Chapter 17 - Remains of the Nightmare (1)

Translator: AmaEditor: reizora
――It felt as though the nightmare was sticking all over my body.
I was then woken up from my sleep because of my own screams. It’s a familiar ceiling that came into my view.
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“….A dream?”
I had a bad dream. It was a terrible nightmare. I lift my upper body with fear.
I can feel pain all over my body. Even so, I’m fine. I still have my hands. I still have my legs. I also still have my teeth, nose, ears and eyes. Nothing is missing… Everything is fine.
“A-Ahaha… What a dream….”
Pc ws vgfjw, Teglj yfmjwf j ylu kbio. P vbc’a xcbk kts, yea tf rffwr ab tjaf wf. P kjr fnfc yfjafc, mtbqqfv, jcv gjqfv ys tlw.
Coafg tf vlv jii atja ab wf, la kjr gfjiis lwqbrrlyif obg wf ab rajs jilnf. Vb la wera yf j vgfjw. Pa’r bcis j vgfjw.
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….or so I want to believe.
“That’s not a dream.”
I keep wondering, how. This makes no sense. I’m quite sure that last night, I saw death in the eye―― No, I was dying, right? Thus, I do not understand how can I still be alive now?
“Good morning.”
Then the door to the room opened without a sound. With a fright, I looked over the door, and a maid comes in.
“Do you want to have meal now?”
“Oh, sorry, I overslept. I’ll get ready right away.”
“It’s alright. Yuria-sama asked me to tell you to take care of your body and rest for a while.”
“And he also asked me to tell you to leave this mansion before the next full moon. He said you don’t need to worry about his future life anymore.”
“….I see.”
As I thought, it was not a dream.
I laughed bitterly. Yuria really can’t lie.
If he act like nothing happened, I could have believed it was only a dream.
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….Ah, that’s not it.
I put my hand on my forehead.
That guy seemed to have decided that he could not let me live in this mansion anymore. It is possible to meet that kind of thing again next time. Even though I’m alive now, maybe next time I won’t.
“….Why isn’t Yuria coming? I thought he would come and see how I was doing.”
“Young Master does not want to frighten you.”
The maid bowed deeply and left my room. I stared at the closed door for a while and then looked out the window
“….So it wasn’t a dream?”
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Then, what the hell was that beast? There’s no way I can come up with an answer. This is completely beyond the limits of my common sense and understanding.
* * *
I rested comfortably in the quiet mansion for a while.
As for Yuria, he never appeared before me. I didn’t even hear the piano sound that I usually hear.
Even though we were always together every day.
The next full moon is approaching with every minute. After thinking about it for a while, I decided to meet Yuria. I had to tell him that I was the one who decided to get involved.
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