Counter Attack Chapter 26

It hasn't been a month since Chi started working at the City Board, his father transferred him to the police department. The reason behind this is because Yu heard Chi was splashed with porridge by a vendor, she cried in grief. She kept nagging to Yuan, saying the job at the City Board is tiring, has a bad reputation in the society, she didn't want his son to stay there. Yuan couldn't take her anymore, he agreed to it in the end.
Chi was called back home that day, Yuan told him like this.
'Your snakes are under a caretaker, if you want to see them, stay put in work. Since young, I didn't care what you do, I didn't object you raising snakes, but it can only be a hobby. I don't care how much money you've earned from all those battles, it's more important to have a proper job. Also, I've booked your wedding banquet for you, I'll give you a year to find a girlfriend, if you can't I'll make you marry who I chose for you.'
'Sure, as long as she's not scared of snakes.' Chi said. 
Yuan was pissed, 'Why must you bring along that thing!'
Chi placed his huge hand on Jealous, caressed it gently, expressing his undying affection.
Yu was telling Yuan, their son didn't have a girlfriend now, he wouldn't listen to anything you've said to him. Wait until he has one, he will know how to care for someone, he then will know how to weight things differently.
Before he left, Yuan asked Chi again.
'The lower body of the son of a guy named Wang was paralyzed, is this your creation?'
Wang Zhen Long's (Yue Yue bf) father was Wang Jia Cun, they lived in the West, then came to the city to start up business, the money he earned wasn't enough to support his son. Yuan knew him is because Jia went to find Yuan's subordinate, so he had some memory of this guy. Something happened to Long, Chi was at the place too. Although the investigations had shown no relation to Chi, but Yuan was worried it's Chi's doing.'
Chi replied coldly, 'I don't know any guy named Wang.'
'It better be that case.'
It was the end of the year, people's wallet were filled with bonuses, it was the time of highest crime rate. The police department became an anti-theft group, hundreds of policemen went undercover to encircle thieves, there were numerous people caught every day. Chi was still fresh to the department, he was immediately recruited to join the action.
At first, no one cared about Chi was the strongest among them, he was rich after all and he got a strong support, he wasn't in rush to get promoted, as long as he doesn't step out. Who would have thought he left the center looking half asleep, he managed to catch over ten people within a few hours. After spending a long time with animals, Chi had developed an extra sharp vision, who's a thief and who's not, Chi could tell them apart with one look.
Thieves work in groups, police catch thieves in teams as well. Once someone was caught, the few policemen pounced on him until both hands were handcuffed, they then considered one caught.
Chi was a different case, he preferred to work alone.
That day he was standing at the bus stop, his idle gaze was scanning the streets, it then fixed on two guys. The commuters were squeezing to get on the bus, one of them was deliberately blocking the entrance, the people behind were scolding and shouting at him. His accomplice was reaching his head into a woman's handbag during that time...
When he almost succeed, someone grabbed him by his arm, he turned around to see a grinning face.
When the bus started to depart from the bus stop, everyone in the bus was stretching their heads to see what's happening out in the streets, the scene wasn't for people with weak heart. The thief was dragged along the street for 5 meters by Chi, his skin on his face was almost fully rubbed off. The other guy was about to run away after seeing the plight of his accomplice, Chi grabbed him by the collar and threw him onto a noticeboard, he even lost his two front teeth.
There were so many people with fever these two days, the clinic was a full house, everyone was having IV drips. Shuai was busy moving from ward to ward, he was changing the IV bags, prescribing...he still had to tolerate children's wailing.
Wu was at the side playing with a bottle cap carefreely, training the agility of his middle and index fingers.
'Wu, hand me a syringe.'
Shuai turned to get a small bottle of medicine, he then realized Wu didn't even move a single inch, he was still playing with his bottle cap.
'Hey, I told you to get me a syringe, do you hear me?'
Wu didn't even lift up his head and replied, 'It's in your pocket.'
Shuai touched his pocket dubiously, there really was an unopened syringe. What sorcery is this, he didn't even see Wu stood up, he didn't even feel anything going into his pocket, how did this syringe end up in my pocket?
Wu was grinning evilly, looks like he almost mastered the skill.
After work, Shuai asked Wu, 'Why do you keep playing with the cap?'
'I'm training my fingers,' Wu reached out his right hand.
Wu snickered, 'You're putting in so much effort for your own pleasure.'
Wu was pissed, he punched Shuai chest.
'Don't bullshit, I'm serious.'
Shuai squinted his eyes, 'What's that for?'
Wu whispered into Shuai's ear, 'I met a guy recently, he had mad skills, he has many apprentices around this area. I am learning from them now, then I'll give them 20% after I've succeeded.'
Shuai understood in an instant, he immediately objected.
'You can't steal from people!'
'What's wrong?' Wu didn't care, 'There are thieves everywhere, is reimbursement of public funds stealing from tax payers? Are third parties stealing others' partners? You never bought pirated disks, never ever read pirated books?'
Shuai was flickered by Wu. Shuai looked at Wu, he wasn't embarrassed for what he said.
'You're way capable than your own teacher, I'm not even as malicious as you.'
'I'm taking from the wealthy to help us poor.' He said loudly.
Shuai sneered, 'Who are you helping? Why can't I see that?'
'Me!' Wu patted his chest, 'I'm poor, isn't it? I've thought about it, I don't steal from elderly, I don't steal from part-timers, I steal from nasty people. For example, people who cut queues, people who don't pay for the bus fares, people with inappropriate behaviors in public...'
'Tsk...' Shuai an eyebrow, 'You're saying as if you're helping the innocents.'
Wu looked like he didn't care, but he was struggling inside for a long time. He didn't wish to do this, the point is it's the end of the year now, everyone received their bonuses, his mother didn't even know about his resignation. Being a hawker was earning proper money, but he was constantly under supervision, he was hiding every day. Moreover, the bald head cop recognized him, he couldn't go out and work anymore.
I've heard that the cops are tightening the security in this area, there are many cops in the streets catching thieves.'
'Don't worry.' Wu gave Shuai a pat on his shoulder, 'I'll go at night, they don't have the energy to work overtime.'
Shuai still added, 'Know when to stop.'
'Got it.'\n