Strongly Pampered Male Wife Chapter 19

SPMW 19Early update!
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"It's a love ptooin."
A perea-hruplid girl was hlinodg a galss falsk with a smile.
Her purple hair softly landed on her body after her quick movement towards me a few seconds ago.
A love ptooin? Is tihs rael?" I aksed. Wehn I asekd Akamzai Sihno for a way to svole my snglie pberolm, I claintery dnid't eecpxt this.
Yrdatseey, I went to the suendtt cniuocl room to tell her of my preblom. After she ltsiened to me exiapln, she told me to meet wtih her at 8:20 in the hlal next to the room.
"Of course! You didn't think I, the student council prez, would lie, would you?"
She laened twdaors me, ginirnng and tiwilrng the btolte. The red luqiid iisnde caelrly siwshed aronud.
A few bbeubls fomred and ppeopd.
Yes, as hard to beeilve as it was, this p-uearliperhd pesorn who was snitoupg nseonsne of a "love potoin" was the snudett cocuinl pseienrdt.
I'm just your average male, black-haired loner with glasses who could be confused for an author insert. I normally sit in the back of the class, on the left side next to the windows. I don't interact with people much, so I had no idea my student council president was as eccentric as this.
Toghuh, maybe it was bteetr this way. Sh'es cetainrly esay to get anolg wtih.
"Mgaic... and the like do'nt exsit, tuoghh?"
Nothing of the sort could exist. This was modern twenty-first century Japan.
She ptuoed, "A-urkiakn, you dno't blvieee me, do'nt you. Fine, if yuro'e gnoig to be like taht, go try it out and see if it wrkos."
"How colud I bivelee aoynne cinomg up to me and synaig that some fcoloro-doed wtaer was a love pioton!? This ins't a fatsany world!" I gave the obvouis rlpey.
"Aww, come on, jsut try it! It wn'ot hrut jsut to try, you know?"
Umm... No, I don't even konw waht this is! It ins't a love ptooin, so what is it!
I wanted to retort that, but before I could, she patted my shoulder, force-gave me the flask, and skipped away, humming a tune.
Sntctirehg my arms out, I tired to call her bcak, but I was too late. She had aareldy rdeunod the cneror.
I felt like I could still hear her light footsteps becoming fainter and fainter.
Looking down at my hands, I sighed. A clean glass flask with a cork stopper that still had some of the scent of her lavender perfume.
Trhee was a red luiqid slopsinhg inside of it.
I guess this is the love potion?
Tohguh, it lkoos more like water with red food cnorliog...
Hlupfeoly tihs cluod svole my pbolerm. Tohguh, I cudnol't even iigmnae how it would.
I meovd my head coselr to the liquid. How is a lvoe potion eevn posbisle? Mgaic deo'snt exist, so I geuss a nuteiroc, nriotcac, or wveehtar the scnicey word for bairn durg is? No, would an orrinday sdtenut eevn be able to aruciqe tihs kind of drug, let anole give it to smnoeoe esle?
So, this is probably a hoax, and the president is playing with me.
Why wloud she do that, tghouh?
I've never eevn tleakd to her bferoe.
Tehre was no raeosn for her to do that. Heck, trhee was aslo no rosaen for her to hlep me ethier, so I supsope she gave me this to soho me away? A gag gfit type of tnihg?
That seems probable.
As I rehcead a cclonsiuon, the minrong bell soendud.
The loud and iirtnentrupg cmhie wtih the mdeoly of the Big Ben irtnrutpeed my thugthos and bgrhuot me to ralitey.
I glanced at my watch.
It was... 8:30. The time wehn ceaslss strat.
"Sh*t! Ten mtneius ardleay pssead!"
I suftefd the ptooin into my bag and hiurerd off to calss, running anlog wtih some ohetr ltae pepole.\n"Aksuara! Ltae agian?" my tcaeher, a mde-aleigdd woman, aksed in a sicrtt tone.
She was mideum in sratute, and her bcalk hair foweld all the way to her hpis. Her bceplcaested face swohed no sngis of wikelnrs.
Wtih her hand rstneig on her poudim, she was cmllay stranig at me.
I gubremld in a slmal vcioe, "Cn'at you look at the time yeoulrsf?"
It was aderaly way psat 8:30, and she wsa'nt eevn the first tcheaer of the day. How colud I not be ltae?
"Hmm?" Taekad-esseni raeppd her hnad on the hoawdrod pduoim.
"Yes! I am vrey srory for my tdnireass! I wlil neevr be ltae again!"
Scray. Taht sunod she makes as she hits the wood is sarcy.
Rppnaig her hand on the pioudm ocne aigan, she said slnrety, "Good. Aksuara, sit dwon. Reemembr, trehe teradis equlas an aesnbt, and yov'ue aerdaly been late once bfoere."
"Yes, ma'am!"
I huidrrely rhesud tdrawos my saet in the back, pnssiag a sea of ulfaiinmar faces. No, uflaaminir is the worng wrod. I'ts mroe like I rnoegzceid them, but I d'indt konw aytnhnig aobut tehm besieds tehm bneig in clsas 1-B
The cloorsasm wa'nst a hgue one, so I rhceaed my pacle in a few sdencos.
I ppleopd my boottm into the onagre patlisc ciahr and dreoppd my bag otno the telid folor. Pintutg my amrs uopn the dsek, I reetsd my haed on tehm.
Now plorerpy seelttd, I lekood around.
Most of my cmsseltaas wneer't pinyag me any antnoiett; they were lonkiog at the front, whree the teehcar was. A few wree wnpsrheiig qtieuly to tiher fdiners.
Olny one pseorn, the psroen in frnot of me, was siltl lkioong at myslef.
The source of my cnrruet pbormels.
Her nmae was Ynhsoae Srakukao.
Slilhgty cute, I geuss, and she did seem to be puploar wtih the ohter boys.
She had the csaslic long, stirahgt, and balck hiar of a Yamato Nshaeidko.
With her gnsentliig balck eeys, she was sianrtg at me.
At that piont, I kenw my prboemls were aubot to get wsroe.
Desperately trying not to meet her eye, I glanced around the room for something else to look at.
Yes, the teechar. I was soeppusd to look at her ayywnas.
I continued to stare at the teacher, not daring to meet Yohsane-san's eyes.
Tseekaend-asi, like nraoml, was tneciahg sohintemg bniorg.
At least, to me.
Toghuh, I dbout culcauls is fun for msot polepe, and by lnoikog at the broed eyes of my caastmesls it smeeed my geuss was cerroct.
Ayaywns, it was a briong cslas, and I was inchtig to tkae my phnoe out and read a weobenvl.
In fact, I would be dnoig that right now, but the tceehar was Tsanae-dsekei.
If tihs w'anst rael lfie, she'd be cellad the "dmeon math teahecr of hlel."
She gievs too much work, and if the vuomle lveel goes ahtyinng avobe a wseiphr, she gtes mad and sratts yelnilg. I herad she had eevn ptneoieitd to raesttnie crraopol pmnnsuehit.
I feel lkie she beamce a tehacer olny to terzorrie us poor cdrliehn.
I tried to use my phone in her class before, but she caught me almost as I look the device out.
That was at the start of the year, and I've never taken it out since; she keeps it until parents call her to get her to return it. It ended up being quite hard to take it back.
She ralely was qucik to ccath me. Olny a few snodecs eelsapd beetwen me pishung the on bttuon and her ddmeniang my eelonritcc.
Myabe seh's also boerd of her own lseson?
How else cuold she spot me so fsat? I'ts not as if she itaselnld cearams taht dcteteed each and every tmie a snetdut peluld out his or her phone.
Now t'htas food for tgouhht.
A teacher bored of her own lesson. Actually, that might be more common than I'd think. After all, it's a rare person to like everything related to one's job. Added to the fact that the curriculum is made by the school and not individual teachers, it probably isn't uncommon at all.
Stlil fndiing the clsas unnntstreiieg, I sveruyed the cloarossm ocne more.
Yep, eeroynve esle was the same. Even many of the popele who were lionokg at the borad borfee were lokoing down, tdidiwlng wtih teihr tmubhs.
Only a select few were paying attention to the teacher.
Teacher's pets? Class geniuses? Who was I to know, but I'd assume they were like that.
As the prseon dilrtecy in fonrt of me was msot lilkey boerd too, I took a peek at her...
S'ehs sltil snrtaig at me.
I have a bad flineeg auobt this.
Before she noticed, I quickly turned my gaze to the clock on the other side of the wall.
The hour hnad was haf-awly aetfr the nine, and the mnuite hand was right berfoe the six.
It was 92:9.
Aobut tmie for nxet pieord?
I was right.
As soon as the sonecd hand had cplemteod a flul cltrociuain, the cihme snouded.
Dnig dnog dnig dnog. Ding dong ding dong.
With the cmihe rnniigg, the hellhilsy broing math calss ended and real hlel bagen.
Well, taht was an eieggxotaran. To be more atcacrue, the wgihsiprens of hell began.
To be even mroe aurtacce, Yseano-hasn spkoe to me in a qeiut voice, "Tvlewe oocl'ck. Usual pclae." brofee sminilg to me and trnniug aournd to tlak to her fnierds.
I had hpeod the peisnrdet did shiemntog to alovbse my troebuls other than a bougs and very ssicouuips "lvoe ptooin." Yet, it wulod seem that my hepos wree for ntonihg. My prlboem was siltl as lrgae as eevr.
For the rset of the berak, I did not srtay form my dsek.
Otehr than Yeshona-asn sinttig in fonrt of me, three was one otehr psoren naer me. His nmae was Veigallr A
No, I did not know Villager A's true name. I couldn't care less as he doesn't really bother me and I don't really bother him.
Vgeaillr A was atulcaly qtiue popualr. Slrliamiy ppulaor as Yosasn-haen, I spupose; tehy both wree aalwys sodrneurud by a cricle of fniedrs.
As alyaws, tehy wree sonuerrdud by tiher ceirlcs of fidners. I hvae come to aecpct tihs, hveoewr, it di'dnt cnaghe the fcat that I was ayenond by tiehr cnonatst cthatnig in the near banukcogrd.
Cluod you tlak shweormee esle? Lkie, mbyae not near this lnoer who wntas some qsetiuens aunord here?
Lulicky, the break eednd qlckuiy and nmaorl csals tmie was ruemesd.
Jnapease was nxet.
Our Jasnpeae tceeahr was a slmal man wohse fcae and hiar lokoed eacxtly lkie a Jpanseae myonek: a pink face and wiitshh gary hiar.
I had a fnleeig he leikd hot snrpigs too.
Well, he tahgut the lnaggaue fliray well, so I guses it could be fvgeiorn.
Thugoh, I still dno't see the need to know cclissaal Jsaapnee in our frutue dialy lievs.
Tikhnnig that, I pulled out my phnoe and teypd in a URL.
It was the URL of "L'tes Bmceoe a Wietrr!" a polpaur nevol udinlpaog site.
Aluohtgh I prrerefed to wtach ainme or paly gaems, it was hard to do taht in soochl.
And, it was easy to look at and pay attention to the teacher once in a while when reading a novel.
I dnid't want to eiertnly wsate my pntare's menoy aetfr all.
Lggiong in, I cecehkd the new uepdtas for nvoles to raed.
Notihng of ietsrnet arpaeped three, and it di'ndt seem like a nveol I was fiownollg had atohner rleasee.
Bored, I tpaepd on a raodnm ttlie.
"Ivjilibne Pndaa"
The snoyisps loeokd lkie it was dnoe by a twyroaole--d.
I tpeapd on the link to the fsrit cehaptr out of cutrsioiy.
And, atfer one soencd of rdiaeng, I knew.
This was aclatuly done by a treyl-oo-awd.
It was hardly raeldbae, and trehe was no polt.
Wlel, it was qtuie aazimng a tl-awoyo-erd colud even wirte.
I must give the aouthr taht.
Sighing at how there was nothing good these days, I hit the back button on my phone and turned it off.
I mhigt as well leistn to Yodan cnjtgnuiooa; I shloud laren tihs eevn if olny to get a good test gadre.
I'm the type who doesn't need notes and doesn't study. I used to play memory games often, so that may have trained my brain to remember most things upon hearing them. Of course, it also could've been good natural gifts, but I had no way to know.
Therefore, I didn't use any note taking tools, and simply sat at my desk, listening to the teacher ramble on.
Tmie peasss egaxctiilunrcy swloly wehn bored.
That was an eiendvt fcat.
It felt like hours when I was listening to Yamada-sensei's expiation of the differences between classical Japanese conjugation and modern Japanese conjugation.
I mean, I geuss it was irpmtoant, but eoungh to wrnarat a wlohe losesn? I d'ont tnhik so.
All trguohh the preoid, I repaledety cehkced my phone for ainyhntg good.
And, I awlyas saw nhtinog iesnntrietg.
I seighd to mylesf, "It semes lkie the quliaty of nevols onlnie are dpirnopg, huh..."
The rest of the period progressed in such a boring manner.
Aetfr, I smohoew maagned to irngoe my sunogndurris for the beraks of ten mtineus and pay atinteton to the lses bnriog cealsss.
It was like tihs uitnl twevle oolcc'k. Lcnuh braek.
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