Chapter 28: Battle
The helicopter hovered above the ground, causing it to tremble. Carl was dressed in a plain outfit, pretending to be a hired bodyguard as he was escorted by two other subordinates towards the helicopter.
Mu Chen Yuan did not seem surprised that there were two Carl’s. His composure made An Xia think that he had known about Carl’s trick, and that he was only trying to bait him in order to take him out in one swoop.
Carl himself had not anticipated that his meticulous planning had failed in Country Xia.
Two subordinates from State L guarded him loyally as he boarded the helicopter. Carl had complete confidence in his subordinates’ capabilities, he patted their shoulders and said lightly with a smile, “I will prepare red wine and beauties and wait for you to come back.”
He was certain that they would come back safely, which meant he was undermining Mu Chen Yuan’s abilities.
Of course, he did not even consider An Xia.
She was merely a human goods, what trouble could she cause.
The two subordinates nodded, each took a step forward to approach them.
“Leave them to me,” An Xia said lightly, not caring if Mu Chen Yuan had understood her. Her slim body became a sharp arrow, radiating a killer’s aura which was familiar to Mu Chen Yuan as she prepared to fight the subordinates.
She was fast, too fast that he could not warn her. In a flash, the flag had been raised and they were in battle.
As Carl’s direct subordinates, their combat capabilities were above-average.
They did not underestimate An Xia because she was a woman. During a battle, the worst one could do was to underestimate the enemy. Having survived many battles, they would never loosen up just because the opponent was a woman.
Carl was confident to the point of arrogance. As he turned to board the helicopter, he even snapped his fingers. If he could come, he could definitely leave.
No one could get him.
Only allowed on
Chen Mu Yuan needed to arrest Carl alive. The icy cold weapon in his hand shone, his eyes focused and aimed at Carl’s thigh.
It was not easy to find the real Carl and arrest him. Even though he had seen the real Carl, Mu Chen Yuan dared not be careless. Afterall, the Imperial Domain had sent out third-class fighters to the eastern zone but still failed to capture him; he had to deal with this carefully.
In the helicopter, the pilot fired the weapon in his hand.
The lethal steel bullets shot at their respective targets and clashed with the oncoming bullet.
The pilot smiled coldly and took aim at the soldier from Country Xia.
“Thanatos, kill him,” instructed Carl with a smile as he jumped onto the helicopter. No one had escaped alive from his subordinate, Thanatos, the God of Death.
“Goodbye,” Thanatos said in the language of State L. His eyes were fierce and brutal.
His finger pulled again on the trigger. In the next second, his pupils dilated.
The soldier from Country Xia, his figure was like fog from hell. He was initially there but with a blink of an eye, he disappeared! For once someone escaped his bullet!
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Carl saw that too and he immediately ordered Thanatos, “Take off!”
Capable of escaping Thanatos’ fire, that was no ordinary soldier sent to capture him.
Damn it!
When did he become a target of such soldiers from Country Xia?
The sound of the propeller became louder and more urgent, the current produced was strong enough to sweep people off. The snow and dust on the ground was blown into the air, blurring the sight.
An Xia squinted her eyes and snatched the dagger from her opponent. Her light body swept across the right of her opponent and her hand brushed past his neck.
The sound of slashing skin pierced into the ears. Blood spewed and mixed into the mixture of snow and dust in the air as it was swept away.
The sturdy man from Sate L fell heavily on the ground like a boulder. He was killed by An Xia.