(TN- this chapter was really hard
so I probably mistranslated more than usual.
So bitter. They keep stroking my head and cheeks so I feel like I’ve become a rabbit…
“Cage! Stop it!”
I woke up to them arguing.
“I’m her sword. Don’t touch her!”
I’m a witch who has lived for over 300 years! Get your hands off this witch! My nose feels hot and stuffy. Nikil’s eyes widened as he covered his face with one hand and looked down. His shoulders were shaking. Of course he should be shaking. He should be trembling in fear. I am the great witch!
“Is our little rabbit upset?”
Nikil reached out for my hand
“Our rabbit is so independent. She’s already like a grown up, right?”
“…no. She’s a bit small.”
I rejected Nikil’s hand.
“Rabbit doesn’t like me. I hate it the most.”
Nikil shot a pitiful glance at Cage.
It was at this time that I noticed a shift in the air. I glanced towards the window as a shadow flashed by. I briefly wondered if I should do anything.
Clang! Thud!
Cage and Nikil’s magic attacked the intruder at the same time which revealed a human. He emerged from the shadow with dark smoke flowing around him. Cage flicked her hand to spell the smoke away.
“Well that was a surprise. Were you hurt?”
“Are you ok, miss?”
They hurriedly examined me but the black smoke never even reached me.
“My Rabbit is alright.”
Nikil smiled in relief and patted my head. Cage also looked happy. It was strange. It is really hard to adapt to others protecting me. Whenever it happens, my heart would feel ticklish. I can’t stand it.
‘What kind of emotion is this?’
There was no answer to this worry. Even as a human, I had no chance to learn emotions so it was very difficult to understand humans.
‘Well, at least they’re taking care of problems.’
Nikil looked thoughtful as he found something strange on the body.
“He didn’t die from my magic?”
“Mine didn’t kill him either.”
They raised their heads wordlessly.
I felt popular right now. Harriet had come to stand next to me without us noticing. I hadn’t even noticed his mana. I narrowed my eyes. How can he be so strong? I’m so weak compared to him! I’m disgusted! Somehow, I’m going to become stronger than him. I clenched my fist.
“It’s been a long time since we last met. Was the princess surprised?”
Harriet, who had quickly became my rival, didn’t know what I was thinking so he smiled at me.
“Why were you guys so slow? You have to be more proficient to keep her safe.”
“What was that!? When did you even come in?”
“Leave, right now.”
“Ehey, you shouldn’t treat me like this,” Harriet said while hiding behind me.
This man is supposed to be the emperor’s aide and yet he has the time to bother me. How useless.
I turned my head in discomfort.
“Were you scared, Princess?”
Harriet fawns over me. I forgot that this guy is crazy too. I turned away from Harriet because I didn’t want to see him anymore.
“Ahh… the princess’ back is cute as well.”
I can’t hear you, I can’t hear you. I struggled to ignore him. I closed my mouth tightly.
“Ha ha… she’s so cute… Actually, today I didn’t come to see her. I have something to say to the prince.”
“Who? Me?”
Nikil pointed to himself and Harriet nodded.
“Yes. I would like to tell you that people are going to be suspicious if they find out about you being at the Black Rose Palace like this every day.”
“I already know. Do you think it’s going to stop me from staying here?”
Nikil grinds his teeth. I don’t know why but he doesn’t seem to like Harriet very much. These complex emotions of humans are really beyond comprehension.
“Oh, prince if you’re not careful with your words you won’t live long.”
Of course, Harriet didn’t like Nikil either.
“Aren’t you a lot older than me? I think you need to be more worried about yourself.”
“What do you mean old? I’m only thirty and full of life. I still have a long life ahead of me.”
”You will become frail and useless soon.”
“Prince, you know that I’m stronger than you, right?”
With that, Nikil was silenced. No matter how talented he was for a ten year old, he still couldn’t win against the experienced aide. Nikil took a deep breath.
“So, was there anything else you wanted to say?”
“Tomorrow is the birthday of the 2nd Prince. A memorial banquet is being held so the emperor has asked for the entire royal family to attend.”
”Ah. I wasn’t planning on attending.”
“Um… That’s not possible. You have to attend. It’s the emperor’s order.”
“Everyone has to?”
Nikil glanced towards me.
“No way. She can’t be included.”
Harriet shook his head.
“She wasn’t on the invitation list.”
Nikil sighed.
“Is father coming too?”
“Didn’t I just tell you? It’s his majesty’s command. Is your memory like a goldfish’s?”
“You really have no respect for royalty, huh. When I become the emperor you’ll be done for.”
“I guess I’ll have to run away before that, right princess?”
Harriet leans towards me and laughs. I hate his face so I didn’t react. Instead, I reached out to Nikil.
“Leona! Do you want to be held? Why are you so cute?”
Nikil smiled brightly as he looked at me.
“Birthday party!”
I want to meet the royal family. I can’t miss this opportunity!
“I’m going too!”
Everyone’s face became speculative. Nikil quickly grabbed me.
“No, no, no. You can’t! You weren’t invited.”
(TN- ouch)
“I’ll be good if you take me.”
“That’s… call me big brother first.”
“She’s so cute… am I going insane?”
Cage and Harriet shoot at Nikil again.
“No. Leona, I can’t take you with me. You can’t go.”
I widened my eyes and pouted. I know that this look works on Nikil. Nikil leans back and bites his lips. I sent a look towards Harriet to ask him to support me.
“Sister, this memorial is dangerous. It would be too risky for you to go.”
“He’s right. The second prince is scary.”
Harriet added and Nikil nodded.
“He’s dangerous to a small, precious and cute child like you.”
“That’s right. You can just have a picnic with me princess,” Cage intervened with a smile.
“Ok Leona? You can have your own party.”
Nikil pinched my cheeks again. He’s so ignorant. I have to go there to get to know the enemy so that I can kill them. At least with Harriet, Cage and Nikil protecting me I am not an easy target. So I’m safe. They just need to understand that.
‘I’m not missing this opportunity.’
I’m a witch, I thought with an evil smile.
“Ah! So cute!”
I pretended I didn’t hear that cry.
“… the Princess said that?”
Harriet asks in shock. As soon as he left Black Rose Palace, Nikil caught Harriet to tell him what Leona had said.
“Don’t say you love me
Harriet shook his head in disbelief.
“I’m telling you just for Leona’s sake.”
This makes Harriet think deeply. A young lady should still have faith in love. Why is she rejecting it? This is definitely because…
“The absence of her mother must have really hurt her.”
She’s never received love from her family. Her mother is dead and her father is cold. Her siblings are her enemies in the battle for succession.
‘What should I do about this?’ Harriet wondered.
At this point, Nikil decided to ask Harriet a question.
“Aren’t you forgetting that, as the royal aide of the emperor, the princess is supposed to be your enemy?”
“…no. I know.”
“Then why are you coming to the Black Rose Palace everyday? Aren’t you violating the rules?”
“Are you planning to kill her? If not, I’m glad.”
“You!… how dare you insult me!”
Nikil summoned an arrow of light whilst glaring at Harriet.
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“Then, what are you going to do?”
“I will protect her.”
Harriet turned to Nikil and said with determination, “I will give her a lot of love.”
As long as he went to Leona with that kind of obsessed face, Leona would hit him but Nikil didn’t say it out loud. He wanted Harriet to be hit.