“Wow, you’re still here!”
My joy was due to a big pine tree, where I used to take a nap when I wanted to escape from the world.
I passed my hand over the surface, as if greeting an old friend and apologizing for not having come to visit him for a long time.
In this pine tree, a thirteen year old Ira in love decided that it would be perfect to carve the initials of what for her was the love of her life.
“R + I”
Locked in a heart…
“What a shame…” I murmured bitterly.
How did I think this was a good idea?
“Well, anyway, it’s good to see you again, old friend. Did you miss me?”
I gently caressed the tree once more.
I sighed and sat on the grass, my back to the trunk.
It’s good to be back, in my little sanctuary.
I smiled and looked about me, when I was sad or happy I came here, because I had been living in the imperial room for nearly twelve years and I was tired of having to be perfect all the time.
I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh.
I wanted to enjoy this moment.
Then I opened my eyes and looked at the bracelet on my wrist.
It was one of Elpine’s gifts this morning.
I raised my arm and looked at the jewelry hanging from the end of the bracelet in the sunlight.
“It looks so much more beautiful when the light reflects off the jewelry…”
I stood up from the ground and stretched my arm out to the sky, watching the bracelet glow beautifully. The pearls were smooth and shiny.
“I don’t think this bracelet was cheap, how could Elpine afford it?”
Isn’t this too expensive?
I love my brother, but I know him, his salary would never be enough to pay for something like this.
I pursed my lips slightly and looked at the beautiful red jewel hanging in the middle.
It was my favorite part of the bracelet.
“I don’t think it’s a ruby.”
I frowned and began to look at the jewel three times, as if it were a real appraiser.
“What kind of gemstone are you?”
*N/T: The gem is Tourmaline, however its red variety is known as Rubellite
I completely froze.
That voice… no… please don’t.
“It’s Rubellite, I guess Elpine didn’t tell you.”
I looked back and was as surprised as I was terrified that I wanted to scream, but contrary to all my thoughts…I ended up on the floor.
I could feel my cheeks turning a deep red color.
But what a fool…
I was so surprised that I couldn’t scream, I just jumped and fell straight to the ground.
“Are you all right?”
I had my eyes closed and refused to open them, what a shame…
But when I got up the courage, repeating in my head that it was just a nightmare, I opened my eyes.
You were as beautiful as I remembered you, with your golden hair, as bright as the sun, your incomparable black eyes, your thick lips, your sharp jaw…
The face that drove me completely crazy.
I stood there, on the floor, with his arms around my body.
My unrequited love…
The man whose initial I carved into the pine tree next to mine and the owner of this country in the next few hours.
Rubellus Jahad.
Should I call you king?
But I couldn’t say anything.
I was too ashamed.
I wanted to ask you what you were doing here, when your coronation was in a few minutes…
But then I started thinking, it was me who was trespassing on the royal family’s property…
I swear I was about to pass out right there.
What a fool you are, Ira! Did you have to trespass? You fool!
I felt my lips dry from my nervousness and unconsciously ran my tongue through them.
That’s when something strange happened.
His eyes fell on my lips.
I thought it was a mistake, but you didn’t look away and a slight hope came into my being, until I felt you squeeze my arms tightly.
Are you angry? Are you?
During my twelve years with him, I’ve never seen him angry, but I could be this time…
I’m scared.
What if he’s really angry?
I felt a chill run through me and I started to shake.
That’s when, suddenly, as if you’d woken up, you looked at me.
“Are you cold?”
“Ira, you’re shaking.”
Rubellus headed towards me.
Am I dreaming? This has to be a dream.
My height is up to his chest, and he has to bend his knees to look me in the face.
I’d forgotten we were still on the ground…
“I’m fine, I’m fine.”
I held my breath, knowing that the familiar smell he was emanating was driving me crazy, for a moment I thought I’d enjoy it just a little. But then I realized that’s something the old Ira would do, so I held back.
But I couldn’t help but remember when I heard that the most famous head of government in the empire had created a unique fragrance to commemorate the prince’s sixteenth birthday, so I secretly got the Rubellus perfume.
When I slept I used to spray my pillowcase without anyone knowing, and I imagined what, if one day you embraced me, I would feel that particular smell.
“You’re wearing a very light dress and it’s starting to get cold, let me help you…”
He murmured softly as he held me in his arms and helped me up from the ground. I could feel when he put his arm around my back, it was as if all my dreams came true…
Come on, Ira! Snap out of it!
“I’m fine!”
My body reacted and I got as far away from it as I could.
Oh, Ira, come on, breathe, it’s all right…
“I’m glad you’re okay.”
He smiled sweetly at me, and did not seem to mind my strange behavior and disrespect for the future Emperor of this nation.
I smiled back, but it seemed more like a quivering smile than a smile itself.
I wish I could smile naturally, but now my facial muscles were out of control.
“I’m sorry if I surprised you.”
He spoke again and his voice was so soft…
I nodded, looking at him, clumsily hiding my bracelet.
“I’m sorry to be here, it was very disrespectful, I’ll go back to the palace” I muttered, as I prepared to run away from him.
“Oh, you don’t have to worry, it makes me happy you’re here.”
Mom, Dad, all the education you invested in me went to shit. I was crying on the inside. So many years of etiquette training and proper ladylike behavior, I just threw them out the window.
But Rubellus smiled.
You just disrespected him, screaming, yelling, and he… smiled.
“I just wanted to tell you that the jewel on your bracelet was Rubellite.”
I opened my mouth to speak, but suddenly my vocal cords were dry.
I laughed awkwardly and nodded my head up and down. Rubelus continued, smiling, as if amused.
“My mother told me that she took my name from the jewel, so it’s quite meaningful to me.”
Read Latest Chapters at wuxiaworld.eu
Oh I see.
I don’t know why you’re telling me all this, but I’m nodding my head.
I wanted to laugh like a smart, well-behaved lady, but my facial muscles wouldn’t move.
I just hope I get out alive…
Release (4/5)