Counter Attack Chapter 27

The next day, Wu went out at a very late hour.
For insurance, Wu even disguised himself, he changed his cotton jacket to a trench coat, for hiding purposes. He changed his eyes and his bald head the most, his double eyelids became mono-lids, his eyes became significantly smaller. It just so happened that Shuai has a wig so Wu put it on, then a cap to finish off his final look.
Wu went up a public bus.
There weren't many people on the bus, his eyes scanned the bus precariously, looking for his target. The commuters were alighting one by one, he hasn't found the perfect one yet. He thought one was too old; he pitied one with knuckled legs, he finally found a woman wearing fashionable clothes, he was so engrossed in her beauty that he missed his chance.
'This is the last station, passengers please alight the bus.''s the last station already? Wu hit his head resentfully, this can't continue like this! I need to act fast! The sun is going to rise anytime soon.
He was wandering around the streets, then he came to a bridge.
Just squat here for a moment.
He lit up a cheap cigarette, he huffed and puffed while looking at the moving traffic beneath him. Wu felt a sense of lament, he yearned for life. A life that he was busy earning money, it doesn't matter if he earns lesser, it doesn't matter if he only managed to buy a second-hand car, he could drive it back home. A home that lights up for him, that's all.
How did it become like this?
Wu took a deep breath, then slapped his cheeks hard and mentally motivated himself. Buck up! Buck up! A wonderful life is waiting for you ahead! You don't have the time to mourn! Act fast!
At the same time, a target appeared in front of him.
That very person is our beloved Chi who was patrolling.
Actually, he wasn't that responsible, he was just trying to kill time. Catching thieves to him is nothing more than an entertainment.
Chi also disguised himself slightly before heading out, his colleagues were telling him that he looked like a thug, thieves wouldn't dare to steal from him. So he changed into a common cotton jacket, hand knitted hat, a branded wallet, he even watched movies with an iPad on his hand while walking down the street. He looked like a commoner.
Wu targeted him anyways.
Shit! He looked like the bald cop from afar... Wu cursed silently, even the way he walked looked like him, he even has this arrogant feel radiating from him. I'm going for this!
Chi was just about to cross the pedestrian crossing, his thief sensor sensed something fishy.
Wu ambushed beforehand.
Chi kept his eyes glued to the screen, acting as if he wasn't paying attention. Wu was walking behind him, his eyes were staring at the phone in his pocket. Finally, Chi was tripped over by something.
Wu went up to help him up, then stole his phone simultaneously. The job was done within 2 seconds.
Chi's deep-set gaze and his fashion sense felt familiar.
Wu was trying to keep his cool, 'No problem.'
He turned and was about to leave, then his shoulders were pinned down. Wu realized the change in the situation, I was fooled! He flipped over his body and started to fight back, his fighting skills were basically useless, Chi restricted his movements without putting in much effort. 
'You faked your fall?' Wu gritted his teeth.
Chi scoffed, 'You can "help me up", why can't I fake my fall?'
Wu was grappling until an idea came to his mind, he used his head to knock Chi's collarbone forcefully.
A surge of pain rushed through, Chi grabbed Wu's collar and lifted his head up.
They both froze for three seconds, they didn't move at all.
'Why is it you again?' Chi talked first.
Wu recognized Chi too, he scolded mentally. What the hell! Why are you everywhere? He tightened his jaws, stared back at Chi ferociously, 'Aren't you guys a bit overboard? Why is the city board catching thieves now?'
Chi took out handcuffs, he used it to hit on Wu's knuckles, making creepy sounds.
'I'm a policeman now.'
Wu, '....'
Chi removed the thing that Wu stuck onto his eyelids, revealing his pair of dark eyes. Then he removed his cap, lastly his wig. 
'Freelancer?' He glanced over at Wu, 'You can do everything?'
Wu straightened his back, 'Our country promotes development in every aspect, isn't it?'
'Last time I thought you were honest so I let you go. If I let you go this time, I'll be looking down on you.'
Wu clenched his teeth and pursed his lips, his brows showed stubbornness.
Chi laughed, 'You have a strong backbone.'
The handcuffs produced a 'pak' sound.
'Let's go then.'\n