Chapter 12 Lowly Status
The person whom they thought would never come home appeared coldly, and all the eyes in the council chamber were staring at her.
Ye Meng Wei, who was a mother, reacted the fastest. When she saw her daughter, her face turned pale and she struggled as she shouted, “Xia’er, run, hurry…”
Before she had finished speaking, she was slapped hard by An Zi Qin, and her crisp voice fell into An Xia’s ear, which made her sad.
This was Ye Meng Wei, An Xia’s mother, the person she wanted to protect now.
But the person she wanted to protect was being bullied like a dog!
It was unbearable!
“B*tch, how dare you ask her to run. I will f*cking slap you to death!” An Zi Qin, who was ruthless, wanted to continue slapping her. Suddenly, his wrist was suppressed by a dark shadow.
An Zi Qin raised his eyes and saw that it was An Xia who was grabbing his wrist and became even more furious. “You bastard child! Let go of me!”
He roared, “Come! Tie her up! Tie her up!”
The An Family’s housekeepers did not enter, but it was An Yang Yang who rushed in. Her eyes turned and cried in panic, “Older sister, what are you trying to do? You don’t want to kill dad, do you?”
“Dad, I’ll save you!” Even if she died, she still wanted to protect her dad’s heroism. She wept and picked up the dog leash and wanted to put it around An Xia’s neck.
B*tch, want to escape?
No way!
Be a good dog and be taken to the Song Family by Mr Song!
Before she could get close to An Xia, she heard An Zi Qin scream like a slaughtered pig.
Then, a heavier slap echoed in the council chamber.
An Xia, with cold black eyes, slapped An Zi Qin continuously.
An Yang Yang, with a horrified expression, stood on the spot like a log.
Mu Ning Xue quickly pulled her daughter away, and shouted loudly, “Ah…. someone has been hit! Someone has been hit! Come! Help!”
The next second, the screams became louder when she saw An Zi Qin’s wrist was broken!
Only allowed on
The screams echoed inside An Mansion.
An Xia let go and snubbed the screaming middle-aged man, and walked towards Old Mrs An.
Old Mrs An was also frightened. An Xia’s eyes were cold, like a thin knife hanging over her neck. She just needed to move the knife gently and blood would be splattered on the spot! Death was drawing closer!
She stepped back, and she didn’t know when the dog leash in her hand had loosen.
An Xia did not deal with Old Mrs An immediately. She squatted down, undid the dog leash on Ye Meng Wei’s neck, and helped her up. Her voice, which was like the cold sound of water, flowed into everyone’s ears. “Whoever bullies her, I will return the favor 10 more times.”
This was a warning to An Zi Qin, and a warning to everyone in the An Family.
Old Mrs An’s face turned black and blue. How dare she threaten the An Family!
“Come, tie this bastard child for Head Song!”
An Xia did not respect Old Mrs An at all. She held her mom and said warmly, “You can sit on the floor. It’s warm and comfortable. I’ll bring you out of here in 10 minutes.”
The debt for slapping her mother and putting a dog leash on her, it had not yet been settled, how could she leave?
Ye Meng Wei, who breathed weakly, was so frightened that she grabbed her daughter’s wrists. She wanted to leave. “Xia’er, we’ve to run, quickly.”
“No need.” An Xia smiled and put her arm around Ye Meng Wei’s shoulder. “In the future, I’ll protect you.”
She paused and added, “You have to trust me.”
Her eyes did not show any cowardice. Even the black eyes that dared not gaze directly at others in the past were now as bright as stars, which made people afraid of the cold light. This kind of An Xia was unfamiliar to Ye Meng Wei.
“Xia’er…” Ye Meng Wei’s hand suddenly tightened hard, and there was a clear panic in her eyes.
Why did her daughter change?
Everyone could tell that An Xia had changed, and that change made the hearts of the An Family nervous.
Can she still be given as a dog to Song Zheng Wei?
Everyone looked at the head of the family’s seat and froze.
Mr Song, who was still there just now, had disappeared.
It was good that he was not there. An Xia needed to be resolved first.
Rapid footsteps came from outside, and the housekeeper ran into the council chamber with several bodyguards.
The bodyguards had come. An Xia will be dealt with in a minute!
“Old Mrs An, I saw Miss An go to the attic….”
The housekeeper’s voice stopped suddenly. She stared at An Xia with her eyes wide open as if she had seen a ghost.
An Xia, who had entered the attic, unexpectedly appeared in the council chamber.
The attic was on the third floor, how did she get out?
Did she jump through the window?
How did she not fall to her death?
An Zi Qin, did not wait for the housekeeper to return to her senses. He roared like a beast, “You useless person, why are you still standing there! Quickly beat the bastard child to death!”
He will have that bastard child killed and thrown to the Song Family to feed the dogs!
“No, no, Xia’er…” Ye Meng Wei stretched her thin arms and protected An Xia behind her. “Xia’er, listen to mom, you’ve to run!”
Run? Don’t even think of running.
Mu Ning Xue, with a bodyguard, jumped out to put on an act again, and she burst into tears. “Older sister, are you really going to destroy the An Family? Head Song already personally paid a visit. Why didn’t you ask Xia’er to go to the Song Family to apologize?”
“Xia’er, you’re too disobedient. Instead of showing any remorse after creating such a big disaster, you even came home and injured your elders. Listen to Aunt Xue’s advice. Kneel down in front of Head Song and admit your mistake.”
An Yang Yang also straightened her back and wiped her tears. She looked pitiful and urged, “Older sister, don’t resist. If you don’t kneel down, later when the housekeeper arrives, you will be in more pain. I do not want to see you hurt.”
She threw the dog leash under An Xia’s feet and cried louder. “Older sister, you’d better put the dog leash on yourself, I beg you.”
Both mother and daughter echoed and supported each other, which made people sick to their stomach.
An Xia’s eyebrows added some slyness.
Her cold gaze stared at the green tea b*tch who was putting on an act. Her left hand moved slightly and the steel pipe hidden in her sleeve appeared like a sword, sweeping the knees of An Yang Yang like strong wind.
The shrill scream penetrated the council chamber, and the green tea b*tch An Yang Yang heavily fell on her knees. That scream made the hearts of all who were witnessing tremble.
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An Yang Yang, who had fallen on her knees for no more than 3 seconds, grabbed her knees and cried, “My knees, it hurts, it hurts…”