Ch 17
After Harriet took Leona out, only the emperor and Xeros remained in the reception room. There was no conversation between them.There are only the emperor’s shapely eyes and the soft smile of Xeros. The Emperor’s eyes swept across the face of Xeros. The first thing I noticed was his beautiful appearance, giving him the title of the most handsome man on the continent. In the past, he used that face to lure enemies out. Why? Why do I feel bad looking at that face? I don’t know why, but somehow I felt uncomfortable.
“My face will be pierced, Your Majesty.”
At the words of Xeros, the emperor’s thoughts were cut off.
“No matter how good-looking I am, it’s kind of weird for you to stare at me so openly.”
“Tower master, tell me.”
Xeros put his chin up, crossing his legs.
“What do you think of the Princess?
“Hmm. ”
Xeros rolled his sparkling eyes. What should I tell you? Shall I tell you the truth? No, I can’t make fun of the princess like that. It’s been a long time since I’ve found something interesting. Xeros had no intention of missing this play.
“I think she has infinite potential.”
The emperor squinted, It meant keep going.
“You said she made a pillar of fire, didn’t you?”
“That’s the magic of the 4th circle. But the princess’s circle is still not stable. Do you know what this means?”
Even before the emperor could answer, Xeros quickly spoke.
“It means that the prince instinctively knows how to use magic.”
He leaned forward, loosening his crossed legs. Placing his elbows on his knees and hold his hands together.
“I think it’s a genius talent.”
Of course, that talent is imprinted in the soul. At this point, he laughed as he swallowed a grin, and he became curious. What is the identity of the princess? All he found out was the soul and infinite mana that felt the time of nearly three hundred years. The identity of the soul in the princess’s body was unknown.
‘Would she tell me?’ heh, I don’t think she will. Xeros shut his mouth tight. Curiosity washed over his heart.
“Yeah…. It is said that the princess is a genius.”
The emperor stroked his chin and frowned. Maybe you don’t like it. He was already proposing the next emperor to the 1st Prince, so it was unpleasant, but I thought.
“It’s a nuisance.”
Looking at the tip of my mouth, it didn’t seem like that.
“I knew it from the beginning….”
Oops. The emperor stopped talking.
“Hmm.”The emperor quickly turned his head after some thought. “Then I’ll go back.”
Well, it seems as if the princess can use brain washing magic- Xeros thought, looking at the emperors lips ascending unconsciously.
“Ah, my back.”
The fourth prince, Nickil, was pounding his stiff waist with his fists. It wasn’t just what a 10-year-old would say, but because of the big battle a few days ago. His body was a mess. So he had to lie in bed quietly. But like this, he was currently outside. There was only one reason.
“It’s been too long since I have seen my rabbit. I have to see her so I can sleep!.”
It was due to Leona withdrawal. Even when I closed my eyes, I remembered Leona’s plump cheeks, and when I opened my eyes, I remembered her two jewel-like eyes. ‘Let’s pinch them once at least!’ Nickil walked fast. It was when he passed the wall of the 8th prince’s Palace and turned around the corner
“······eh?” There, Ibec sat squatted. Why is he so weird, is he pooping?
“What, are you doing brother?.”
Nickel grabbed Ibec’s shoulder. Ibec greeted him without surprise, as if he had already anticipated that Nickil was approaching.
“What? What are you doing?”
“Sit down.”
Nickil laughed and squatted next to Ibec. Then he pulled his head straight and turned his eyes toward the direction of Ibec’s. Not far away, there was the Eighth Prince, Eden. Several animals were scattered in front of him. All that died were rabbits. It was like a rabbit reminiscent of someone. And there were several red flames blooming around.
“You!! I- !” he stamped his feet and struggled. It looked like he couldn’t beat it.
“I’ll kill you, I’ll surely kill you!” As soon as he shouted, the flames around him grew bigger. Flame! The soaring flames were spreading and spreading. At this time, the man standing next to him carefully lowered his head.
“Dear Prince. Would you like to stop this…” “What?”
Eden raised his head with ax eyes.
“What were you doing before? When that bean-sized thing bothered me!”
“At that time, the prince’s errand…
“Who told you to leave my side!”
Arghh! Eden shouted again.
Nevertheless, as if his anger couldn’t be relieved, he snorted and opened his fists and repeated.
“I can’t do this anymore. You, go now and kill the 12th princess.”
Eden pushed the man’s shoulder hard.
“I mean go get her neck right now! Now!”
The shout was so loud that it could be heard clearly from Nickil and Ibec, who were hiding. Nickil and Ibec made eye contact at the same time.
“Yes, brother.”
They looked at each other and nodded. It was a determined expression.
“We are together.”
“That motherfucker.”
They inevitably grind their teeth and raise their bodies. Indeed, for the first time, it was the moment when each other’s intentions met.
Leona, lying in bed, sighed completely. As soon as she got back to the palace, Lynn said,
“I hate you, Princess!”
“You’re all upset excluding me.'she said, and took all her strength to lift the depressed cage.
So now Leona was exhausted. ‘Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,’ repeated Liona’sighing again. There were so many different things today. She fought with the Eighth Prince, the Emperor hugged her again, and she also met a man who was like a mage or something. ‘What should I do?’ The mage knew that Leona’a soul was different.
But fortunately, it’s not that he knows who I am. Xeros couldn’t know that I was the Witch of Fire. I didn’t know.
“How about taking everyone’s attention off me?.” That would be nice. Pretending you don’t know anything is the best way to avoid it. Leona thought so and jumped up. And the windows of the terrace were wide open. Even if the wind was pretty, this stuffy heart seemed to not want to leave.
Leona, who went out, closed the window again and looked up at the high sky. The dark tent of night that had come before was filling the sky. The clouds were full, and the starlight was not visible. So only the darkness of the night was clear. As I looked up at the sky like this, I remembered all of them. He has black hair as if it were at night.
“Gondy, come on and say something wrong…” “Who are you?”
Ah. I was surprised again. Leona frowned, looking at his face that popped out of nowhere. Since when did he get here? I didn’t notice at all. ‘I need to grow quickly.’ Leona flashed her eyes and didn’t forget to stare at Xeros.
“Is that expression part imperial tradition? I get hurt when I’m stared at like a bug.”
He quickly looked at Leona with red eyes. His eyes were too big and elongated, but it was an uncomfortable gaze because he had tears threatening to fall out of his eyes . He was a beautiful man who had always been looked at in his life. From small children to elderly people who are 80 years old.
“I came to see you.”
The three-year-old princess was determined.
“You’re really too much.”
Tch. Xeros clicked his tongue and removed his body from the wall.
“Before I go back, I came because I was curious.”
Leona raised her eyes.
“What’s the princess’ identity?”
“Are you going to give me something if i tell you?”
Xeros burst into laughter and stood in front of Leona.
“So, I’ll try to stay by your side and support you.”
He knelt down on one knee, reaching eye level with Leona and smiles at ease. A luscious laughter flowed out.
“That’s why It’s good if you get to know me in the meantime.”
Leona tilted her head to one side and frowned.
“I don’t do things like that. I’m not going to play with you.”
“Is that so?”
Xeros smiled and grabbed Leona’s hand. Still a child’s hand, however, he moved carefully and smoothly, as if dealing with a grown woman.
“Im sure the princess will come to like me.”
so his pure golden eyes sparkled brightly.
“Please take care from me.”
Xeros grabbed Leona’s hand and shook hands. It was then. The door to the terrace opened. It was Cage. She looked alternately at Leona standing far away and Zeros holding her hand.
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“······Intruder.” Cage’s sword flies through the air before Xeros shoutsXeros could even shout that it’s not like that.
Anyways, here are some behind the scenes of how my tl was going. Xeros is a lil horny but I don’t hate him for that honestly.