Villain Days Chapter 40

\nI…may have read ahead. I don’t want to give out too much of a spoiler but…damn. Now I’m in the mood to pump out chapters XD
As a note, I’ve started referring to Genbu as Airu. There are many reasons for this. One is because it’ll get confusing with his dad in the chapter. Another reason, and the most important one, will be revealed later here.
Asterisks (**) = not really sure what this part says.
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Chapter 40:
High School – Twenty-first Part
That night, when Genbu-senpai’s father came home, we eat dinner prepared by the housekeeper. After taking a bath, we discuss studying for tomorrow’s supplementary lessons.
Since I had been hospitalized and could’t participate in those lessons, Genbu-senpai collaborated with the teachers. He doubles as home tutor for me and takes responsibility for my studies.
Sorry for troubling you. As I’m reviewing the test materials, senpai flashes me a smile.
Genbu’s father: “I’m home Airu-kun, Amano-kun. Oh? Airu-kun…! As expected, today you didn’t go off anywhere. Well done, well done!”
Airu: “Daddy, you’re annoying.”
Genbu’s father: “How terrible. I love Airu-kun so much…Oh, I’ll take a bath~.”
Genbu-senpai’s father waltzes into the bathroom with a grin. By accident, I catch a glimpse of senpai. By the way, the nurse said that whenever she had saw him in town, he had seemed totally different from the child long ago. Perhaps, because I’m here, he can’t go out to play today. That’s inexcusable. Senpai has his own life.
Yuu: “…Umm, senpai”
Airu: “…Hm? What’s the matter?”
Yuu: “I can take care of the house properly. If you want to go out and play, please don’t hold yourself back.”
Senpai’s smile twitches silently before freezing in place.”…Ehhh…?”
Yuu: “Senpai’s life belongs to senpai, so please give yourself priority…Oh, I’m already happy that you’re helping me study for the supplementary lessons…” If he abandons me here, I might end up repeating a year!
He sits on the sofa, one hand propping up his head. Senpai is motionless as he watches me, lost in thought.
Airu: “…Wow…Your upturned eyes…isn’t that? Are you a little devil-chan, Amano-kun? …What to do? I wonder if I can go to the room as it is. There are things that can make us feel good together.” (T/N: Raws say “そんなのしちゃうの?” [Son’na no shi chau no?] I just guessed the meaning.)
Yuu: “…Um…”
As I’m worrying about how to answer senpai,  his father returns to the living room. In his hand is an evening drink set…beer and takoyaki on a tray.
Airu: “…Daddy, I want to drink…”
Genbu’s father: “You can’t, Airu-kun. Will you be able to keep reasoning after drinking alcohol?** You can have Kaori’s plum juice, though.”
Airu: “…Reasoning huh…impossible…” His father and I send him off trudging as we have a conversation about many things. I talk about my daily school life, what I do at home in my leisure time, and so on.
Genbu’s father: “…Oh, by the way, do you remember anything before fainting from your fever?”
Yuu: “Um, Genbu-senpai and Soma-senpai came to the school infirmary somehow…but my memory’s kind of hazy…I feel like I was thinking about something but…”
Genbu’s father: “I see. This is an acute psychological phenomenon…If the root is deep, it’ll be a bit troublesome…”
Yuu: “…?”
Senpai’s father seems to ponder for a while, but during the process, Genbu-senpai returns to the room.
Airu: “…Bunny-chan, can you drink plum juice? …Here!”
Yuu: “Thank you very much…Oh, this juice is refreshing and delicious.”
Genbu:’s father “I see, I see! My beloved Kaori-san returns to the country only for a short period every year and makes it!
Yuu: “Wow, a beloved person huh?”
Senpai’s father’s eyes sparkle and shine. “Yes, that’s right. Kaori-san is my precious wife and goddess!”
Airu: “Daddy, be quiet. Enough boasting about Kaori…”
Genbu’s father: “Listen to me, Amano-kun! My father and grandfather…When a man of the Genbu family finds his fated person, he will always devote his whole life to that person. Even if that person has no connections to him, and has no interest in him…nevertheless, we just love to love others! (T/N: Raws say “ただ相手を愛することが大好きだからね” [Tada aite o aisuru koto ga daisukidakara ne]. Not sure what that means). In my case, it was Kaori-san…Oh, Kaori-san! When Airu-kun started middle school, Kaori-san was sent to work abroad…I can only see her a few times a year. But, it’s okay! I love her…Then Airu-kun became lonely, accompanying anyone who would call for him and started playing outside at night…I was unable to return home often due to work. For that, I am sorry…but it’s okay! Airu-kun will meet his fated person…perhaps I can meet that person as well. Kaori-san too!”
I’m overwhelmed by his emotional story. (T/N: Raws say “熱い” [atsui], which means “hot.” If you know what the slang means, please inform me!)
However, if the person I like is not interested in me and likes someone else… would I be okay with this or would I resort to being a stalker?** Senpai’s father’s words are torrents, flowing like a waterfall. The tale that seemed to stretch on forever is cut short by Genbu-senpai’s abrupt rising movement. Just a moment ago he was fiddling with his computer.
Airu: “Daddy~. There’s mail from Kaori~.”
Genbu’s father: “…What? Really? Oh, Kaori-san! Well, I’m going to my room to read the mail by myself. Good night you two.” He rushes out the room quickly.
Somehow, I’m speechless after his story, drinking the plum juice with not much of an impression.
Airu: “…Ah, daddy finished all the beer…” After confirming that not a drop remained, senpai rises to look at me. “Sorry. Daddy’s story was long.”
Yuu: “I’m fine. He must really love his wife…”
Airu: “…Well…I wonder if I can also find a partner like that…” He turns his head to shoot me a glance. I imagine a senpai all tensed up, who wanted to see his father.**
Yuu: “…How so?”
Airu: “Well, one day…Are you ready for bed? …Work hard on your studies tomorrow.”
Yuu: “Yes. That’s right…Please treat me well.”
There will be a test on the supplementary lessons in two weeks. If I’m unable to pass, I won’t receive credits. Right now I am truthfully at the edge of a cliff.
While I’m trying to pump myself up with enthusiastic thoughts, I’m pushed down on the bed by senpai before I know it.
Yuu: “…Senpai?”
Airu: “…I know. We won’t have sex. I can wait because I am a good child.”
Yuu: “…Nn.”
His lips peck mine lightly. Eventually, the movements intensify as if he is indulging himself. He licks my lips and mutters in a soft voice. “Maybe alcohol doesn’t impair reasoning**…Hey, Bunny-chan.”
Yuu: “…? What is it?” I must have gotten used to getting kissed by him…It seems like the growing cat is acting like a spoiled child.
Airu “What do you remember about the fever?”
Yuu: “Before, your father also asked me this question…I remember the upperclassmen picking me up…but after that my memories are fuzzy…Did I say something?”
What am I doing? I’m a bit uneasy.
Airu: “…Hm? Nothing really~. You collapsed all of a sudden…What do you mean?**” He lies down with me effortlessly, hugging me to his body. Petting my head. As he rubs it softly, I return the favor.
AIru: “…Uu…As I thought, it feels a bit better like this…Would you grant me one? …Would a kiss be okay?”
Yuu: “…What a sly way to ask…”
Airu: “…That’s because I don’t wan to be disliked by you…Is kissing me unpleasant?” Senpai smiles mischievously.
That’s right…I’m not bothered by it at all. Pouting, I direct my gaze at him. For some reason I feel regrettable. I kiss him softly again and again.
In a flash, senpai’s cheeks flush red. Meanwhile, I’m stroking them softly. Those violet pupils travel somewhere mysterious, zooming into me, an exceedingly marvelous air to them.
I return his gaze without much thought.
Speaking of which, in the novel he was Amano Yuu’s accomplice, a cynical expression glued to his face. I think he opposed the Student Council and Hiroto several times and cooperated with Amano Yuu, serving as a countermeasure to Hiroto.
Preoccupied with chasing after the novel’s memories, I’m unaware of his beautiful face drawing near. His face, which is about to sigh, appears a little unhappy.
Airu: “…Hey you. Who are you looking at?”
Yuu: “…Eh?”
Airu: “I’ve been watching you for a while, but do you even see me? Right now, I’m the one in front of you, aren’t I? …From now on…I’m going to kiss you.”
Yuu: “…Sen…pai…”
To senpai’s expression and kiss, my head is melting away…my body has lost its strength. He licks my lips slightly and laughs.
Airu: “…This is my kiss..Don’t forget it, okay?”
Yuu: “…”
Airu: “By the way, I’ll keep saying it until you remember…I want you. As long as you are you, I will want you. Maybe I’ve told you before that I can’t stop.”**
Yuu: “…Senpai…”
Airu: “…Call me Airu….I’ll also call you Yuu…Is that okay? Let’s go to sleep now…holding hands.”
He grabs my hand in a tight grasp, lying down on the bed. Now that the two of us are supine, my eyelids descend slowly.
“…Hm? Already asleep? …Hehe…Good night…Yuu…I wonder if I’m far gone……Eh…Ehehe…I’m happy…I guess this is my fated person…Perhaps I’m also a man of the Genbu clan?” (T/N: Raws say”ギュッてしちゃおうかなあ” [gyutte shi chaou ka na]. I’m just improvising here.)
Ending Notes: THE SHIP HAS SAILED!! Holy fck did not see that coming.
Right now, I feel light and happy. They are so cute together; is it too early to plan a wedding?
What are your thoughts, guys?\n