Chapter 27
He is here.
An Xia observed the outside through the gap and moved her fingers. Her back was arched like a bow waiting to be released.
The people in the car were overly cautious that they did not even stop the car. Instead, they drove around the area of the shipping container twice to make sure that there was no problem before stopping.
De Lu Sen took a few steps towards the car and opened the door.
An Xia closely observed every movement of the person who got out of the car. Behind her, the fatter and taller middle-aged woman, who was beaten unconscious, made a low groaning sound. An Xia turned and knocked her out again.
She wanted to get rid of them on the spot.
However, considering that these people were targets of Country Xia, who could provide some important information, she let go of the idea.
Only allowed on
The person in the car got out. A short middle-aged man whose face was clearly visible.
An Xia’s arched back was ready to launch.
Carl the “Eagle Eye”, he was once active in the war-torn State Y, and had been responsible for human trafficking.
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The Imperial Domain had issued an arrest order and sent out two renowned warfighters. However, he managed to escape and his whereabouts were unknown since then.
Learning from her past mistake, An Xia could not be sure he was the real Carl.
A person as cautious and cunning as him would definitely have a back-up plan.
The cries from the girls tore through the night sky. Several muscular men pushed or kicked them, and dragged them one by one to Carl.
The undulating street covered in snow seemed to move, like a small animal that had just woken up and shook its body.
It was not time to act yet, she had to wait.
They didn’t know what happened to the girl who was dragged into the container alone. All the nine girls were brought out, except her.
An Xia did not make them worry for too long, she pretended to be kicked out of the container and fell in the snow. She seemed flustered.
Carl glanced at her and waved his hand. A man strode over and grabbed An Xia’s hair, dragging her to Carl.
Hidden among the snow, the scene of a girl being dragged deeply pierced the eyes of the soldiers.
Through the headset, the soldiers heard a familiar low voice filled with ferocity.
The sound was like the lowest note of a saxophone, breaking the silence of the night. There was a black hole on Carl’s forehead as he fell to the ground.
An Xia’s gaze followed the direction where the sound was heard. East.
In that direction, a tall figure that resembled a bamboo in the forest appeared from behind a tree. Reflected by the snow, he stood aloof like a beam of light that cut through the darkness of the world.
Going through her memory and turning back time, she remembered the night when she personally delivered the ashes of the Mu’s family eldest son.
It was the same man who hid in the dark yet brought light in the darkness. While covered in injuries, he took his brother’s ashes from her and walked away with repressed grief.
Mu Chen Yuan, the second son of the Mu family. They had met again. His fierce presence was frightening.
De Lu Sen was stunned for only three seconds before he yelled, “It’s an ambush, return fire!!”
On the ground, the soldiers who were wearing snow camouflage appeared. They arrested all the members of the Vulture Gang with an arrow-like speed and rescued the girls who were still screaming.
An Xia attacked the man who tried to take her as a hostage. She aimed at his neck and struck with lethal strength.
The bones shattered and he fell to the ground, unconscious.
“Run towards the 4 o’clock direction, run!” Grasping the hand of one of the girls near her, she said, “quick, run!”
The girl was stunned for a few seconds and then started running.
In the 8 o’clock direction on the left, there was a sudden noise of a helicopter propeller. An Xia had a bad feeling about this.
She ran quickly towards the helicopter.
However, Mu Chen Yuan was quicker as he ran past her. The darkness felt as if time was going backwards, yet he rushed fearlessly into it, just like when they first met.