Villain Days Chapter 11

Hey guys! How are you all doing?
This chapter will be rated R-18 for a (kinda) graphic smut scene.
So, I tried to tag "Passive Male Lead" to this story in NU, but it keeps getting taken down <.>\nChapter 11
Both Seiryuu Kenshin and Houou Hiroto were childhood friends of Amano Yuu.
After meeting the novel's Hero in high school, the two older boys fell hopelessly in love.
Kenshin was clearly attracted to the Hero, but only watched them from afar. As such, Yuu used this fact to manipulate him. Why do you have to be the one to hold back? Can you really see it in your heart to forgive those two? Like the serpent that seduced Adam and Eve, that had been Amano Yuu.
Watching the happy couple, Amano Yuu was able to influence Kenshin into harming them. By emphasizing on Hiroto, a crack would begin to form between the two
Those were my memories of the novel's universe.
"Wellll. That's not very good, is it? That's okay, I'll just watch quietly from a corner."
(So Seiryuu Kenshin also likes the Hero.)
The next day, I'm still at Kenshin's place. It's because of the overflux of the novel's memories that I couldn't recover from last night. As I wrap and twirl myself in the blankets, my ears catch a pair of approaching footsteps echo from the hall. When the door slides open, I could see tuffs of indigo peeking from the open space.
"Are you awake, Yuu? Do you feel like eating the meal I prepared?"
"I'll eat! Wow, thank you." On the tray lay a bowl of steaming miso soup and a rice ball. My stomach growls at once and I quickly sip the soup, not even caring that it's hot.
"Mmm. Delicious ♡ ♡."
As I'm shoveling down food, keeping him company with a game of shoji, Hiroto enters the room.
"I see you guys are awake. Good morning. Were you lonely yesterday? I was worried since Yuu collapsed earlier. Are you alright now?"
After processing his verbal diarrhea, I flash a smile.
"Thank you for your concern. This meal was very delicious! I'm sorry that I caused you to worry, Hiroto. And yes, I'm fine now."
While the two of us share smiles, Kenshin butts in.
"…Yuu. You already call Hiroto by his name so I'd like for you to call me Kenshin too."
"Huh? Oh okay, I understand. So, Kenshin right?"
"That's right, thank you." With that, he strokes my hair with an odd smile. This time, it's Kenshin and I that share a grin, Hiroto casually inquiring about last night's events.
"By the way Ken, how was yesterday?"
"Pfff…! Both Ken and I choke from our spit.
"Hiroto, what are you talking about?"
"Hmm, because you guys did it, didn't you? See right here? All those hickeys are increasing and they're definitely not from me." With trembling fingers I touch the proof of our night of passion, all the while incredibly aware of the smile stretching across Hiroto's lips.
Totally shameless, Hiroto suddenly places a hand on my shoulder.
"Oh right, Yuu. Is it okay if I confirm something?"
"Sure, what s it?"
"Yuu – Hiroto, wait!"
Right as the words leave Kenshin's mouth, Hiroto picks me up and holds me down. And then the yukata I'm wearing slips, the front spreading wide in an open flap. Suddenly my body is exposed.  Naked as the day I was born, I flush crimson in embarrassment. And mortification.
"Heh, you got all red. And you're not wearing any underwear. Nice job, Ken ♥. Though I wonder if you did it properly last night."
He lifts my leg as if preparing to change a baby's diapers. Because Kenshin kept going at it yesterday, down there is pretty bruised. Hiroto's rough probing causes the surrounding area to glow red.
"What are you doing?"
Hiroto lowers his line of sight, stroking his finger along my intimate areas. As if attempting to confirm Kenshin's immensely affectionate actions from the night before.
"Oh, there's a bit of scratching after all. Ken! Have you not prepared properly? Don't tell me you just pushed it in?"
"…uuu…" Kenshin falls down on the spot. And then shoots his gaze over to me as if waiting for my response
"I'm so sorry Yuu! I didn't know – I never did anything like that before. I'll always properly prepare you from now on, so please forgive me!"
Huh…? Uh, there's going to be a next time?
"It can't be helped. Oh, I'll lick and cure you. I'll take away the pain."
"Eh?…ah….ah…haah…" His tongue thrusts deep into my entrance, sending tremors throughout my form. In my attempt to resist, I try to push away Hiroto's head, but to no avail. Simply not strong enough.
"Hiroto you asshole!" Suddenly, Hiroto is shoved aside. By Kenshin.
"Ouch that hurts! Ken you fucker! What the hell are you doing?"
"Idiot. I'm the one who caused those wounds so I should be the one who takes care of it."
"Eh?…wait…wait a moment!" (I wonder if I seem terribly calm. What am I saying, this conversation is definitely all kinds of messed up. It's definitely, absolutely without doubt, strange.)
His mouth was like a suction cup, sucking me relentlessly. The pleasure takes control of me. And my body spasms as I endure. My tongue is pushed within the cavern of my mouth as I slowly lose myself to the bite of sweetness.
"Oh, Ken? Yuu likes it over here too."
"…Mm. Here, huh?"
And then Hiroto stimulates my sensitive place even further. Shocked by the tremors of arousal, my lips tremble as they start to form words, hoping to get Kenshin's concern and attention.
"Kenshin…please help me…I'm already…" The corners of my eyes tears up as lust flashes through his gaze. Well, will you help me out soon? It's really intense!
"Later, don't forget this place. If you caress over here, he'll feel all sorts of pleasure."
Hiroto continuously caresses that spot and I come. Why? His smile is so dark! He's the guy who teaches a clueless person like Kenshin all the X-rated secrets with a serious expression.
I'm still trying to catch my breath after what we've done.
Because I just released, my mind's floating on cloud nine.
"So, that's the first erogenous zone?"
Hiroto's fingers already turned me to jelly, and you're saying there's more?
And then I black out.
(T/N: The rest of this chapter is in Hiroto's POV.)
"Huh? I think Yuu lost consciousness."
"What? Is he okay?"
"I guess he came too hard. Heh, Yuu's too cute ♡."
While running my fingers through the soft chestnut strands, I plant a kiss to his mouth. He's really adorable, twitching like a small animal.
"…What is it?"
"You know how Yuu got hurt from falling down the stairs? After that, lately I don't feel like I know him at all. I wonder if the people around us know anything."
"I'm as clueless to this situation as you are. But I'll contact Mizuki. Give me a second."
"Mizuki? Oh, that kid that's the same age as Yuu. Your cousin, right?"
This is one of the disadvantages in being in separate grades and divisions. I can't readily know Yuu's surroundings at all times.
Did Yuu fall down by himself, or was he pushed? There's not enough information or evidence for this case. As such, it's difficult to do anything.
"Next time, I'll definitely protect him."
"That's right. Next time I'll also be there to protect Yuu. Make no mistake about it."
Because the fact that he's still here is a gift from god. I must catch it and grasp it firmly, never to release it again. I'll never let it go.
So remember it, Yuu.