Chapter 139 - Wedding Of The Century (2)

Ch. 139 Wedding Of The Century (2)
Dalgeulag, dalgeulag.
Elena sat in a golden imperial carriage as it bore her towards Bellouet Square. On either side, the streets were lined with revelers tossing flowers towards the golden carriage. Elena waved her hand outside the window, thanking her people.
When she finally arrived at the destination, she was surprised to see the square even more densely packed with people than she expected. It was not difficult to navigate the path as everyone respectfully gave way, but as she looked out to the crowds there hardly seemed to be any place to move.
‘…I know it’s the crown prince’s wedding, but I didn’t realize there would be this many people.’
Sullivan hadn’t made an appearance in a long time due to his illness, but the crowds were a testament to how the people were interested in Carlisle. As soon as she stepped off the golden carriage, she headed towards the bride’s waiting room with a final check on her dress, her bouquet, and to place the veil and tiara on her head.
Her heart thumped wildly in her chest, even though she knew this was a contract marriage.
‘Is it because this is my first time to be married?’
Although this wedding was for show, her thoughts raced through her mind. She wondered what Carlisle was doing at the moment. Superstition in the Ruford Empire had it that the bride and groom should not see each other before entering the wedding hall, otherwise bad luck would befall them. Elena wondered if Carlisle had arrived safely and if his nerves were as stretched as hers was.
It was finally the moment. A uniformed knight came into the waiting room and spoke to one of the maids.
“It’s time now.”
The maid relayed the words to Elena, and she knew it was time to appear on the stage. She gathered herself, and slowly walked out to the aisle.
She could hear cheers in celebration of the day’s wedding, and when she stepped out, everyone’s eyes widened as Elena’s beautiful appearance was revealed. The aisle was carpeted in white, and the first person she came across was her father, Alphord, who was waiting to escort her to Carlisle. Elena took her father’s arm with trembling hands, and walked down the aisle.
Ttogag ttogag.
Classical music began to flow in pace with Elena’s footsteps, and the appearance of the bride brought the guests standing from their seats. The large square was filled with innumerable nobles and envoys from foreign kingdoms. There were also the eyes of countless people watching from outside the plaza. Their breaths were caught at the bride’s stunning appearance…
Carlisle stood below a platform at the end of the aisle. He looked striking in a black suit, the perfect image of a fairy tale groom.
Finally, Elena and her father arrived at before Carlisle.
Alphord spoke in a low voice, slowly handing Elena’s hand to Carlisle.
“I look forward to your kind cooperation, Your Highness.”
Carlisle stared so intently Elena through the veil that she couldn’t help but flush. Then the pair, man and woman, walked together onto the platform. It was so high it took quite some time to reach the top where the officiant was waiting. Meanwhile, Carlisle murmured to Elena from the corner of his mouth.
“You’re more beautiful than I even imagined.”
“Thank you for saying that.”
“They’re not empty words. Sometimes I want to hide you away so only I can only look at you. I can’t bear sharing you with others…”
Elena’s face, stiff from tension, turned red. Those were very sweet words. Perhaps he was saying that today because he knew her heart was shaking.
The wedding was officiated by one of the highest priests on the continent. His white hair, beard, and gentle smile on the corners of his mouth gave him an air of benevolence.
“Before we begin, I would like to congratulate both of you on your marriage. May God bless you and all who are here. Marriage is when a man and woman meet and lead a family—”
Elena was only half-listening to the priest’s words when she glanced at Carlisle, only to see that he was still watching her from the side.
‘Has he been only looking at me since we went down the aisle?’
In her head she couldn’t believe it, but something else told her it was true. She felt a little flustered at his fixed gaze, as if the groom was helpless at the beauty of the bride. Elena felt she could melt from the affection that overflowed from his eyes. After a while, she turned her attention back to the priest.
“Will the groom swear to respect, cherish, and love the bride throughout all his life?”
Carlisle answered the question without any hesitation.
“I swear.”
The fatherly priest then turned towards Elena.
“Now I will ask the bride. Will the bride swear to respect, cherish, and love the groom throughout all her life?”
“I hereby pronounce you man and wife. May God bless you both forever. “
Elena sighed with relief that it was finally over, until the priest spoke for the final time.
“You may have the kiss of oath.”
Elena was so busy preparing for the wedding she had forgotten about the kiss. She looked at Carlisle in surprise, but he was standing before he with a far calmer expression than she expected.
His hands slowly lifted the veil over Elena’s hair. As her face was revealed, a gasp rippled through the guest section. Carlisle’s burning blue eyes slowly approached her. Knowing that this was inevitable, Elena allowed the kiss and closed her eyes tightly.
She felt Carlisle’s lips press heatedly against hers. She had thought it would be a light kiss, and when she thought it was over, Carlisle’s large hand suddenly fastened around Elena’s waist and neck. He kissed her more intensely, almost as if he could devour her, and Elena’s eyes opened in astonishment. Her heart was thumping in her chest, and her world spun.
Finally Carlisle pulled away, and Elena gazed at his slender eyes. She almost felt like her body was completely possessed by his gaze.
‘…My heart is going to burst.’
Kung kung kung kung kung.
The kiss was so breathtaking that she could hear her blood thundering in her ears and feel her mouth tingling.
That was the first kiss she experienced in two lifetimes.
A young man sitting in a guest row blushed as he watched Carlisle and Elena kiss.
“That’s quite heavy.”
His grandfather next to him did not respond, so he spoke again.
“What do you think, grandfather?”
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“This marriage.”
“What do I think? I think that it has nothing to do with us.”
“But if the Crown Prince becomes emperor, won’t the political landscape change?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Harry, the young man who appeared to be in his late teens, was selected as the heir to lead the Kraus family in the future. The old man seated next to him was his paternal grandfather, Count Evans, and the current patriarch of the family. Evans watched Carlisle and Elena disinterestedly.
“It’s all the same, no matter who is emperor.”