TheĀ GW and the Part-time Job and the Ojou-sama (4)
Touka University was the only national university in the city.
In the same city was the Touka University School of Medicine affiliated Hospital. Other than medical education and medical research, it provided advanced medical technology as the core of the medical community in this area. It also played the role of a tertiary Emergency Medical Care Centre. The position of the head of the Centre is currently being filled by Mr. Takayanagi Masaharu.
The above, was extracted from an online encyclopedia.
If youā€™re wondering why I stepped into an university despite being a high school student, itā€™s because I fell for the scheme of the sly dog, Tsubaki Soutarou.
When he made a request with upturned eyes while crying ā€œku~un,ā€ as expected I was unable to refuse him.
I do want to see Soutarou and Kaname playing in a basketball match. But coming to Touka University may result in encountering Madoka. While going ā€œdokidokiā€ in various meanings, I entered Touka University.
ā€œUwah~ The university sure is huge, huh, Mako-chan!ā€
Beside me, the Mitsuki who was lovelily clad in Izumino Gakuenā€™s uniform looked at me with upturned eyes.
Speaking of Subaru, she was busy with Student Council work and couldnā€™t make it. I donā€™t know when she joined the Student Council. When I asked why she joined, she said that itā€™s because she could use her position in the Student Council to enter Izumino Gakuen. Should I say sheā€™s shrewd or what.
She, until the very end of the very end, shed tears at being unable to witness this delicious scene.
ā€œI wonder whereā€™s the 1st gymnasium?ā€
Itā€™s the directionally-challenged Mitsuki and I.
In addition to the buildings which stretched as far as the eye could see, I donā€™t even know how many gymnasiums there are. Anyhow, this area is huge. Too huge. Thrown into such a place, I donā€™t know exactly when weā€™ll reach the gymnasium.
I did think of contacting Kaname and Soutarou, let them know our location and get them to fetch us, but those two are probably occupied with various preparations.
Iā€™ve no choice but to look for them with my intuition or sixth sense. My intuition probably wonā€™t be even a particleā€™s worth of help though.
ā€œAre, isnā€™t that Makoto-san?ā€
When I stepped out with the intention of searching for the 1st gymnasium, a voice sounded out behind me.
Turning around, a honor student-like youth with dead fish eyes ā€•ā€• Yukinoshita Ikuto was there. As I thought, even though he was giving a refreshing smile, something seems unnatural.
ā€œAh, Ikuto-kun. Is Ikuto-kun also here for the basketball practice match?ā€
ā€œThatā€™s correct. Even though Iā€™m not from the Basketball Club, my friends invited me. Is Makoto-san also participating in in the match?ā€
I heard that the practice match this time was an event where basketball lovers gather.
Iā€™m convinced that Ikuto will participate in the match even though heā€™s not in the Basketball Club. Heā€™s probably fond of basketball.
ā€œNope, Iā€™m only here to cheer my friends on.ā€
ā€œI see. Makoto-kun is tall so I thought youā€™d suit basketball.ā€
The slacks from our school uniform and a long-sleeved dress shirt, along with a deep blue cardigan, dressed like this, I clearly do not appear to be someone who plays basketball.
Incidentally, Ikuto was wearing a dark green jersey with the words怌Atlas Basketball Club怍written on the back. Itā€™s likely Private Atlas Academy Basketball Clubā€™s jersey.
Ikutoā€™s smile grew increasingly deep when he finally noticed Mitsuki.
ā€œThis isā€¦ā€¦?ā€
ā€œSheā€™s my twin and imouto, Mitsuki. Mitsuki, heā€™s a student from Private Atlas Academy, Yukinoshita Ikuto. Remember that incident I told you about, where I guided someone after work?ā€
Explaining till there, Mitsuki smiled as though she understood.
With an angelic smile on her face, she bowed.
ā€œI have heard about you. Iā€™m Makotoā€™s imouto, Mitsuki. Thank you for taking care of Makoto.ā€
ā€œIe, ie, Iā€™m the one whoā€™s being taken care of by Makoto. By the way, since youā€™re going to support them, then you should be going to the 1st gymnasium, right? If thatā€™s the case, shall we head there together?ā€
ā€œIs that okay? Honestly, Mitsuki and I donā€™t know the way. Itā€™ll help if youā€™d come with us.ā€
If the air-headed Mitsuki and the directionally-challenged me search for the 1st gymnasium, weā€™ll likely only reach after the match.
I can rest assure if Ikuto will guide us there. Although his smile is rather shady, I canā€™t doubt him just because heā€™s Madokaā€™s little brother. He should be able to properly guide us to the 1st gymnasium.
ā€œOf course, if youā€™re fine with me, letā€™s go together.ā€
Thanks to Ikutoā€™s guidance, we arrived at the 1st gymnasium in just a few minutes.
Lots of high school students were gathered in the gymnasium. As only boys will be playing in this match, most of the gathered students were male. There are some girls but they were probably managers or something similar.
ā€œAh, Mako! And Sakurai-san too.ā€
Wagging his tail, the doggy Soutarou approached us.
Clad in the white shirt with blue line of the Izumino Gakuenā€™s uniform, Soutarou invigoratingly called out my name but his entire body was overflowing with a怌 Mako, Mako, Mako~!! You really came to support us~?! Iā€™m so happy~!!Ā ć€Ā feeling.
When he approached me with that red face andĀ enough momentum as though he wanted to plant his nose in me, I drew back with shock. Scary.
He firmly grabbed both my arms and rubbed his cheek on the crown of my head. Waā€¦ā€¦ is this what big dogs feel like?
ā€œMako, you really came! Iā€™m happy. I, will definitely win with my shoot! For Makotoā€™s sake!ā€
ā€œO-ouā€¦ā€¦ do your best.ā€
ā€œFor Makotoā€™s sakeā€, thatā€™s wrong, right. You should be saying itā€™s for Mitsukiā€™s sake.
Those words should be said to Mitsuki, right. Why are you saying them to me?
Recently, it feels like Soutarou has been leaping across the boundary of a friend, but I wonder if itā€™s my imagination. Itā€™s my imagination, right? Thereā€™s no way the prince of an otome game fell in love with a guy, right?
ā€œBy the way, the person here isćƒ¼?ā€
At some point Kaname popped up all of a sudden and grabbed hold of Ikutoā€™s shoulder.
ā€œYukinoshita Ikuto. A first year from Private Atlas Academy. Heā€™s a slight acquaintance of mine.ā€
ā€œNice to meet you. Iā€™m Yukinoshita Ikuto. Iā€™ll also be participating in the match today so please go easy on me.ā€
ā€œIs that so? Iā€™m Mako-chanā€™s close friend, Fujisaki Kaname, and over there is Tsubaki Soutarou. Best regards. Whatā€™s Ikutoā€™s position?ā€
As expected of Kaname. Heā€™s already so chummy with Ikuto.
By the way, Soutarou was still looking at me while smiling bashfully. There was a pink aura in the air.
When I became aware of Mitsuki standing beside me with a blank look, it started to feel even more unbearably embarrassing. From a third personā€™s point of view, does this qualify as the antics of normal high school guys?
Recently, I feel that the line had become rather blurred.
ā€œSenpai, Umeda-san whoā€™s supposed to appear later apparently isnā€™t able to come-su. ā€¦ā€¦ What do we do?ā€
A young man who looked like a member of the Basketball Club came to Soutarouā€™s side and spoke in a panicked manner.
ā€œEh? Umeda-san?ā€
ā€œDatā€™s right! Itā€™s bad-su, what do we do? Itā€™s almost the deadline for the match participation entry[1]!ā€
Apparently the participant Umeda is unable to make it to the practice match. Because it wasnā€™t a serious game, it seems they didnā€™t prepare any substitute players, what a problem.
Like retribution for watching their exchange as though it was other peopleā€™s business, our eyes met.
ā€œā€¦ā€¦ Thereā€™s one here. A substitute. Sakurai Makoto, Izumino Gakuen Class 2-A.ā€
ā€œI see-su. ā€˜orry, Sakurai-senpai. Iā€™ll go and hand in the entry now.ā€
The young man departed with a bright smile.
I canā€™t grasp the situation, what on earth happened? It canā€™t be that, youā€™re asking me to participate in the basketball match, right? Rather, had I just been arbitrarily entered into the match?
ā€œHang, hang on, Soutarou! I, canā€™t play basketball!ā€
ā€œBut you at least know the rules, right?ā€
ā€œA-ahā€¦ā€¦ that, well, yes.ā€
With a ā€œThen, itā€™s decidedā€ smile, a deviousness that Iā€™ve never seen before in Soutarou oozed out of him.
Areā€¦ā€¦? Soutarou-kunā€¦ā€¦?
Because he immediately returned to the usual doggy, I thought it might have been my imagination.
In the end, Iā€™ve determined that Soutarou isnā€™t my enemy. With that cunning head tilt and mean attack, itā€™ll be quite frightening if he becomes like that.
Iā€™m gentle to Mitsuki and Soutarou. Iā€™m unable to reject them. Itā€™s that, isnā€™t it, it seems like I like cunningly cute people.
ā€œJa, Mako, change into this. It might be slightly stretched because I laundered it but it should be fine if itā€™s just for the duration of the match.ā€
ā€œAre you seriousā€¦ā€¦ are you seriousā€¦ā€¦ā€
ā€œMako-chan will be appearing too? Thatā€™s cool. Iā€™ll cheer for you, do your best, okay.ā€
Mitsuki grasped my hand tightly, and did the classic head tilt.
The way sheā€™s like a natural airhead is adorable. But now that adorableness of hers has become troubling.
Since way before, Iā€™ve only played basketball in PE. Even though I know the rules, if you put it in reverse, the rules alone are what I know.
While I was worrying to myself, I entered the male changing room only to find Takayanagi and Junya there.
ā€œAre, bunny-chan? Why are you here?ā€
Oi, oi, if so many of these guys assemble here, thereā€™s no way some problem wonā€™t appear.
Now we just need Madoka and a dispute flag will raise, isnā€™t it?
Having my strength drained out of me, I collapsed on the spot.
ā€œIs Sakurai-kun also participating in the match?ā€
ā€œE, eh, ma. Somehow it ended up this way.ā€
ā€œReally? Yasuchika will be playing on the Atlas side~. But Iā€™ll be supporting bunny-chan, ne.ā€
Although I donā€™t know why Takayanagiā€™s playing for Atlas even though heā€™s a student of Izumino Gakuen, perhaps I can explain it by saying itā€™s because of the otome gameā€™s revision[2].
If it canā€™t be helped that the situation is hopeless, then it canā€™t be helped. Now that itā€™s come to this, Iā€™ve no choice but to do it.
ā€œAhćƒ¼, thanks for that.ā€
Having confirmed my determination, I took off my school cardigan and removed my necktie. After I unfastened the buttons of my dress shirt, Junya hugged me from the back.
Then, ā€œkacha kachaā€ sounds rang out as he detached my belt in a casual manner. The belt loosened and he sleekly pulled it off with his left hand while his right started fondling my abs.
ā€œBunny-chan is slim but unexpectedly have some muscles, huh. This faint split in the abs is ecchi and itā€™s, making me, super hornyā€¦ā€¦ā€
Softly biting my earlobe, he brought his hips to my rump. Itā€™s only been several days that events likethatĀ happened but his nature, from its root, totally didnā€™t change at all. This guy, itā€™s okay to send him flying, right.
If Iā€™m not mistaken, Dokidoki Renai Kakumei Revolution was R-15. The other characters donā€™t need to be age-restricted but this guy alone was restricted to adults. Itā€™s definitely due to him that the game is R-15.
Just as I thought of turning around and elbowing him, Takayanagi got him with a Choke Sleeper before I could act.
ā€œTch, Chika-chan! Iā€™m dying, Iā€™m dying!ā€
ā€œIf itā€™s you, I think itā€™s fine even if you die once, you know.ā€
ā€œTakayanagi-senpai, thank you very much. Youā€™re a great help.ā€
Entrusting Junya to Takayanagi, I leisurely changed my clothes.
ā€œWhat pattern does bunny-chanā€™s underwear have? What will I do if itā€™s a white bikini-type?ā€
It feels very hard to change but, Iā€™ll just ignore him. Itā€™ll be fine if I just pretend he doesnā€™t exist.
Nonetheless, I want to get rid of my constitution of continuously getting swept by the flow[3].
Even though it feels like itā€™s impossible with Mitsuki and Soutarou around, but I canā€™t help to feel that at this rate Iā€™ll step on some unwanted landmine. Ah~h, I donā€™t care anymore.