TN- I feel like if the original author ever saw this translation and understood English, she would really wonder if it was actually her story that I was translating.
I step onto the fluffy grass. A section of flowers catch my eye. The black roses that bloom in this palace give it a gloomy atmosphere. When Nikil comes here, it makes him upset so Harriet asked him if he wanted to plant forsythia. But I refused them. No flower suits me better than the gloomy black roses. The smell of the roses makes my nose twitch and I felt dark mana in this place as usual.
“But why is there mana here?”
Not even Cage could feel it. I guess I’ll think about it later as it’s not important right now.
I lifted myself into the air. My body shook at the effort because I wasn’t used to using mana yet. But with these short legs, I had no choice so that I could move faster. I made Cage fall asleep with my mana when she carelessly touched my hand whilst we were walking outside. Sadly the amount of mana a 3 year old can use is limited so the magic will last less than an hour. So I have to hurry to get to the banquet hall.
“Let’s go quickly.”
I leaned forward to move faster in the air. Other humans won’t be able to notice me unless they look closer.
“Eugh, I’m finally getting bigger.”
I spit out a murmur. The human body really grows up slowly. Even a foal will know how to walk moments after it is born. For me, it is only possible to walk now. At least I can walk well but it’s not very cold and my nose already feels runny.
So pathetic. I even have to sneeze now. I wipe my nose with my sleeves and my lips tasted salty.
“Ah, seriously!”
My nose keeps running. Living as a child is really hard work. As someone who is 300 years old, this body is impossible to get used to. A 3 year old baby really can’t claim to be a powerful witch. Even if I was believed, the emperor who fought me would rush to kill me.
“Hiyu. I’m going to live because I’m the witch.”
I wiped my nose again. The more I endure, the further I come to reaching my goal. One day everyone will bow at my feet. When that time comes, I will kill whoever tries to call me cute. I will ban anyone from saying it.
I made a nasal sound as I tried to speak so I cleared my throat.
I cancelled my magic so that I would float to the ground. I slowly looked around to take in the new scenery around me which I was properly seeing for the first time in my life. I didn’t recognise anything. Which way should I go…
Normally, I would be led by somebody else so now I could only randomly go in a direction but I just got more lost. Damn it. I sat down on the ground.
‘I wish I had a map.’
It looked like it would be simple to find my way to the banquet when I looked from the windows of the palace. In the end, it’s no big deal to be late to the banquet. I wanted to ask people passing by for directions but, oddly, there was nobody here. Well, let’s just climb a tree. But I’m just a three year old so it would be impossible. The sun blinds my eyes as it shines onto pebbles next to me. They are all different colours. Black, blue, light green, pink, red, silver… The shape of a dragon was created with these stones with a giant torso, wings and sharp teeth. A phrase comes to mind…
<Glory to the Great Empire>
Eskina. It must be a depiction of that old man.
“What a shame.”
All this for that nasty old hag.
‘Anyway, he’s hibernating so he can’t even see this.’
I approach the mosaic. It was surrounded by a barrier that would sound an alarm when it was touched. Surprisingly, this barrier was difficult to remove.
‘It seems to have been made by a fourth circle mage or higher.’
But I was confident in my ability.
I cast a spell to raise the barrier with my magic.
The me of the past would have had no problem with this magic but for this 3 year old body the spell was very draining. I grumbled at the difficulty but the barrier finally cracked. I straightened my slim waist full of pride and didn’t hesitate to step onto the mosaic. The spell took a lot of energy and I was tired so I lay down to relax. I’m so jealous of that old dragon.
“Kekeke… let’s mess it up.”
I smile as I move pieces of gravel in the mosaic to change the picture. The old hag can’t see this anyway.
I worked busily with a sneaky smile. I was excited so I didn’t notice the shadow of a human draping over me.
“What are you doing?”
“Woo, I’m making the mountain dragon prettier… wait… who’s there?”
I raised my head in shock and looked at the person standing next to me. A familiar face welcomed me. I hadn’t seen it in three years. That annoying face with tremendous power. Emperor? This was so unexpected. He appeared so suddenly like this.
I also started hiccuping unexpectedly.
It really won’t stop. So unfortunate.
‘Keep looking at me.’
I wanted to tell the emperor as soon as he stopped watching me. I give him a bright smile and laugh but for some reason he doesn’t react. Usually when I do this other people will grab their chests.
As expected of the stone cold emperor. He really didn’t react. The emperor suddenly released his power and cold sweat ran down my back. I gulped.
‘He’s definitely gotten stronger.’
He took my hand and I felt the immense pressure of his mana which made me feel sick. I struggled to release my hand from his and he stepped back. But then,
“Sire! Sire!”
Not far from us, I could hear Harriet’s cry. I’ve never heard him sound so displeased. He ran up to the emperor half dressed.
“Wow, emperor. How could you do this to me? We should go together. You just had to wait a little for my shirt to be ironed. How can you leave me to go alone? You… Princess!?”
Harriet noticed me.
“Hi Harriet.”
I smiled brightly and waved my hand.
“Ah, the princess smiled at me… oh, my heart…”
I frowned at him. Every time I see Harriet he seems to be getting a little more crazy.
“Oh princess. You are so lovely. How can such a perfect creation exist?”
He looks at me with fascination and rambles on.
“I feel like my purpose in life has been achieved just from looking at the princess… wait! Now is not the time, Harriet.”
He’s so crazy he’s even started talking to himself.
“Why are you here? Where’s Cage?”
“She’s sleeping.”
“Oh… so you came here secretly? Why?”
“I’m going to the memorial banquet.”
I made this escape plan just to meet the other royals so that I can make plans to defeat them!
“Oh no, that’s not possible. Didn’t I tell you already?”
Now Harriet is trying to foil my plans.
“I’ll call someone to bring you back.”
The emperor cut into Harriet’s speech and I stopped pouting. The emperor raised his index finger and pointed at me.
“Who is this?”
Who? Me? I pointed at myself in disbelief.
“This is your daughter.”
“She’s the 12th princess who you sent to select her sword.”
“She chose the necromancer Cage as her sword.”
Even with Harriet’s explanations it seems as if he did not remember. I felt very frustrated. I’ve thought of you day and night. My cheeks inflated and I stared at him indignantly.
The emperor raised his lips.
“I remember those eyes.”
He looked at me with a smirk.
His voice contained a tremendous amount of mana which made me wary. In this case, as a 3 year old, I am only capable of one thing. I really don’t want to do it… but I really want to live.
“Woo, it’s Leona”
I smiled.
“I’m going to the birthday banquet.”
I heard the sound of Harriet grabbing his chest but I focused on the emperor with my cutest smile. This really hurts my pride. I am a great witch! But the emperor is the greatest in this continent. The fear of my past self who had barely escaped him was also imprinted on my soul. So in front of the emperor I can only act cute. I had no choice but to imitate a child like this. Fortunately this body is very lovable. It simulates a human’s useless protective instinct. I laugh so loud that my jaw cramps.
When Harriet came out of his trance he held onto my shoulder.
“Princess, this is the emperor. He is your father.”
“Yes, yes. This is the emperor. He’s your father. Try calling him.”
(TN- I don’t think there is an English equivalent for abamama)
“How about daddy?”
Damn it! I’m going to lose my dignity as a witch but there is no helping
it. I tilted my cheek towards the emperor.
collapsed but the emperor did not even respond. He is such a cold human.
“I’m going to the feast.”
I reached out and repeated what I said.
“Daddy, I’m going to the feast.”
I twinkled my eyes. With this, he definitely won’t be able to resist.
“You can’t come.”
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The emperor definitely wouldn’t be able to refuse, right?
“It’s getting late. You should return.”
The emperor passed me without looking back. What? He rejected me?