Chapter 26: Ambush
An Xia lowered her eyes and slowly relaxed her fingers in her sleeves.
The spy from Country Xia had been keeping a close eye on De Lu Sen. Clearly Country Xia had understood his goal and had deployed her manpower accordingly.
An Xia had only had contact with the fighters of Country Xia three times. She was deeply impressed by their humility and cautiousness, as well as their strategic widespread deployment that left the target no room to retreat.
It was a pity that she rarely had communications with Country Xia. The last interaction she had with them was before her death from the bombing. The eldest son of the Mu family was killed on the battlefield and his ashes needed to be transported back to the country in secret. An Xia had personally handed the urn to the fighters of Country Xia.
Since then she had no more interactions with Country Xia.
After many years since the incident, she did not expect to see them in action again in their homeland.
They must be nearby, waiting for an opportune moment.
Maybe they were waiting for a bigger fish to appear.
That would be in line with the way they do things. Once an action was taken, they would not let go of any of the targets, catching them all in one swoop. That would shock the unruly men who wanted to harm her.
What should she do that could help them?
Stall for time?
After searching her body, the two middle-aged women ordered rudely, “Quickly undress!”
An Xia looked down at the parka that she was wearing and patted off the snowflakes that fell on her shoulders. The snow melted as it came into contact with her warm fingers. She flicked her hand and droplets of water splashed into the eyes of the middle-aged woman. An Xia folded her arms and refused in a low voice, “I won’t, it’s borrowed clothes.”
Only allowed on
She needed to return it to the doctor. Once removed, where could she find another one that was identical?
“Oh, the little girl is hard-headed,” the taller middle-aged woman gave an odd smile. Her cold expression turned venomous, “Now that you are in our hands, do you still consider yourself human? If you refuse, then we shall rip it off!”
Her fat fingers roughly grabbed the parka, but An Xia twisted her body relentlessly. The expression on her face was just as determined.
She was clearly meaning: Although I’m afraid, I’ll resist.
“Damn it! How dare you!” the shorter middle-aged woman was furious. She had not seen a hostage who dared to resist. Did she think that she was here as a decoration?
A beating should discipline her.
There was no slapping, she lifted her leg and kicked towards An Xia’s calf.
The  face of the “human goods” was the selling point. When locked in a cage, the client would first look at the “soup”, then the “dish”. The “Soup” referred to the face while the “dish” was the body.
If there was an obvious injury to the face, it would be easy to return the goods.
If the injury was on the body, as long as it did not tear the skin and there was no scar, then it wouldn’t affect the quality of the human goods.
An Xia who was resisting dodged behind the tall middle-aged woman in panic, making her take the blow instead. The woman swore in pain.
“Are you f****** blind? Aim properly, god damn it, it hurts.” The kick had landed exactly on her shin, and the pain made her loosen her grip on An Xia.
The commotion had alerted De Lu Sen, he switched to the language of Country Xia and scolded, “What are you doing, be quiet!”
The surroundings were back in silence. The two middle-aged women did not dare to speak loudly anymore. They glared at An Xia and dragged her towards the shipping
container. They would definitely strip her in there!
Screams echoed from the metallic container. However, the surroundings remained silent, and even the birds took no notice.
A whistle was blown from a high point, signalling : Safe.
The time is almost 6 o’clock. The white snow glimmered in the night. In the distance, a small car drove on the snowy road and its high beam flashed five times. De Lu Sen stomped his feet that were numb from the cold before a smile appeared on his foreign face.
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