The tip of my finger hurts.
He’s definitely a strong guy with just using the time-bind without even blinking.
But it’s weird. Why does he seem so familiar? Really, where did I see him before?
I looked back on my memory, but I couldn’t think of anything. As if it were foggy…….
‘It’s strange.’
Leona crossed her arms and let out a small whine.
It’s Cage’s voice. Leona lifted her chin and looked at her.
“Who is he?”
Oh, Leona answered quickly.
“Mattha Zewosh. He teaches me.”
Cage gathered her eyebrows together. Looking at her rare change of facial expression, Leona tilted her head with her eyes wide open.
“Mya, do wou know about Mattha?”
But Cage did not answer. So Leona nudged Cage on the waist.
“Ah! Yes.”
Cage came to her senses and answered by bending one knee to level with Leona’s eyes.
“Yes, I have. One thing I heard.”
“He crazy.”
“Aha.” I must admit. He truly is crazy.
Leona nodded her head.
“Do wou think he’s stwong?”
“……Strong. More than the emperor, maybe.”
“Battle, past, Hariel Plain. Overwhelming, that guy.”
The Battle of Hariel Plain, which Cage speaks of, took place during a war between the Hasis Empire and the now-defunct Eastern nation.
The battle was famous because the empire had only one death. But the Eastern nation has tens of thousands of deaths.
They suffered a crushing defeat, and eventually the Hasis Empire won.
But how can he be that strong? I felt that he’s strong since he started using the Time Bind magic at will…
Damn it, it’s killing me.
I wanted to ask Cage more about Zeros. But her expression was so strange that my mouth wouldn’t open.
Leona stared silently at Cage.
Cage narrowed her brows even more.
The Deathcutter she shot was by no means a weak one. No one has ever held her blade with his hands like that except the emperor.
But how dare him, that mage.
“I’m getting angry.”
Cage’s eyes flared up. She was obviously angry.
“May I kill him, next time?”
‘Why are suddenly talking like this?’
Leona had no choice but to put on a tired expression.
After sitting for a long time, Leona felt stiff so she stretched out her body.
Oh, my god. That felt good.
I tapped my shoulder and let out a sigh of relief.
I left the room early today with Cage. It was to practice developing my mana.
It has already been revealed what magic she has, and with the emperor’s permission, Leona no longer had to hide and be able to practice magic.
That’s why I’ve been coming to the training room since morning, but my body wouldn’t follow me as I thought it would even though I’ve been doing mana cultivation for a very long time.
“Pyu, this ish hawdah than I thawt.”
If I hadn’t been betrayed by Racus, this wouldn’t have happened.
Bastard. I’ll take that head off within 10 years.
Leona relaxed her gritted teeth and closed her eyes again because she couldn’t rest. She continues to breathe in and cultivate her mana.
The amount of potential mana of this body is 5 stars. This is enough for me to basically make up to 5 circles.
But now I am young and my body is imperfect. So, if I forcefully increase the circle, mana exhaustion could happen.
So I have to slowly draw the mana into my soul. That way I can use magic without a circle.
I hadn’t used circles when I was a witch. I simply felt and used the flow of mana.
Let’s not rush. First of all, raising the potential mana of this body comes first. Then let’s bring in mana into my soul.
Leona took a deep breath. She transferred her inhaled breath into the middle of her chest and felt a tickle.
‘Let’s make it open to 4 mana at least this year.’
The full mana inside Leona’s body began to flow out. The ground she was sitting on vibrated low.
‘And I should only use 3 circles in moderation.’
However, I do not know how skilled the people of the imperial family are.
The emperor is excluded because he seems to be a being close to the transcendent.
I’m probably the only different one among the members of the royal family…
I’ve never fought properly, so I don’t know.
I would want to know how far I could hide and how much skills I need to reveal.
However, I can’t fight blindly, and I have to be careful about rumors.
It was at this time that I continued to worry.
‘… What?’
I could feel the eyes looking at me. It wasn’t Cage’s aura.
Leona slowly raised her eyes, capturing the pulsating mana. She obviously told Cage not to let anyone in, but who was it this time? She quickly looks the other way.
Standing not far away was Ivek getting intercepted by Cage.
Ivek was holding something, and as soon as their eyes met, he smiled and waved his hand back and forth.
“Oh, dear.”
Leona tried to ignore him. But a flash of thought crossed her mind.
“The Awshmage Woman.” Leona murmured before  jumping up and stood. She immediately ran to Cage and Ivek.
Ivek stared blankly at Leona running towards him.
Her white hair, fluttering with her every move, was like a fluff. Fluffy fluff.
How about her milky white skin? It looked so soft that his hand would probably buried if he poked it.
Short limbs, round eyes, and reddish cheeks were all fatally cute.
Ugh. Ivek unknowingly grabbed his chest.
It seemed like you did a really great job coming to see Leona one last time before leaving this world.
“Hah, hah…”
Leona took deep breaths after arriving in front of Ivek.
Ivek quickly squatted down and looked at Leona.
“Are you okay? Would you like some water?”
“No no. Ish not a bwig deaw.”
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Leona placed her chin on Ivek’s shoulder.
“Lesh fwight jush once.”
Damn. The tips of Leona’s cute lips rose.
“Bring it on.”