Chapter 30 Who Is She
The strong wind wrapped in the snow roared loudly inside the cabin. Carl closed his eyes and laughed, “Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!”
Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, he’s definitely finished!
Want to arrest him?
What a joke!
The fuselage returned to its original level and flew straight. Carl opened his eyes. The person who was standing in front of him had disappeared. He opened his mouth and wanted to laugh again as he turned his head sharply to look to the left.
However, the laughter got stuck at the corner of his mouth and there was deep cruelness in his eyes.
The soldier from Country Xia was not thrown out at all. He stood to the closed hatch on the right, and the spare safety belt for the hatch was firmly fastened to his body.
His gaze was crisp and cold, accumulating intimidation as he silently determined his prey’s destiny.
“Thanatos!” Carl roared, this time, no longer arrogant, but frenetic!
In the eyes of the man from Country Xia, Carl saw the killing intent that left him nowhere to run.
Thanatos also realized that, and he quickly grabbed his weapon at lightning speed before turning around and aiming at the soldiers from Country Xia who made them feel they were in a crisis for the first time.
“Bang Bang Bang…”
Only allowed on
Three consecutive shots were fired, and sparks splattered everywhere in the cabin. However, Mu Chen Yuan evaded them nimbly but there was still a burning sensation coming from one of his ears.
The narrow cabin had affected his performance, and his ear was slightly injured by the trail left behind by the steel bullet.
Carl and Thanatos’ expressions were tense and they had a murderous gaze in their eyes.
Thanatos’ right eye was punched. The acute pain made him unable to keep the helicopter stable, and it lost its balance at a high altitude of hundreds of meters away from the ground.
Underneath the helicopter, An Xia grabbed the landing gear with both hands. Once she no longer heard the sound of gunfire, she pushed herself up and she flexibly entered the hatch with a flip.
In the cabin, Mu Chen Yuan smashed Carl’s arm and tried to take down the dagger in his hand which was about to stab him. Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared at the opened hatch. The dark shadow was as calm as him, and he squinted his eyes slightly.
It’s her.
That expression was like the coldest wind on a winter night or the coldest wind at midnight.  The girl with a calm expression had a murderous aura that very few girls would have.
How did she get up here?
Mu Chen Yuan’s handsome face, which would make girls scream in awe, was a little stern.
Who on earth was she?
“I’ll take care of him, and you take care of him.” An Xia pointed to Carl and took the initiative to divide the labor. She would take care of Thanatos.
The important figure, Carl, was handed over to Mu Chen Yuan.
Mu Chen Yuan looked at her, and his heart flashed strangely. Why did she feel as if she knew him?
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Carl’s complexion was more gloomy than the monsoon season. He said to An Xia gloomily, “I’ll give you a million in Country Xia’s currency, you help me to dispose of him.”
He used Country Xia’s language instead of Country L.
The edge of An Xia’s lips raised. A million?
She still remembered that the Vulture Gang offered a 100 million bounty for her life. With just a few years after her death, was she really worth that little now?
A million?
He might as well use it in hell.
The smile was still at the corner of her mouth, and she turned towards Thanatos, who was trying to operate the helicopter to swing her away.
It seemed they wanted to get rid of her?
The first time they did it, she could not stop it from happening. This time, she definitely wouldn’t let them.
On the ground, several soldiers from Country Xia finally let go of the shock that was held in their throats.
How frightening!!
“The girl has successfully entered the cabin. Over.” The spy reported to his superiors calmly and didn’t hear anything strange coming from the other end.
Only God knew how scared he was for her that almost bit off his tongue just now.
The young girl from before who gestured to him, under the eyes of several other soldiers, was as graceful as a swallow. She jumped and grabbed the helicopter landing gear as it was getting off the ground!
They were all taken aback!
What’s more, once a helicopter reaches a certain altitude off the ground, even they would find it difficult to hold steadily onto the landing gear.
But the girl who was frail enough to be blown away by the wind, did it!