Chapter 10 Treated Her Like A Dog
An Xia was Ye Meng Wei’s whole world. As long as her daughter could live, she would risk her life for her.
Mu Ning Xue did not want to make her feel better. She sneered and sighed, “Older sister, the Song Family wants your and Xia’er’s life.”
With tears falling from her eyes, “I watched Xia’er grow up. I did not expect her to end up like this.”
Oh, you still want to protect that little b*tch? Dream on.
“She only has herself to blame!” An Zi Qin said fiercely, “useless waste, hope she dies early so she wouldn’t cause any more trouble!”
Ye Meng Wei knew that her husband did not like herself or her daughter, but she never thought there would be a day that her husband would wish for her daughter’s death.
If even An Zi Qin refused to help her daughter, then no one in the An Family would help her.
Only allowed on
She knew too well that Old Mrs An disliked her and Xia’er.
No, she had to save Xia’er!
Ye Meng Wei got up, ignored everything and rushed outside.
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Old Mrs An hit the armchair hard and scolded harshly, “Are you all dead? Quickly hold her down!”
An Zi Qin quickly rushed over and grabbed Ye Meng Wei’s wrist and dragged her back.
“Pa pa pa!”
An Zi Qin slapped Ye Meng Wei and shouted angrily. “B*tch! How dare you still run! You should kneel and crawl to the Song Family to apologize!”
Ye Meng Wei was imprisoned by the An Family for many years. She was severely damaged physically and mentally. She nearly fainted due to the slaps that caused the corners of her mouth to bleed.
Mu Ning Xue felt it wasn’t enough and aggravated the situation. “Zi Qin, Older Sister is a lunatic, I’m afraid she won’t be able to kneel and crawl to the Song Family. Why don’t you ask the housekeeper to find a leash and drag her there.”
After a quick look at each other, Second Mrs An and Third Mrs An quietly lowered their heads, and no one stood up.
Mu Ning Xue was indeed cruel. She even thought of using a leash to drag Ye Meng Wei to the An Family. She treated Ye Meng Wei like a dog.
But it had nothing to do with them. The messier the situation in the eldest son’s family, the better.
Old Mrs An did not think much and stared at Ye Meng Wei on the ground, with deep resentment in her eyes. “This is no one else’s fault but her as she brought upon her own destruction! The An Family would be the ones cleaning up once you and your b*stard child are dead!”
“Come! Put the leash on her!”
Outside, An Yang Yang could not control her happiness. She ran to the dog kennel and took 2 dog leashes and asked timidly, “Grandmother, I took 2 dog leashes. Do you think they are ok?”
Mom is so awesome. She could deal with both An Xia and Ye Meng Wei together.
For now onwards, Mom would be Mrs An and she would be Miss An!
Old Mrs An glanced and motioned Ning Xue to carry on.
Mu Ning Xue did not immediately take the dog leash. She bit her lower lip slightly, and looked at An Zi Qin with red eyes and pity “Zi Qin, I…”
An Zi Qin just wanted to tie her away quickly and said quickly, “Ning Xue, it’s not your time to be kind now. Do it.”
Mu Ning Xue put on an act and took the dog leash awkwardly. She lowered her head and with a smile in her eyes, grasped the dog leash and walked towards Ye Meng Wei.
After tonight, she will become his official wife!!
Ye Meng Wei looked at the approaching Mu Ning Xue. She clutched her hands and stepped back.
No, no, no, she was willing to die, but she could not bear being dragged like a dog.
She did not want to die while being a laughing stock for her daughter.
“Older sister, what makes you qualified to refuse? Your own family didn’t want you, your husband’s family no longer wants you, you…” Mu Ning Xue leaned over and came to Ye Meng Wei’s ear. Those lovely eyes were poisonous like snakes and scorpions where no one saw them. “Now, you are a dog. Be obedient and put on the leash!”
The housekeeper’s voice came from outside, the Song Family was coming!