Villain Days Chapter 39

\nJust a short and domestic chapter featuring Genbu and Yuu!
Sometimes, I get so confused translating, but not for the reasons you’d think. For example, there would be a line that says “Genbu lowers his back into a chair.” Why can’t it just say “sit down?”
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Chapter 39:
High School – Twentieth Part
In the end, after being discharged from the hospital, I’ve become indebted to Genbu-senpai, living at his place. Genbu-senpai’s living quarters is a suite on the top floor of a high rise building. (T/N: The katakana from raws say “mansion,” but “high rise building” makes more sense.) The interior has the aura of a luxurious hotel.
Genbu: “…Anyway it’s time for lunch! I’ll be preparing it~…Ah. Sit on this sofa and wait~.”
Genbu-senpai’s housekeeper cleans, cooks, and does the other chores. By chance, today’s lunch is closed. Therefore, Genbu-senpai heads to the kitchen.
Yuu: “…Genbu-senpai I can cook…” I’m sitting on a sofa in senpai’s room. Peering out the window, I open my eyes wide at the view from the top floor. “…Wow~ amazing!”
A car speeding through the street looks tiny from up here. After I enjoy the scenary for a bit, senpai returns.
Genbu: “Yes. Thanks for waiting. Enjoy~.”
Yuu: “Thank you…?” I take in the meal on the table, gathering myself. There are various fancy dishes, edamame¹ beans stacked up into a mountain. “…”
Genbu: “Hmm? Do you dislike edamame beans? If that’s the case…Ah, there’s jelly.”
Yuu: “…”
Genbu: “Eh? Jelly is also no good? After that is…”
Yuu: “…Genbu-senpai.”
Genbu: “What is it~? Bunny-chan has a lot of likes and dislikes surprisingly~.”
Yuu: “…Please show me your refrigerator…”
Once I open his refrigerator’s door I’m at a lost for words.
It’s organized neatly, bottles of mineral water sorted into neat lines. Inside the freezer are cups of jelly, cans of beer, and stacks of frozen edamame and takoyaki². I’m dizzy from the sight.
I am very worried about this person’s eating habits.
Yuu: “Um, where are the vegetables and fish?”
Genbu: “Mm? The housekeeper brings those over. Oh, the takoyaki in the freezer is daddy’s.”
Yuu: “Senpai, you call you father ‘daddy?'”
Genbu: “It’s noisy when Kaoru calls out daddy.”** (T/N: I can’t make sense of this sentence. Raws say “Kaori ga, dadi tte yobe tte urusaikara ne.” [カオリが、ダディって呼べってうるさいからね])
Yuu: “Kaori?”
Genbu: “Yep. Kaori is my mother…she’s no longer here.”
He’s uninterested in continuing this conversation. I change the subject, thinking it would be better if I don’t dwell on it too much.
Yuu: “Um, is there a supermarket or shop nearby that sells groceries?”
In this high-rise building, there is a supermarket on the first floor. Genbu-senpai and I go shopping together.
Yuu: “Since I’m receiving your care, let me deal with the food expenses!”
Genbu: “No way~. That’s no good. Ah, look. What’s that? Look, meat~.”
Yuu: “…A gram costs thousands of yen! Please don’t…”
Genbu: ” Eh~…Then how about this sashimi~?”
Yuu: “Huh, this kind of price for this little…L-let’s go somewhere else! Senpai!” After all, the dish I’m thinking of—chilled Chinese noodles— is easy to make and relatively cheap. (Compared to my neighborhood supermarket, this place is too expensive.)
We return to Genbu-senpai’s room, borrowing a kitchen to cook. He brings a chair from the living room near me and sits down. He watches intently as I slice the cucumbers and make Kinshi eggs³.
Yuu: “Can you do something for me? Would you bring out more plates?”
Genbu: “Hm~? Huh? The plates!”
The sight of him looking for plates in the cupboard all excited is strangely cute. Without realizing it, I smile and pat senpai’s head.
Genbu: “…Hehe. Thank you.”
Yuu: “…!”
As Senpai almost drops the dishes, I support his hand quickly.
Yuu: “Are you okay? …?”
Before I know it, senpai is staring at my face. His violet pupils size me up.
Yuu: “…Senpai…?”
Genbu: “…”
After hearing my soft whisper, his face flushes red in an instant. The timer for the noodles beeps, informing us that they’re ready.
Yuu: “…Oh, it’s boiling! Thank you for the plate.” I pour the noodles out and rinse them with cold water.
They won’t taste good if they’re too boiled!
Ending Notes: Does anyone find it cute that his eating habits are terrible even though he’s the son of a hospital director?
edamame¹: boiled or steamed immature soybeans in the pod served with salt
takoyaki²: a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special molded pan, typically filled with minced or diced octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion
Kinshi eggs³: shredded egg crepe garnish
Yes, I got these definitions from wikipedia ’cause I figured I won’t get sued by them.\n