Chapter 13 An Eye For An Eye
It hurt so much that she’d rather die.
An Yang Yang cried bitterly. Very soon, her forehead and back were wet with cold sweat.
An Xia’s goal was to make her feel pain.
Next, was to put the dog leash on her.
There was no chance for the An Family to react, An Xia picked up the dog leash, and in a flash, she firmly latched the dog leash around An Yang Yang’s neck.
One sudden tug and An Yang Yan’s crying was suppressed in her throat.
It was difficult to breathe. How could she even carry on crying?
Members of the An Family were shocked by An Xia’s action, and even the bodyguards were shocked. They couldn’t react immediately to rescue An Yang Yang.
No matter how fast they were to regain their senses, they could not keep up with An Xia’s pace. At one moment, she had hit someone, on another, she placed a leash around someone’s neck.
The dog leash was tugged again. An Xia’s eyes darkened and she looked at An Yang Yang, who was in pain, before saying indifferently, “Kneel down and crawl!”
An Xia always believed in an eye for an eye. Her mother’s humiliation had to be returned.
How could An Yang Yang, whose knees were broken, still kneel and crawl? Her neck was about to be suffocated and her blood vessels swelled up. She struggled painfully, “Wu… Ah… Mom…. Dad… , save me, save me.”
She was so miserable. She felt like dying. Someone please save her!
At this moment, only Mu Ning Xue and An Zi Qin dared to step up to save their daughter.
The other members of the An Family were so shocked by An Xia’s cruel ways that they dared not act rashly.
She was too cruel!
Who would want misfortune to befall on themselves?
Mu Ning Xue’s face was pale, but she couldn’t act delicate like she normally did. She pounced towards An Xia rampantly and fiercely, “You little bitch! How dare you hurt my Yang Yang! I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you!”
She used the dog leash in her hands as a whip and tried to hit An Xia’s face.
However, it did not hit. An Xia caught hold of the leash and pulled Mu Ning Xue towards her.
Grabbing hold of the dog leash, An Xia moved and instantly stood behind Mu Ning Xue.
The dog leash was latched tightly around Mu Ning Xue’s neck. An Xia raised her feet and kicked her knees twice.
“Kuang!” A loud thud was heard and Mu Ning Xue’s scream immediately echoed in the council chamber.
Even as she fell on her knees, she still did not understand how An Xia had dealt with her.
Both mother and daughter were reunited with dog leashes around their necks!
“Kneel down and crawl to my mother to apologize.” An Xia pulled the dog leashes which were tightly wrapped around both mother and daughter’s necks. Her voice was calm, with a cold and shuddering intention to kill, “My patience is limited. I will only count once, if you don’t crawl, then I’ll strangle you to death!”
An Xia eased her strength on the leashes, and they hung tightly around the mother and daughter’s neck. The suffocation was enough to make An Yang Yang forget the pain.
Crawl, I’ll crawl, I’ll crawl!
“Yang…Yang…” Mu Ning Xue still wanted to struggle to stop An Xia. She did not believe that An Xia would really kill them!
The consequence of being too confident was with the leash being tugged and she struggled to gasp for air.
An Xia would really kill her!
Fear roared like a tsunami, and Mu Ning Xue felt frightened and shook violently.
Crawl, I’ll crawl, I’ll crawl!
“Ning Xue! Yang Yang! Ah ah ah, you bastard child! I’m going to kill you!” An Zi Qin saw that his beloved woman and spoiled daughter were being humiliated and completely burst out in anger.
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He stared at the housekeeper with blood-shot eyes and screamed madly, “What are you looking at! Save them!”
But he dare not rush forward personally.
He roared at the bodyguards, “I’ll give a million to anyone who kills that bastard child today!”
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With a reward as motivation, a bodyguard attacked An Xia.