Chapter 9: A Life For A Life
Old Mrs An was moved by Mu Ning Xue’s proposal.
It was really a good idea to have both mother and daughter surrendered to the Song Family.
An Zi Qi could see that Old Mrs An was moved and nodded in agreement, “Mom, this is a good idea. Anyway, my sister-in-law is a lunatic, the An Family has been taking care of her for so many years, it is now her turn to repay the An Family.”
“It’s her debt to pay! Not repayment for taking care of her!” Second Mrs An added, “Her daughter has caused this trouble, if she does not come forward, who will come forward?”
Old Mrs An looked at her eldest and second son, and finally asked her adopted son, An Yuan Ding, who had always been valued, “What do you think Yuan Ding?”
“Mom, what we think is useless, it depends on the Song Family.” An Yuan Ding frowned, and his elegant face remained solemn. “The Song Family needs to agree.”
An Yuan Ding’s wife, Third Mrs An said gently, “Mom, why don’t Yuan Ding and I bring sister-in-law to the Song Family to apologize, hopefully we still have time.”
“That’s a good idea. You have a good relationship with Mrs Song, I’m sure she will not make things awkward for you.” Old Mrs An’s gloomy face turned bright again. She gently patted the back of Third Mrs An’s hand and said kindly, “my dear daughter in law, thank you.”
Second Mrs An secretly curled her mouth.
Was it necessary to be close to an adopted daughter-in-law?
Only allowed on
There was a sudden anxiousness from the housekeepers outside. “What do you want, madam? Stop right there! You can’t go in! You can’t go in! Stop this lunatic.”
Nobody expected Ye Meng Wei, who was mad, was able to bang open the tightly shut door, and ran into the council chamber barefooted and with her hair still messy.
The housekeepers and maids were frightened, but they were not allowed to enter the council chamber, and could only watch Ye Meng Wei barge in.
An Yang Yang, Mu Ning Xue’s daughter, stood with a frightened face like a pure little white flower, biting her lower lip.
She sneaked into the attic just to agitate Ye Ming Wei. Who could have imagined…
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What should she do now?
Mu Ning Xue saw a trace of gloominess flashed in her daughter’s eyes
Luckily, the An Family was planning to find Ye Meng Wei. Old Mrs An would probably not blame her.
Ye Meng Wei, who rushed into the council chamber, knelt down in front of Old Mrs An.
In the council chamber, the lights were dazzling, and Ye Meng Wei, who kneeled down, had kowtowed until her forehead became red and swollen. She begged Old Mrs An bitterly. “Mom, please let Xia’er off. Mom, I beg you! Please let Xia’er off.”
“She’s still young. She’s only 18 years old. She still has to go to school. Please be kind and let Xia er off. I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life. Please save Xia’er from the Song family.”
“Yang Yang just told me that Miss Song is a pervert who likes to abuse girls of the same age. If Xia’er ends up in her hands, she will die.”
“Old Mrs An, consider the many years I’ve been obedient, please save Xia’er.”
During the speech, Ye Meng Wei had kowtowed until her head bled.
Old Mrs An didn’t move but An Zi Qin got up with a thunderous jump.
He rushed to Ye Meng Wei, kicked her down, and cursed, “You still have the face to beg for mercy! That filthy creature has killed the only daughter of Head Song. Now, the Song Family wants you two to pay for her life! Yet you are still pleading? You should go kill yourself right now!”
“Mom, quickly ask the Third Sister-in-law to drag her away and give her to the Song Family, the situation may change adversely if this is not settled soon!”
Hurry up and die, I don’t want to wrong Ning Xue anymore.
Ye Meng Wei almost fainted when she heard that her daughter had killed Song Yan Yan.
Without caring about the pain in her shoulder, she hurriedly said, “Old Mrs An, I will go to the Song Family to exchange a life for a life!”