Chapter 11 Vicious
The Song Family is here?!
Everyone’s expression changed. It was over. It was really over for them this time!
Old Mrs An got up and took a deep breath before saying firmly, “Please invite them in quickly!”
“It’s over, mom. It’s over. It must be Mr and Mrs Song!” An Zi Qin had been scared till his knees were soft and his forehead was sweating coldly. “What should we do? What should we do?”
Old Mrs An’s eyes squinted as she looked at Ye Meng Wei with gloomy coldness. “As you’ve heard, the Song Family came. You’ll be dying tonight!”
An Zi Qin also released his anger on Ye Meng Wei and beat her ruthlessly. “You still dare to resist! How dare you resist!”
Ye Meng Wei who suffered from punches and kicks, curled up and fell to the ground. She was in great pain and was kicked unconscious.
Song Zheng Wei came. He came to put pressure on the Song Family.
“Head Song has arrived…”
“Old Mrs An, spare the greetings. I’m here to talk about my dead daughter.” Song Zheng Wei didn’t give Old Mrs An a chance to even breathe. He ignored the rest of the An Family, and sat in the Head family’s chair before gloomily glancing across everyone who were present.
His gaze was dark and ruthless, causing everyone from the An Family to hold their breaths and listen to Song Zheng Wei’s resentment, “If I don’t get a satisfactory explanation today, there will be no more peace days in the An Family!”
Hearing that, An Zi Qin was the first one to crack under pressure. His feet shivered and replied in panic, “Head Song, she is the biological mother of the bastard child. We were just going to put her on a dog leash to make her kneel down to die for Miss Song. One life for two lives. What do you think?”
The Song Family was Xuancheng city’s most influential family. Song Jing Yi, Head Song’s younger brother, took a key position in the war department. It was easy for them to destroy the An Family!
Only allowed on
Song Zheng Wei shouted, “I want the main culprit!”
“As long as the bastard child comes back, we’ll put her on a dog leash and let both mother and daughter crawl all the way to the Song Family to die!” Old Mrs An explained with a calm face, “Head Song, this is our sincerity, are you satisfied now?”
“Yes, yes, yes, Head Song, we are really sincere. Will you please reconsider?” An Zi Qin kept wiping his sweat and didn’t know that he had spoken out of line. His own family could not help but roll their eyes at him.
Idiot, what is there to reconsider?
Song Zheng Wei did not answer immediately. His gloomy gaze swept across the An Family, and saw that their faces showed fear, and his heart eased slightly.
Being afraid is a given!
If Head Song brought Ye Meng Wei with him tonight, that rampant Miss An would surely be obedient.
“Good.” Song Zheng Wei nodded slowly. “Tonight I’ll take Mrs An back to the Song Family first. Tomorrow, I want to see Miss An kneel to the Song Family and pay with her life!”
The An Family was relieved, and Old Mrs An said, “Of course!” She shouted again, “Ning Xue, put the dog leash around this b*tch’s neck, and then splash cold water to wake her up!”
Mu Ning Xue, with Song Zheng Wei’s murderous gaze on her, put the dog leash on Ye Meng Wei’s neck with shaky hands. The moment she put the leash on Ye Meng Wei’s neck, she felt relieved and the rest of the An Family relaxed.
A basin of cold water was thrown, and the fainted Ye Meng Wei woke up. Her neck suddenly tightened as she was dragged like a dog by Old Mrs An towards a stranger.
“Mom… Mom…” Ye Meng Wei cried for mercy, “Please save Xia’er, please…”
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The closed door of the council chamber was suddenly kicked open, and a slender figure passed through the door and stepped under the bright lights, appearing in the eyes of Song Zheng Wei and the An Family.
It was An Xia!