to crash at a very fast speed. Mu Chen Yuan was ready to get into the pilot’s seat and operated the helicopter with one hand. However, An Xia’s petite figure was faster than him.
“I’ll do it.” An Xia was proficient in operating helicopters. There was a problem with the joystick and the dashboard. There were also mountains in front and residential areas below.
It was a huge crisis as the result would be a catastrophic crash. The helicopter would fall into the dense residential areas, injuring innocent people.
She had to turn the helicopter around and leave the residential area immediately!
Only allowed on
“Sit tight.” An Xia said concisely. Without a trace of panic, she pulled the falling helicopter up at the fastest speed and drifted the helicopter with a crisp movement. She had succeeded in turning the helicopter around.
The entire process was complicated and impossible to complete without more than 10 years of experience.
Mu Chen Yuan withdrew his hand and looked surprised in the dark.
She could fight, operate a helicopter, and had an excellent mentality. Just who was she?