Chapter 29 First Co-Operation
There were only two kinds of people in An Xia’s world: Those worth saving and those to kill.
An Xia had never been soft-hearted when dealing with those from the Vulture Gang.
The thin blade was held close to her palm, and the cold expression on her face was like the snow on the branch that could send chills down the bones. She turned away to face another target.
She knew the Vulture gang, and also knew the kind of people around Carl who protected him. The third-class soldiers in the Imperial Domain were not their opponents.
It was unfortunate of them to have met her.
In her eyes, those people would not be even considered her opponent.
Her next target was dealt with quickly.
Behind her came several alarming “muffled” gunshots, which were messy and disorderly, seemingly fired due to panic.
The second target covered his neck as he could not believe that a girl from Country Xia, who was nearly 20 centimeters shorter than him, was able to defeat him easily.
Warm blood trickled out from the space between his fingers, sticky and dense. The strong man from State L sweeped his foot around him before staring at the helicopter with wide eyes as he moved his lips slightly.
He was saying, “Run, Carl.”
Did you think you could run?
An Xia rushed to the helicopter that began to rise.
Not long ago, the disarrayed shots were fired by Carl in order to block Mu Chen Yuan from entering the cabin.
Mu Chen Yuan was not afraid in the face of weapons that were able to seize life in an instant. He “clunked” the hatch with one hand and pulled it away.
Carl’s greyish blue eyes, which were gaudy and vicious, finally had a crack of panic in his eyes.
“Thanatos! Hurry up and throw him to death! Throw him firming to his death!” He roared fiercely. He raised his weapon again, and fired at sight the figure who was climbing up.
“Go to hell, Country Xia’s dog!” With a twisted face filled with pride, set his aim at Mu Chen Yuan’s chest.
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He deliberately did not aim for his arm as he wanted the helicopter to drive to a height of several hundred meters before throwing Mu Chen Yuan to his death.
However, he overestimated himself and underestimated Mu Chen Yuan. Mu Chen Yuan did not give Carl the opportunity to use the weapon in his hand again. With a sudden jump, the smile on Carl’s face stiffened.
The dark and cold weapon had been kicked away, and Mu Chen Yuan entered the cabin successfully.
“Now you’ve done it!” Carl’s face turned pale blue, and his eyes were even more ruthless. “The soldiers from the Imperial Domain were all obediently dealt with by me. Yet you, a little soldier from Country Xia, wants to catch me?”
Getting away from the hands of the soldiers of the Imperial Domain was enough for Carl to boast for a lifetime.
But it did not mean anything to Mu Chen Yuan.
The dark black eyes gave Carl a glance, and his brain began matching Carl’s face in detail like a high-precision machine.
The eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, and facial bones all match. Carl’s identity was confirmed.
A dignified sound came from the ear piece, “ 01, be sure to catch Carl alive!”
Only allowed on
In order to discover news about the top members of the Vulture Gang, Carl had to be captured alive.
“Roger that.” The voice was slightly cool, and it was indifferent to the thousand troops. They had  planned for nearly a month, just to catch Carl alive.
The goal was in front. They could only succeed and must not fail.
The helicopter had completely left the ground and rose to an altitude of 30-40 meters at its quickest. Carl looked at the hatch that had not been closed and a strange smile appeared on his face.
“Good-bye, Little Soldier from Country Xia.” He grasped the fastened seat belt while looking like the tip of the scorpion’s tail, poisonous, cruel, and sinister.
In front of him, Thanatos, who was flying the helicopter, also smiled and snapped his fingers arrogantly. He turned his head and looked at Mu Chen Yuan, who was unprotected. Suddenly, the helicopter, like a speeding car making a turn on the highway, shook with great force.