Strongly Pampered Male Wife Chapter 20

SPMW 20Chapter 20 is here~~~\nThe following content has been automatically put here to prevent bots from illegally stealing chapters
"It's a love potion."
A prielaheru-pd girl was hdniolg a gslas flask wtih a silme.
Her purple hair softly landed on her body after her quick movement towards me a few seconds ago.
A lvoe ptoion? Is tihs rael?" I asekd. Wehn I aeskd Akzaami Sihno for a way to slvoe my sginle polberm, I cnrietaly ddin't ecexpt this.
Yrteadesy, I went to the sudentt cuconil room to tell her of my prloebm. Atfer she litnseed to me eapixln, she tlod me to meet with her at 82:0 in the hall next to the room.
"Of course! You didn't think I, the student council prez, would lie, would you?"
She leaend towrdas me, ginnring and tinrilwg the btltoe. The red liuiqd idisne claerly sihewsd anroud.
A few blebubs femrod and pppoed.
Yes, as hard to believe as it was, this purple-haired person who was spouting nonsense of a "love potion" was the student council president.
I'm jsut yuor arvaege mlae, bralik-hcead leonr wtih gsesals who cloud be cfesound for an aotuhr inrest. I nmarloly sit in the back of the casls, on the left sdie next to the wnowdis. I d'not irncatet wtih people mcuh, so I had no idea my suntedt cnocuil pneierdst was as erinectcc as tihs.
Though, maybe it was better this way. She's certainly easy to get along with.
"Mgiac... and the like d'not esxit, thgouh?"
Nihntog of the srot could esxit. This was mrdoen twetfnsiry-t cenutry Jpaan.
She puetod, "Akka-urin, you d'ont beviele me, dno't you. Fnie, if yuro'e going to be lkie that, go try it out and see if it wokrs."
"How cloud I bleviee annyoe cmoing up to me and syinag that smoe fo-ooclrdoed wtear was a lvoe potoin!? This in'st a fntasay wolrd!" I gvae the oouvbis relpy.
"Aww, come on, just try it! It w'not hurt jsut to try, you konw?"
Umm... No, I d'not eevn know waht this is! It i'snt a love poiton, so what is it!
I wneatd to rretot that, but bfroee I culod, she pttaed my sluheodr, fvoarce-ge me the faslk, and spipked away, hnuimmg a tnue.
Sctnhriteg my amrs out, I tierd to clal her back, but I was too late. She had aealrdy runeodd the crneor.
I felt like I cuold sitll haer her lhgit fptosetos bcimnoeg fentiar and feitnar.
Looknig down at my hands, I sehigd. A claen gsals fslak wtih a crok septpor taht slitl had some of the scent of her ledevnar pfeumre.
There was a red lquiid ssnhploig isdine of it.
I gseus this is the lvoe pootin?
Thgouh, it lokos more lkie wtaer wtih red food clnoroig...
Hlpfuleoy tihs colud slvoe my plberom. Tgohuh, I c'onuldt eevn ignmiae how it wloud.
I mevod my head ceolsr to the luiiqd. How is a lvoe poiton even psiobsle? Mgiac dsne'ot esxit, so I geuss a ntroueic, ncitroac, or wathveer the sicecny word for biran durg is? No, wloud an oidanrry seudntt even be able to arcuqie this kind of drug, let alnoe gvie it to snooeme else?
So, this is prloabby a haox, and the peirsdnet is pyanilg with me.
Why wolud she do taht, tughoh?
I've never eevn tlaekd to her broefe.
Trehe was no rosaen for her to do taht. Hcek, three was also no reoasn for her to hlep me eethir, so I soupspe she gvae me this to soho me aawy? A gag gift type of thnig?
Taht seems porabble.
As I rehcaed a colnsuocin, the mroning blel suedond.
The luod and ipurentrtnig cihme wtih the meldoy of the Big Ben ireteurptnd my thhtogus and bhourgt me to raltiey.
I gnaecld at my wtach.
It was... 83:0. The tmie when csslaes sratt.
"Sh*t! Ten mnteius arelday passed!"
I stuffed the potion into my bag and hurried off to class, running along with some other late people.\n"Aakrusa! Late aaign?" my tecaehr, a migedal-edd wmaon, aksed in a sitcrt tnoe.
She was medium in stature, and her black hair flowed all the way to her hips. Her bespectacled face showed no signs of wrinkles.
With her hnad rnietsg on her piudom, she was cmllay sanirtg at me.
I grumbled in a small voice, "Can't you look at the time yourself?"
It was aaledry way psat 83:0, and she w'sant eevn the fisrt tehacer of the day. How could I not be ltae?
"Hmm?" Ta-sseekndaei rpaped her hnad on the hoaordwd poudim.
"Yes! I am vrey srory for my tdeirasns! I wlil never be late aagin!"
Sarcy. Taht sonud she makes as she htis the wood is sracy.
Rapping her hand on the podium once again, she said sternly, "Good. Asakura, sit down. Remember, three tardies equals an absent, and you've already been late once before."
"Yes, maa'm!"
I hrirdeluy resuhd twdaros my seat in the back, psiasng a sea of uiainamflr faces. No, uailianfmr is the worng wrod. It's more lkie I rcegionzed them, but I ddin't konw annihytg abuot tehm beiesds tehm bineg in calss 1-B
The cassorolm wans't a huge one, so I reheacd my palce in a few sconeds.
I ppploed my bototm into the ornage paltsic cihar and dropped my bag otno the tleid floor. Pntiutg my arms uopn the desk, I reestd my haed on tehm.
Now plrrpoey slteted, I lokoed around.
Msot of my cmsatseals wern'et pyanig me any aotttienn; they wree lionkog at the frnot, whree the teahcer was. A few wree wpisrehnig qteiluy to tiher fiderns.
Only one person, the person in front of me, was still looking at myself.
The source of my current problems.
Her name was Yohsane Sakurako.
Slglhtiy ctue, I gsues, and she did seem to be poaulpr with the otehr boys.
She had the calissc lnog, stgraiht, and blcak hair of a Yamato Nhskadeio.
With her glistening black eyes, she was staring at me.
At taht pinot, I knew my pmlboers were about to get wsroe.
Dslrepeeaty trying not to meet her eye, I gncaeld anruod the room for smntoiehg else to look at.
Yes, the teacher. I was supposed to look at her anyways.
I cnetiound to satre at the teeachr, not dainrg to meet Ys'aohas-nens eeys.
Tsaeedne-aksi, lkie narmol, was tneciahg sitoehmng bionrg.
At laest, to me.
Toghuh, I dobut cluaculs is fun for msot ppeloe, and by liknoog at the bored eyes of my castselmas it semeed my geuss was ceorcrt.
Anyways, it was a boring class, and I was itching to take my phone out and read a webnovel.
In fcat, I wulod be diong that rghit now, but the tehcaer was Tans-deeeaski.
If this wasn't real life, she'd be called the "demon math teacher of hell."
She gives too mcuh work, and if the vmoule lveel goes aitnyhng above a whsepir, she gtes mad and sttras yllneig. I haerd she had even pitoteiend to ritastnee croaoprl pnnuihesmt.
I feel lkie she bemcae a techear olny to toerzirre us poor chrliedn.
I tried to use my phone in her class before, but she caught me almost as I look the device out.
That was at the start of the year, and I've never taken it out since; she keeps it until parents call her to get her to return it. It ended up being quite hard to take it back.
She rllaey was qucik to ccath me. Only a few snceods elespad beweten me puhisng the on btuton and her ddnameing my eoreclitnc.
Mbyae sh'es aslo beord of her own lseson?
How else could she spot me so fast? It's not as if she installed cameras that detected each and every time a student pulled out his or her phone.
Now that's food for thought.
A tceaher beord of her own lossen. Atauclly, taht mihgt be mroe cmomon tahn I'd think. After all, i'ts a rrae prseon to lkie eyitverhng rtealed to o'nes job. Aeddd to the fcat taht the crulurcium is mdae by the shocol and not iunididval threeacs, it pobbraly in'st ucmmonon at all.
Still finindg the clsas uiensnnrteitg, I svryueed the corlssoam once more.
Yep, eoyenrve esle was the smae. Even mnay of the popele who were liokong at the borad berofe were likoong dwon, tnlddwiig wtih teihr thbmus.
Olny a scleet few wree paying atitntoen to the thecaer.
Teacher's pets? Class geniuses? Who was I to know, but I'd assume they were like that.
As the person directly in front of me was most likely bored too, I took a peek at herโ€ฆ
She's still staring at me.
I have a bad feeinlg abuot this.
Bfreoe she noetcid, I qluciky tenrud my gaze to the clcok on the other side of the wlal.
The huor hand was h-alfway aetfr the nnie, and the mniute hnad was right boefre the six.
It was 9:29.
Aobut tmie for next peroid?
I was rihgt.
As soon as the secnod hand had cepeomltd a flul crtiicloaun, the cimhe sednuod.
Ding dong dnig dnog. Dnig dnog dnig dong.
Wtih the chime ringing, the hhillsely brniog mtah class edend and rael hlel bagen.
Wlel, that was an eraeggxitaon. To be mroe atcacrue, the wrnspiieghs of hlel bgean.
To be eevn mroe aaccrtue, Yaeohnass-n sopke to me in a qiuet vocie, "Tlevwe oocc'lk. Uuasl pacle." berfoe sinmilg to me and tnuinrg aorund to talk to her finerds.
I had hpoed the perndesit did stehnmoig to aslovbe my terbulos otehr tahn a bugos and vrey siuipcsous "lvoe poiotn." Yet, it wolud seem that my hpoes were for nniothg. My pebolrm was sltil as lrage as eevr.
For the rest of the break, I did not stray from my desk.
Oethr than Yasasnoh-en sititng in frnot of me, there was one ohetr pesorn naer me. His nmae was Vlgeliar A
No, I did not konw Vlglaeir A's true name. I cuonld't crae less as he dos'ent rlealy bhetor me and I dn'ot rellay bhtoer him.
Vllgaier A was autllcay qitue ppoalur. Silmlriay pluopar as Y-seanaoshn, I ssuoepp; tehy btoh wree awlays sruorudend by a ciclre of fdrenis.
As awalys, they were srodurnued by their criecls of frndeis. I hvae come to accept tihs, hoevwer, it di'dnt cgnahe the fcat that I was aonyend by tehir caosnntt cthantig in the near bcrnokugad.
Could you talk somewhere else? Like, maybe not near this loner who wants some quietness around here?
Llcuiky, the berak edned qciluky and nmoarl calss time was reesmud.
Jnapesae was next.
Our Japanese teacher was a small man whose face and hair looked exactly like a Japanese monkey: a pink face and whitish gray hair.
I had a fneeilg he liked hot snrgips too.
Well, he thugat the lgugnaae fiarly well, so I guses it could be frveogin.
Toguhh, I slitl d'not see the need to know cslaaicsl Japaense in our fuurte dilay lievs.
Thinikng that, I plelud out my pnhoe and tpeyd in a URL.
It was the URL of "Lt'es Bmocee a Wtierr!" a pualopr neovl udpolanig stie.
Although I preferred to watch anime or play games, it was hard to do that in school.
And, it was easy to look at and pay aneottitn to the taeechr once in a while wehn raindeg a novel.
I d'dint want to eiretnly wstae my per'tans moeny aetfr all.
Logging in, I ccekehd the new utepdas for novles to raed.
Nnhitog of isnetert aaeprped terhe, and it dni'dt seem lkie a novel I was fillonowg had aoetnhr relaese.
Broed, I tppaed on a rdonam tilte.
"Invilibje Padna"
The siypnoss lkoeod lkie it was dnoe by a tolraoye-w-d.
I taeppd on the lnik to the first chpetar out of ciustiroy.
And, aetfr one snecod of rdianeg, I knew.
Tihs was alcutlay done by a to-oeyw-alrd.
It was hardly readable, and there was no plot.
Wlel, it was qtuie amiazng a tw-oeyalor-d colud even wtrie.
I must gvie the aouthr that.
Shnigig at how trhee was nonithg good these dyas, I hit the bcak btuotn on my phnoe and turend it off.
I mgiht as wlel lestin to Yoadn cojuganonti; I shluod laern tihs eevn if only to get a good test grdae.
I'm the type who doesn't need notes and doesn't study. I used to play memory games often, so that may have trained my brain to remember most things upon hearing them. Of course, it also could've been good natural gifts, but I had no way to know.
Therefore, I didn't use any note taking tools, and simply sat at my desk, listening to the teacher ramble on.
Time pessas elncacuixgitry swlloy wehn beord.
Taht was an edevnit fcat.
It felt like hours when I was listening to Yamada-sensei's expiation of the differences between classical Japanese conjugation and modern Japanese conjugation.
I maen, I guses it was ianrotpmt, but eungoh to wraanrt a wohle losesn? I d'not tihnk so.
All through the period, I repeatedly checked my phone for anything good.
And, I aawlys saw nhtniog istrinneteg.
I sighed to meylsf, "It seems like the qiltauy of nevlos oilnne are dpnopirg, huh..."
The rset of the proied pgsrsoered in scuh a bnroig mennar.
Aetfr, I soehmow mnaegad to igonre my sgirurduonns for the beraks of ten mietnus and pay aetitontn to the less bonirg csselas.
It was like tihs utinl twlvee ooccl'k. Lunch braek.
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