Tensei Ouji Wa Daraketai Chapter 1.3

I’ll try to make this part longer, hopefully I’ll manage to finish it before September… This is 3x the length of the previous two parts.. After this part, part 4 will be the last for chapter 1. It will most likely be of the same length as this part.
Status: Will edit tomorrow
Next>> Damn, if I knew, I would’ve done as I pleased a bit more.
I wonder what that grandfather thinks of my death ? Did he feel that it was a bit lonely ?
Hmmー …… I can’t imagine it.
「I told you so, he’s such a ridiculous inconvenience !」Or so he would probably say.
However, right now, there is no way to confirm it.
Anyways, I have reincarnated as prince Phil in this world.
Even though I say that, I only remembered just now. I even forgot that I had a previous life.
Or rather, I got dragged in with a clumsy maid and rolled down my house’s stairs, and I may not have remembered it if I didn’t hit my head.
I stare at the beautiful blond boy who is looking at me in worry.
I was confused at first, but I also remembered him.
He is my eldest brother, Alphonse; this kingdom’s crown prince.
Don’t forget your older brother ? No no, it can’t be helped. At any rate, it was just now that I became* Phil. Alphonse-niisan lives in a foreign school’s dormitory, that’s why we’re not currently living together.
* it says “フィルに物心がついたの”, I figured it meant that he “just became Phil” rather than “just possessed” him…
My brother is 14 years old. Is it because there is an eleven year difference between us ? He is very affectionate to me. Even though studying abroad must be difficult, during  his long holidays, he visits me everyday in my room to play with me. He’s a gentle older brother.
Ahー …… Though, I wonder if I’m too cute.
When I didn’t have my previous life’s memories, it seemed like the normal thing that’s why I didn’t think anything about it. Whether I stood up, sat down, or ate rice. No matter what I did, I was praised without reserve.
Stupid …… Ah, sorry, is brother stupid I wonder? He just has an absurd brother complex filter.
「Alphonse-niisama, is Aria safe ?」
Even though it felt out of place that a child’s sweet* voice came out of my mouth, I ask a question that I am concerned about.
* This was “甘ったるい” which can mean sugary, mushy, sugar-sweet..😂 My god, I just went with sweet
Aria Cartani is a natural air head and a clumsy maid. She is also the cause of me falling down the stairs.
Even though she is past 30, she has a baby face and one can only see her as a 20 year old maiden. She is beautiful and pretty, gentle, soft, and soothing. She is liked by everyone in the castle, including me.
However, there are various theories about her natural airhead and clumsiness. Things like crushing the door knob rendering her unable to leave the room, or mistaking the meeting place and waiting there for five hours. They are a normal occurrence in her daily routine,
This time’s accident was caused by her falling down the stairs while we were holding hands.
That’s why I refused to hold hands ……
「It’s dangerous if you fall~」
Or so she said nonchalantly, and caught the me who was trying to escape.
Even though I was young, I guessed it was dangerous to hold hands with Aria. How admirable, my three year old self! Well, even if a child struggles, he wouldn’t be able to match an adult ……
I regret giving up my struggles at that time. Oh, but since I remembered my previous life, can I say that it was good ?
No ! No no no, if you make a small mistake then you die. Even now my head really hurts.
「Aria doesn’t have any significant injuries. When you fell down the stairs, it seems you shielded her. So she only got a sprain and a bruise」
「Is that so ?」
My memory of that time is vague, but it’s good that it’s nothing big. I mean, for a child to save an adult, isn’t it a good job ?
「As expected of Phil. You’re awesome!」
Alphonse-niisan squished my cheeks and praised me.
Oh noー, it started again. This person, I wonder if he thinks I’m a dog or something. This is how his method of praise feels like.
「Preej shtop」
t/n: My cheeks hurt since I was stretching them hard trying to get this right.. Then I realized that his cheeks were being squeezed not stretched…
The difference in physique due to the 11 year age gap is huge. Even though I tried to stop his squeezing and squishing, it was an impossible task.
「Phil sure is cute~」
Squishsquishsquishsquish ……
I gave up on resisting, and I look towards older brother with eyes that are full of dissatisfaction.
He didn’t notice it at all though !
「Nii-sama, Phil doesn’t like this. He’s sick of it so stop right there and give him to me」
The one who rebuked brother was Stella the Eldest daughter. It seems she has received news that I woke up.
She is a beautiful girl with silver hair and purple eyes, at 13 years of age she already has flirty sex appeal*.
* I don’t know it feels wrong to say that about a thirteen year old… It says “十三歳ですでに儚げな色気を漂わせている” please tell me if I mistranslated 🙏
Among us siblings she is an equal to Alphonse-niisan and the only one who can comment on his behavior, I think she is the person that one shouldn’t be taken lightly the most.
I wonder what I should say. There are times when the eyes don’t smile even when one is smiling. Ah, it’s a bit scary when used at the critical moment.
「That’s it ! It’s my usual habit !」
Alphonse-niisan quickly noticed, then he swiftly let go of his hands that were squishing my cheeks.
Alphonse-niisan too. He’s supposed to be the elegant and respectable crown prince but, I personally think he’s a bit disappointing as a person.
「I heard that you woke up but, are you okay, Phil?」
「Is it no longer painful?」
Two heads appeared next to me, they were the second son Hubert and the second daughter Leila.
All my siblings were present, so I moved to the edge of the bed so that talking would be easier. As I sit on the bed, Stellneesan hung a gown on my shoulders.
As expected, I’m quite perceptive and gentle huh.
「Thank you very much. Stellanesama」
When I thanked her, Stellneesan replied with a smile .
「Hubert-niisama, Leilanesama, my head still hurts but it’s okay」
Hubert-niisan and the others smiled when I turned around, the two then loosened their face in relief.
「Saving Aria was a splendid act as a male, but it seems you lack physical strength. I will train you in preparation for next time」
Hubert-niisan who was broadly smiling and laughing rolled up his sleeves to display his strength.
When I saw that my face stiffened^.
^put image
It’s his principle of muscle supremacy, he always excessively encourages people to train hard.
I can imagine this older brother suddenly becoming a macho at 12, I definitely believe that he’ll be a gori-macho^ in the future.
^Gori-macho = Gorilla macho.. As macho as a gorilla I guess?
Even though he’s blond haired, blue eyed, and has the same facial features as Alphonse-niisan, the impression he gives off is completely different.
The person himself also leaves things that require using his head to older brother, and he says that he wants to become a military general. The possibility of him becoming a gori-macho are exceptionally high.
Even I don’t want my stomach to become flabby. However, I want to restrain myself from becoming a gori-macho .
If anything, I hope I can get supple muscles like Alphonse-niisan’s. I believe it’s enough to train to a certain degree of self-defense.
Come to think of it, during my previous life, I used to go to an old martial arts dojo that was in my neighborhood up until my first year of middle school. I had to stop going when I was taken to my grandfather’s house though.
Hand-to-hand, edged tools, even firearms, I could make full use of various ancient martial arts fighting techniques. Among them, the one that fit my personality best was Jiu-Jitsu^. Its main point is not to win through pure force, it aims to use the opponent’s strength to knock him down; it is a martial art that is similar to Aikado^.
^ If you’re interested, you can look into this martial arts technique here:
^ Aikado:
Even in this country, there are many people like Hubert-niisan who think that power is strength, Jiu-Jitsu would be compatible with such opponents. I somehow remember the standard form, so I’ll incorporate it as light morning exercise and see how it goes.
Training together with Hubert-niisan …… I refuse.
I will definitely undergo a soldier’s survival training. This sports-oriented mood, I can’t keep up with such a mentality.
But not knowing what I’m feeling, Hubert-niisan brings his face close to me.
「What do you think ! Phil, would you like us to train together ?」
Whoaー, it’s his usual hot-bloodedness.
While I was thinking of how to refuse, Leilneesan came in between us.
「Hubert-niisama, that absolutely cannot happen ! For Phil to be buff and muscley. I can’t accept it !」
「What are you saying ? muscles are justice !」
「I already gave-up on Hubert-niisama. Please do as you like. But, Phil is not allowed ! It would be bad if Phil became muscly !」
Are they having such a conversation while imagining my future body figure ? Leilneesan yelled「Aaaaah ! 」and held her head.
Leilneesan who will become 9 years old is the elder sister who is closest to me in age.
With vertically curled hair and lime-green eyes. She has a bit of an unyielding character but she’s quite charming and one can’t hate her. Leilneesan is a perfect reflection of my inner image of a princess.
「For such an angel to become all muscles. It is absolutely impermissible」
Saying that, she hugs me and squeezes me tightly.
It hurts. I’m glad that she’s stopping Hubert-niisan though. Still, my entire body is full of bruises, so please stop tightening your hold on me.
「That’s right, that must be absolutely prevented ! Just leave Phil as he is」
Alphonse-niisan hugs me tightly as well.
Next>> footnotes