Counter Attack Chapter 28

Wu didn't think that Chi would punish him like this.
On the way to the station, Wu thought of the worst scenarios that could happen. He couldn't avoid beating, fine is a must, he might be prosecuted. It's almost the new year, his 'year-end bonus' is gone, he couldn't even go back home. Wu could imagine his old mother crying now...
In the end, any of the scenes that he imagined didn't even happen, Chi didn't even take him to the station, instead, he kept him in a humid basement. Chi will bring him out to catch thief every day, he will return to the basement at night. After he was done with his business and eating, he was cuffed to the bed until dawn.
Wu was living in hell for the few days.
During the day he was tirelessly catching pickpockets for Chi, he needed to hit a certain quota to earn his meal every day. He would thieves that were thieves, some were violent, Wu would get a beating from them even! It's okay even if Wu was suffering, the point is why are you being a spectator?! I was beaten like a sandbag, could you help me out? You were just smoking, squatting at the side looking! I'm not your freaking servant!
It was hell at night too.
He couldn't understand why did Chi rented a warm and humid basement, he wasn't used to it when he was there for the first two days. He woke up in the middle of the night for several nights, he felt like he was sleeping in a steamer. It's fine if the environment was poor, he even had a fucking python, Wu always saw Jealous' face the first thing he opened his eyes in the morning, he stared at its face for the whole night.
Huge snowflakes were drifting down the sky, Chi was still squatting by the road, staring at Wu.
Wu lost more weight, his trousers were loose and a small fraction of his pink underwear could be seen. When he was chasing after the thieves, his trousers were touching the ground, Wu pulled up his pants too aggressively, you could almost see the size of his balls.
Chi sneered, flicked off the ashes which were almost half of the length of his finger.
'Stand there!'
Wu jumped onto the thief, hit his ribcage with his head. One shot.
'One again!'
Wu threw him by Chi's feet, looking cool.
Chi said softly, 'You're so flirty.'
'What did you say?' Wu didn't hear it clearly.
Chi peered over to his underwear teasingly, said, 'You're wearing a pink underwear, aren't you being flirty?'
'What are you bullshitting?' His eyes widen, 'They're gray.'
Chi didn't know Wu was color blind, he thought he was being shy.
Wu lifted his trousers and pulled down his shirt, then walked away after done arranging himself.
'Wait.' Chi said.
Wu stopped, glanced over at Chi, 'What else?'
Chi hit Wu's nape, few snowflakes dropped down from his hair, then added.
'Your balls are quite big.'
After saying that, he walked towards the bus stop ahead, his soles were rubbing against the thick snow.
Wu threw a few kicks and punches to the air behind Chi. Retard! Pervert! Bastard!... He was about to curse about his ancestors, but he could only swallow back those words. I couldn't do much now. You'll wait until one day, I could punish you my way!
He might have used too much energy during the day, he slept well at night.
Jealous slid out of Chi's bed, slithered onto Wu's bed, wrapping around Wu's neck. Wu flipped to the other side, Jealous wrapped around his neck again. It already wrapped itself to half of Wu's body in the end.
In this humid environment, Wu always lay his back onto the wall to cool down himself. He didn't feel anything even when Jealous wrapped around him, he even wrapped his arm around it.
Chi felt Jealous was missing too, so he switched on the lights, looked over at the side. Jealous wrapped onto Wu until his head could only be seen, but he was sleeping soundly. Jealous laid its head on Wu's bald head and shaking his tail, but it stopped after a while.
It was surprisingly harmonious.
The morning after, Chi uncuffed Wu and said coldly, 'You can go.'
Wu was surprised, 'Didn't you say I have to catch 200 thieves to let me go?'
'You can stay.' Chi said.
Wu turned and left in a swift action.
A kraft paper bag hit Wu's head from behind, Wu caught it in a fast action, there was 10k cash inside.
'Salary.' Chi said.
This time, Wu didn't straighten his back, stepping on the money and looking all lofty. He grabbed the bag tightly, looked at Chi with mixed emotions.
'No problem.' he replied.\n